By now Christians have to recognize that there is a pogrom against Christians going on in this country. Gays are actively searching out Christian service providers and force them to violate their principles and beliefs. A Christian baker has no business offering wedding cakes as part of their services. Let gays expand their persecution to bakers who don't make wedding cakes at all and force them into labor. When they can't then it will stop.
So stop baking weddings cakes? No one is stopping you. Next up, wedding donuts. Then you can stop baking those as well, and so one, until you bake nothing at all. See ya.

There's a florist in Tucson that put up a pro-Obama sign and then later, added a pro-equality sign. They're business went through the roof.

A lot more people support freedom than bigotry and hate.
Was the cake in the shape of a chocolate covered, slightly bent, cream filled long john?
We aren't interested in your sexual fantasies.
I have this picture of "you" swallowing one whole....
I can't do anything about what fantasies you masturbate to.

Here's real cop and a Marine that should titillate you. Hope this helps!

Does BullKurtzUSMC know about this?

You meant to say 'demanding the same rights as the rest of us enjoy'.

In the context of this thread, they are pushing their "rights" onto someone else.

Nope. My analogy is correct.


Not if the law requires them to bake the frikken cake and not if the law does not state 'except gays'.

The state should not be in the business of trying to force the law to have one right trump another.

This is easily done. Simply say that each side has their own right and move on.


Saying you disagree with a law does not negate that law.

Don't like the law? Work to change it.

Meanwhile, no one has the "right" to decide which laws they will abide by and which they won't.

All of the above is, of course, dependent on what the law actually states.

I can have an opinion without a law change. If we couldn't, then gay rights wouldn't exist, would they?


Absolutely true that you can hold any opinion you want but that's not what you said.

If you don't like the law, work to change it but, until the RWs can get the wording of the Constitution changed to read "except homosexuals", yes, gay rights DO exist.

If you don't want to marry one of your own sex, don't.

Problem solved.
No right should trump any other right.

what chapter and verse in Mark?

Don't tell me you personally sign every one of your posts "Mark" :facepalm: If so, why & where did you pick up that habit? :eusa_eh:

I have been "signing" my posts since I started posting, over 100,000 posts ago. I believe that in the first forum I ever visited, the handle "Mark" was taken. So, I simply picked "80 zephyr" because it was a car I was working on at the time.

I sign my name for two reasons. I want folks to know who they are talking to, and I want them to know my gender.

He'll lose.

Anyone that is attracted to someone of the same gender is the loser.

I've never met more miserable people in my life. There is such a demonic stronghold on people involved with the practice of homosexuality. It's truly sad because wherever you find it you find vile language, enmity, strife, violence, liars, false accusations, judging others, calling evil good and good evil, hatred of God and blasphemers of those who do good,imposing their will on others - you name it - it's there.
But...enough about the church women's league.
Is there any doubt that Nazis and Slavers professed to be Christian and used that to justify their actions?

Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.

Let us know what homosexuals are forcing you to be a homosexual.
No, saying you disagree with a law does not negate that law.

Don't like the law? Work to change it.

Meanwhile, no one has the "right" to decide which laws they will abide by and which they won't.

All of the above is, of course, dependent on what the law actually states.

I know, its this weird religiously based sovereign citizen shit again. Where anyone who is religious should be able to ignore any law that they don't like if they don't agree with it. Where religious belief always trump civil law. But they don't think it through.

As if Christianity trumps civil does Sharia.
An excellent point.
By now Christians have to recognize that there is a pogrom against Christians going on in this country. Gays are actively searching out Christian service providers and force them to violate their principles and beliefs. A Christian baker has no business offering wedding cakes as part of their services. Let gays expand their persecution to bakers who don't make wedding cakes at all and force them into labor. When they can't then it will stop.
So stop baking weddings cakes? No one is stopping you. Next up, wedding donuts. Then you can stop baking those as well, and so one, until you bake nothing at all. See ya.

There's a florist in Tucson that put up a pro-Obama sign and then later, added a pro-equality sign. They're business went through the roof.

A lot more people support freedom than bigotry and hate.

And that's why the majority objects to queer marriage.
By now Christians have to recognize that there is a pogrom against Christians going on in this country. Gays are actively searching out Christian service providers and force them to violate their principles and beliefs. A Christian baker has no business offering wedding cakes as part of their services. Let gays expand their persecution to bakers who don't make wedding cakes at all and force them into labor. When they can't then it will stop.
So stop baking weddings cakes? No one is stopping you. Next up, wedding donuts. Then you can stop baking those as well, and so one, until you bake nothing at all. See ya.

There's a florist in Tucson that put up a pro-Obama sign and then later, added a pro-equality sign. They're business went through the roof.

A lot more people support freedom than bigotry and hate.

And that's why the majority objects to queer marriage.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Is there any doubt that Nazis and Slavers professed to be Christian and used that to justify their actions?

Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.

Let us know what homosexuals are forcing you to be a homosexual.

They are attempting to use the law to force Christians to partake of their sin by selling them a product that is used in the celebration of a marriage God calls sin. A Christian cannot be a part of that. If homosexuals desire to buy a wedding cake for their weddings they can go to a gay bakery. Leave Christian businesses alone.

I'll tell you what will happen out of this, Bodie. Even though you do not believe it. What they are sowing they are going to reap. Everything they are doing is going to come back to them in judgment and then it will be too late to turn it around. How do I know this? Because the Word of God says that God counts it a righteous thing to send tribulation upon those who trouble his children. Don't want trouble with God? Leave his children alone!
Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.


By forcing businesses working in the public sector to not discriminate against them for being that way? Not quite the same thing as forcing a belief on someone.

Since when does "business" invalidate a right? If a person has a right to freedom of religion, he has the right to exercise those beliefs in his day to day life.

He is not infringing on a gay couple by not baking them a cake, but they ARE infringing on his rights by using the force of law to compel him to bake one.

I see only one side here acting like the "Nazi's" people are claiming to see, and it isn't the baker.


Since they passed the anti-discrimination law. Yes, he is discriminating against them by refusing to bake them a cake simply because it will be used in a "Gay Wedding". They are not forcing their belief on him either.

Personally I'd never trust that baker (don't piss off your waiter).

The baker was never called or compared to a Nazi.

And? That "anti-discrimination law" cannot Constitutionally be valid if it try's to supersede other rights.


Other rights?

"Thou Shalt Not Bake Gay Wedding Cakes"

That's one of the commandments Charlton Heston Moses dropped.
Is there any doubt that Nazis and Slavers professed to be Christian and used that to justify their actions?

Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.

Let us know what homosexuals are forcing you to be a homosexual.

They are attempting to use the law to force Christians to partake of their sin by selling them a product that is used in the celebration of a marriage God calls sin. A Christian cannot be a part of that. If homosexuals desire to buy a wedding cake for their weddings they can go to a gay bakery. Leave Christian businesses alone.

I'll tell you what will happen out of this, Bodie. Even though you do not believe it. What they are sowing they are going to reap. Everything they are doing is going to come back to them in judgment and then it will be too late to turn it around. How do I know this? Because the Word of God says that God counts it a righteous thing to send tribulation upon those who trouble his children. Don't want trouble with God? Leave his children alone!
Gay Marriage, more and more, is a legal form of marriage. You don't like certain kinds of marriage? Well duh....don't be in the wedding business.
Is there any doubt that Nazis and Slavers professed to be Christian and used that to justify their actions?

Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.

Let us know what homosexuals are forcing you to be a homosexual.

They are attempting to use the law to force Christians to partake of their sin by selling them a product that is used in the celebration of a marriage God calls sin. A Christian cannot be a part of that. If homosexuals desire to buy a wedding cake for their weddings they can go to a gay bakery. Leave Christian businesses alone.

I'll tell you what will happen out of this, Bodie. Even though you do not believe it. What they are sowing they are going to reap. Everything they are doing is going to come back to them in judgment and then it will be too late to turn it around. How do I know this? Because the Word of God says that God counts it a righteous thing to send tribulation upon those who trouble his children. Don't want trouble with God? Leave his children alone!
You left out "leave his children alone to persecute others."
Is there any doubt that Nazis and Slavers professed to be Christian and used that to justify their actions?

Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.

Let us know what homosexuals are forcing you to be a homosexual.

They are attempting to use the law to force Christians to partake of their sin by selling them a product that is used in the celebration of a marriage God calls sin. A Christian cannot be a part of that. If homosexuals desire to buy a wedding cake for their weddings they can go to a gay bakery. Leave Christian businesses alone.

I'll tell you what will happen out of this, Bodie. Even though you do not believe it. What they are sowing they are going to reap. Everything they are doing is going to come back to them in judgment and then it will be too late to turn it around. How do I know this? Because the Word of God says that God counts it a righteous thing to send tribulation upon those who trouble his children. Don't want trouble with God? Leave his children alone!


What's he gonna do? Give another child leukemia?
By now Christians have to recognize that there is a pogrom against Christians going on in this country. Gays are actively searching out Christian service providers and force them to violate their principles and beliefs. A Christian baker has no business offering wedding cakes as part of their services. Let gays expand their persecution to bakers who don't make wedding cakes at all and force them into labor. When they can't then it will stop.
So stop baking weddings cakes? No one is stopping you. Next up, wedding donuts. Then you can stop baking those as well, and so one, until you bake nothing at all. See ya.

There's a florist in Tucson that put up a pro-Obama sign and then later, added a pro-equality sign. They're business went through the roof.

A lot more people support freedom than bigotry and hate.

And that's why the majority objects to queer marriage.

Among you religious fanatics, yes
In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

When the voters vote for what you want, we are a democracy. When they don't, we aren't.
We are a Democratic Republic. Learn what that is.

And learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Both are very important concepts here.

That has nothing to do with what I said, and the idea that liberals are protecting anyone from the majority is so naive it's just sad.
You don't live in a Democracy. Does that help?

No, you still can't read
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

When the voters vote for what you want, we are a democracy. When they don't, we aren't.
We are a Democratic Republic. Learn what that is.

And learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Both are very important concepts here.

That has nothing to do with what I said, and the idea that liberals are protecting anyone from the majority is so naive it's just sad.
You don't live in a Democracy. Does that help?

No, you still can't read
Oh but I can. What part of you don't get a vote do you not understand?
Is there any doubt that Nazis and Slavers professed to be Christian and used that to justify their actions?

Could be. Now, we have the flip side, do we not? Homosexuals forcing people to follow their beliefs and using law to justify their actions.

Be careful who you "back". They could be the modern day version of slavers and Nazi's.

Let us know what homosexuals are forcing you to be a homosexual.

They are attempting to use the law to force Christians to partake of their sin by selling them a product that is used in the celebration of a marriage God calls sin. A Christian cannot be a part of that. If homosexuals desire to buy a wedding cake for their weddings they can go to a gay bakery. Leave Christian businesses alone.

I'll tell you what will happen out of this, Bodie. Even though you do not believe it. What they are sowing they are going to reap. Everything they are doing is going to come back to them in judgment and then it will be too late to turn it around. How do I know this? Because the Word of God says that God counts it a righteous thing to send tribulation upon those who trouble his children. Don't want trouble with God? Leave his children alone!
Gay Marriage, more and more, is a legal form of marriage. You don't like certain kinds of marriage? Well duh....don't be in the wedding business.

And what gives the right to tell anyone how to run their business?

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