The majority OBJECT STRENUOUSLY to queer marriage.

The majority objected. But now support gay marriage. See, your mistake is in the verb tenses. See above for examples of your misconceptions.

In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

When the voters vote for what you want, we are a democracy. When they don't, we aren't.
We are a Democratic Republic. Learn what that is.

And learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Both are very important concepts here.

Wait a minute.

You cite the majority when you think they favor you, but then dump them the minute it turns out the majority may NOT be on your side?

Now, you are just falling into delusion.

You have no FACTS to back you up, just a bogus poll.

What makes the Gallup poll 'bogus'? Describe what renders it invalid?

And one poll can be disproved with other polls.

Poll: Public support drops for same-sex 'marriage'
Poll Public support drops for same-sex marriage

Not really. As the Fox poll excludes anyone who isn't a registered voter. Which isn't a particularly useful technique when viewing public sentiment. As folks who aren't registered voters will have opinions.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Do you understand how laughable you are?

Who cares what NON VOTERS think since, they DON'T VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

OBVIOUSLY, citing those who don't vote is an attempt to sway a poll.

Citing ONLY voters is far more accurate since they are the ones that will decide what happens when something comes up on the ballot.

Your rationale is laughable!
The majority OBJECT STRENUOUSLY to queer marriage.

The majority objected. But now support gay marriage. See, your mistake is in the verb tenses. See above for examples of your misconceptions.

In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

When the voters vote for what you want, we are a democracy. When they don't, we aren't.
We are a Democratic Republic. Learn what that is.

And learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Both are very important concepts here.

That has nothing to do with what I said, and the idea that liberals are protecting anyone from the majority is so naive it's just sad.
"Opponents of same-sex marriage have fought a mostly losing battle to get judges to defer to voters and elected lawmakers who enacted laws and constitutional amendments in many states defining marriage as between a man and a woman."

The majority of voters in this country abhor same-sex marriage.

Obvious nonsense. The majority clearly supports same sex marriage. In addition to the Gallup poll that you just arbitrarily ignored for no particular reason, there are many, many more that have very similar findings.

Civil Rights

That 28 polls over the last 2 years showing support for gay marriage. With almost all of them showing support by a margin of 12 to 19 point range.

And they're ALL wrong? That's your story?

And even among those that oppose gay marriage, they merely 'disappove'. Strong opposition runs at around 20%. Which is no where near a 'majority'.

Like I said, if it comes to war, we know who will lose.

And like I said, there isn't going to be any war. As most people don't really give a shit about the issue. They're not willing to kill or to die over the issue. Opposition to gay marriage is concentrated in the old folks. And they aren't fighting any war. Where among the younger folks, support runs about 80%.

You may fantasize about a 'homo war', but its just not happening.
Three states. Great.




Was wrong.

You should just have the testicular fortitude to man-up and say "Opps I was wrong. Thanks."


This is the same poor, hapless soul that insisted that gay marriage lost in california by 80%. So clearly facts have an only passing relationship with his perception.
The majority OBJECT STRENUOUSLY to queer marriage.

The majority objected. But now support gay marriage. See, your mistake is in the verb tenses. See above for examples of your misconceptions.

In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

I thought you said the majority approved?

My my, what a liar you are. Go figure. A lying, commie, faggot. Whoda thunk.
The majority do approve, but it wouldn't matter a damn if they didn't. It's not up for a vote and never should have been.

The majority objected. But now support gay marriage. See, your mistake is in the verb tenses. See above for examples of your misconceptions.

In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

When the voters vote for what you want, we are a democracy. When they don't, we aren't.
We are a Democratic Republic. Learn what that is.

And learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Both are very important concepts here.

Wait a minute.

You cite the majority when you think they favor you, but then dump them the minute it turns out the majority may NOT be on your side?

Nope. The majority now support it but it wouldn't matter if they didn't. I'm just showing you how society is leaving you in the past.
Do you understand how laughable you are?

Who cares what NON VOTERS think since, they DON'T VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone interested in actual public sentiment, perhaps?

OBVIOUSLY, citing those who don't vote is an attempt to sway a poll.

Less than half of our nation is registered to vote. If you're measuring public sentiment, it doesn't make much sense to ignore half of the public.

Citing ONLY voters is far more accurate since they are the ones that will decide what happens when something comes up on the ballot.

So you've moved your goal posts. Now acknowledging that the majority of the public supports gay marriage. Only the majority of registered voters don't.

What a difference an hour makes, eh?
The majority objected. But now support gay marriage. See, your mistake is in the verb tenses. See above for examples of your misconceptions.

In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

I thought you said the majority approved?

My my, what a liar you are. Go figure. A lying, commie, faggot. Whoda thunk.
The majority do approve, but it wouldn't matter a damn if they didn't. It's not up for a vote and never should have been.

Nope. that's absolutely true. It's not up for a vote, even though it has been. The votes for it, don't matter. The votes against it, don't matter.
The majority objected. But now support gay marriage. See, your mistake is in the verb tenses. See above for examples of your misconceptions.

In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

When the voters vote for what you want, we are a democracy. When they don't, we aren't.
We are a Democratic Republic. Learn what that is.

And learn why the minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Both are very important concepts here.

That has nothing to do with what I said, and the idea that liberals are protecting anyone from the majority is so naive it's just sad.
You don't live in a Democracy. Does that help?
You need to learn what a trend is. See above how one line rises and on line falls, that's a trend, and in this case it means that you are losing 45% to 55%, which is bad for you but not the gays, who have won this fight.

You're going to strain something with that reach, pig.
That's not a reach little Christian, you've lost this fight. The gays won. Sorry about that, but not really.

Now, you are just falling into delusion.

You have no FACTS to back you up, just a bogus poll.

And one poll can be disproved with other polls.

Poll: Public support drops for same-sex 'marriage'
Poll Public support drops for same-sex marriage
Terrific, but it wouldn't matter either way. It's not up to the voters. If you wish to say the country is still divided on the issue, do so.

OH GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you think the country is on your side then it IS up to the voters, but if they aren't on your side, then it DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK!!!!!!!!

Thanks for revealing your laughable hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!

Still waiting for you to explain how gay rights are limited in businesses.

Take a state in which gay marriage is legal, and now find a business, say McDonalds, and it just so happens they two gay men want to get married there. They are allowed to get married, but they are only allowed to get married in the McDonalds if the owner approves.
In that case then put it on the ballot, that way everything is legit and no one should bitch. Seems like a sure winner.
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

I thought you said the majority approved?

My my, what a liar you are. Go figure. A lying, commie, faggot. Whoda thunk.
The majority do approve, but it wouldn't matter a damn if they didn't. It's not up for a vote and never should have been.

Nope. that's absolutely true. It's not up for a vote, even though it has been. The votes for it, don't matter. The votes against it, don't matter.

You need to make up your mind. First you say the majority approve..then you say they don't..then you say they do.

You're so limp and wishy washy.

Meanwhile, reality:

'The Supreme Court has quietly engineered a dramatic increase in the number of states that allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. That increase also has raised the chances the justices soon will settle the legal debate.
Some justices expressed reluctance about deciding the issue when more than half the country prohibited same-sex unions. With Florida joining in this week, 36 states allow them, nearly twice as many as just three months ago.
The growth hasn't come from an outpouring of public support expressed in voting booths or state legislatures, but from the high court's surprising refusal last October to review lower court rulings in favor of same-sex marriages or to block them from taking effect.
The justices now face a situation in which just 14 states prohibit such unions, a number that may give comfort to a court that does not like to be too far ahead of the country. Three earlier seminal rulings that outlawed state-backed discrimination — in education, on interracial marriage and in criminal prohibitions against gay sex — were issued when a similar number of states still had the discriminatory laws on their books.
"There's no question that they knew what they were doing in October. They knew the implications of what they were doing," said Roberta Kaplan, the lawyer who represented New Yorker Edie Windsor in her successful Supreme Court challenge in 2013 to part of the federal anti-gay marriage law, the Defense of Marriage Act.
Read more: High court engineers gay marriage growth - News - Hope Star - Hope AR - Hope AR
It's not up to the voters, and never should have been.

I thought you said the majority approved?

My my, what a liar you are. Go figure. A lying, commie, faggot. Whoda thunk.
The majority do approve, but it wouldn't matter a damn if they didn't. It's not up for a vote and never should have been.

Nope. that's absolutely true. It's not up for a vote, even though it has been. The votes for it, don't matter. The votes against it, don't matter.

You need to make up your mind. First you say the majority approve..then you say they don't..then you say they do.

You're so limp and wishy washy.

Meanwhile, reality:

'The Supreme Court has quietly engineered a dramatic increase in the number of states that allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. That increase also has raised the chances the justices soon will settle the legal debate.
Some justices expressed reluctance about deciding the issue when more than half the country prohibited same-sex unions. With Florida joining in this week, 36 states allow them, nearly twice as many as just three months ago.
The growth hasn't come from an outpouring of public support expressed in voting booths or state legislatures, but from the high court's surprising refusal last October to review lower court rulings in favor of same-sex marriages or to block them from taking effect.
The justices now face a situation in which just 14 states prohibit such unions, a number that may give comfort to a court that does not like to be too far ahead of the country. Three earlier seminal rulings that outlawed state-backed discrimination — in education, on interracial marriage and in criminal prohibitions against gay sex — were issued when a similar number of states still had the discriminatory laws on their books.
"There's no question that they knew what they were doing in October. They knew the implications of what they were doing," said Roberta Kaplan, the lawyer who represented New Yorker Edie Windsor in her successful Supreme Court challenge in 2013 to part of the federal anti-gay marriage law, the Defense of Marriage Act.
Read more: High court engineers gay marriage growth - News - Hope Star - Hope AR - Hope AR
Either way you've lost, and society is moving on. I'm just showing you the trends and the reality. It's up to you how to deal with it.
I proved every one of my points.

More accurately, you typed every one of your points. Simply typing a claim isn't proving it. Especially when the evidence overwhelmingly contradicts you. Let me demonstrate yet again;

The majority LOATHE same sex marriage.

Says you. Yet when the public is asked what it thinks about gay marriage, they have a very different answer than you do:

Civil Rights

That's 28 separate polls over the last 2 years, all showing support for gay marriage. All but one of them showing support between 12 and 19 points.

You say one thing. The public when asked says another.

The majority enacted BANS on it, that the leftist weirdoes had to circumvent via the courts before they could get them lifted...and you loons still can't get the support of the majority for your extremist garbage. The majority of the American people recognize you for what you are, and totally reject you.

They haven't enacted bans since 2011....when support for gay marriage began to surge. Its now clearly in majority territory, at all time highs:

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%
Nearly eight in 10 young adults favor gay marriage

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

You simply don't like the polling results. So you ignore them and fantasize about an imaginary war that simply won't happen. As you don't have the numbers. And among fighting age men and women, its even worse....with nearly 80% supporting gay marriage. Opposition is concentrated in old conservatives. And they're dying off.

Get used to the idea.
You're going to strain something with that reach, pig.
That's not a reach little Christian, you've lost this fight. The gays won. Sorry about that, but not really.

Now, you are just falling into delusion.

You have no FACTS to back you up, just a bogus poll.

And one poll can be disproved with other polls.

Poll: Public support drops for same-sex 'marriage'
Poll Public support drops for same-sex marriage
Terrific, but it wouldn't matter either way. It's not up to the voters. If you wish to say the country is still divided on the issue, do so.

OH GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you think the country is on your side then it IS up to the voters, but if they aren't on your side, then it DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK!!!!!!!!

Thanks for revealing your laughable hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!

Still waiting for you to explain how gay rights are limited in businesses.

Take a state in which gay marriage is legal, and now find a business, say McDonalds, and it just so happens they two gay men want to get married there. They are allowed to get married, but they are only allowed to get married in the McDonalds if the owner approves.
IF the McDonalds performs marriages for straight people, it must offer the exact same service to gay marriages.

This really isn't that hard to understand if people want to understand it.
No right should trump any other right.


I agree.

You have a right to be a homophobe.

Your business does not.

businesses aren't people. they don't have rights.

There is nowhere in our constitution that states you have to forfeit your beliefs in order to make a living in this country.

Your "explanation" is not based in fact, but in emotion.

But common sense should be part of your choice of employment. Someone squeamish about blood would not be a good doctor....or butcher. Someone who have narrow views on what a marriage SHOULD be.....I would say the wedding business isn't a good fit for them....Just like a taxi driver who has narrow views on the kind of people they let in their cab, probably should find another kind of work.
Was the cake in the shape of a chocolate covered, slightly bent, cream filled long john?
We aren't interested in your sexual fantasies.
I have this picture of "you" swallowing one whole....
I can't do anything about what fantasies you masturbate to.

Here's real cop and a Marine that should titillate you. Hope this helps!
That's not a reach little Christian, you've lost this fight. The gays won. Sorry about that, but not really.

Now, you are just falling into delusion.

You have no FACTS to back you up, just a bogus poll.

And one poll can be disproved with other polls.

Poll: Public support drops for same-sex 'marriage'
Poll Public support drops for same-sex marriage
Terrific, but it wouldn't matter either way. It's not up to the voters. If you wish to say the country is still divided on the issue, do so.

OH GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you think the country is on your side then it IS up to the voters, but if they aren't on your side, then it DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK!!!!!!!!

Thanks for revealing your laughable hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!

Still waiting for you to explain how gay rights are limited in businesses.

Take a state in which gay marriage is legal, and now find a business, say McDonalds, and it just so happens they two gay men want to get married there. They are allowed to get married, but they are only allowed to get married in the McDonalds if the owner approves.
IF the McDonalds performs marriages for straight people, it must offer the exact same service to gay marriages.

This really isn't that hard to understand if people want to understand it.
It would apparent that they do not, and I can't say as I blame them since that would mean acknowledging that this fight is over and they have lost.

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