State Nullification on Gay Marriage!

Only because of the gay agenda pushing against them, it still doesn't change the fact they were crimes They are perverse and lewd acts

And by 'gay agenda', you mean constitutional rights? As that was the basis of overruling the anti-gay laws.
And the clueless far left continue to show they do not understand the Constitution and what to apply their religion to all except themselves.

I'm gonna go with the Supreme Court on the constitution over you quoting yourself. And the USSC has found that marriage is a right.

You disagree. So what?

Just goes to show that you do not understand what you are talking about other than outdated far left talking points and blog sites.

"Marriage" is not a "right", But then again the far left has demonstrated they do not understand what a "right" is.
The US Supreme Court disagrees with you. And I think we all know who is more of an authority on what a right is. Hint: It is not you.

Another far left poster that does not have a clue.

Hint: You are far left!

You keep saying that with no proof to back you or to shoot down someone else's assertions. All hat no cattle, eh?

Wrong again, every time you far left drones post, you prove my point.
The Constitution doesn't protect perverse and lewd acts
It most certainly does.
No it does not. why do you think crimes against nature also targeted gay sex?
Those laws banning gay sex were found unconstitutional. Q.E.D.
Only because of the gay agenda pushing against them, it still doesn't change the fact they were crimes They are perverse and lewd acts
Teaching a slave to read and write was a crime too.
Many states passed referenda and constitutional amendments declaring marriage as between one man and one woman. In some cases those votes passed with over 80% approval.
It's time states, which are sovereign, nullified meddling by Federal courts against the will of the people and simply declared that any official granting a license to anything other than two non-consanguineous single adults of the opposite sex will lose their salaries and benefits in perpetuity.

No such thing, bubby.
The Constitution doesn't protect perverse and lewd acts
It most certainly does.
No it does not. why do you think crimes against nature also targeted gay sex?
Where is "crimes against nature" in the Constitution?

Nope! Just like "Marriage" is not in the Constitution either.
But equal treatment under the law is. :D

There is no such thing, that is made up by the far left for the weak minded drones that follow them without question or hesitation.
I'm gonna go with the Supreme Court on the constitution over you quoting yourself. And the USSC has found that marriage is a right.

You disagree. So what?

Just goes to show that you do not understand what you are talking about other than outdated far left talking points and blog sites.

"Marriage" is not a "right", But then again the far left has demonstrated they do not understand what a "right" is.
The US Supreme Court disagrees with you. And I think we all know who is more of an authority on what a right is. Hint: It is not you.

Another far left poster that does not have a clue.

Hint: You are far left!

You keep saying that with no proof to back you or to shoot down someone else's assertions. All hat no cattle, eh?

Wrong again, every time you far left drones post, you prove my point. proof from you. Just air. :D
Gotta love how they cite another far left poll to support their original gallop/CNN polls.

Guess if the polls did not lean your way, you would not accept them..

You do realize that both of the polls I cited are from your own sources, yes? This is what you told me:

For a better view try this:
Civil Rights

Both of the polls you just rejected are from your own source. Is your own source untrustworthy now?
Only because of the gay agenda pushing against them, it still doesn't change the fact they were crimes They are perverse and lewd acts

And by 'gay agenda', you mean constitutional rights? As that was the basis of overruling the anti-gay laws.
Oral sex is a lewd act, doncha know. As is anal sex. That's what those laws banned. Sodomy.

Poor Bigreb could probably benefit from some head.
There is no such thing, that is made up by the far left for the weak minded drones that follow them without question or hesitation.

Says you. The 14th amendment says differently. You're really not very good at this, are you?
Just goes to show that you do not understand what you are talking about other than outdated far left talking points and blog sites.

"Marriage" is not a "right", But then again the far left has demonstrated they do not understand what a "right" is.
The US Supreme Court disagrees with you. And I think we all know who is more of an authority on what a right is. Hint: It is not you.

Another far left poster that does not have a clue.

Hint: You are far left!

You keep saying that with no proof to back you or to shoot down someone else's assertions. All hat no cattle, eh?

Wrong again, every time you far left drones post, you prove my point. proof from you. Just air. :D

And the proof keep posting, they just can not see past their far left religious ideals..
Only because of the gay agenda pushing against them, it still doesn't change the fact they were crimes They are perverse and lewd acts

And by 'gay agenda', you mean constitutional rights? As that was the basis of overruling the anti-gay laws.
Oral sex is a lewd act, doncha know. As is anal sex. That's what those laws banned. Sodomy.

Poor Bigreb could probably benefit from some head.

Yeah, I don't see right wing politicians lining up to outlaw blowjobs.
I'm gonna go with the Supreme Court on the constitution over you quoting yourself. And the USSC has found that marriage is a right.

You disagree. So what?

Just goes to show that you do not understand what you are talking about other than outdated far left talking points and blog sites.

"Marriage" is not a "right", But then again the far left has demonstrated they do not understand what a "right" is.
The US Supreme Court disagrees with you. And I think we all know who is more of an authority on what a right is. Hint: It is not you.

Another far left poster that does not have a clue.

Hint: You are far left!

You keep saying that with no proof to back you or to shoot down someone else's assertions. All hat no cattle, eh?

Wrong again, every time you far left drones post, you prove my point.

alert, the reactionary far right droid is dribbling on the table again

the SCOTUS ruled a long time ago that marriage is a right

what you think does not count except for you
Gotta love how they cite another far left poll to support their original gallop/CNN polls.

Guess if the polls did not lean your way, you would not accept them..

You do realize that both of the polls I cited are from your own sources, yes? This is what you told me:

For a better view try this:
Civil Rights

Both of the polls you just rejected are from your own source. Is your own source untrustworthy now?
This topic just gets more and more hilarious!
And the proof keep posting, they just can not see past their far left religious ideals..

Then show us. Don't tell us. Who says that marriage is not a right?

That would be you...and who?

Because the USSC says it is a right. Now why would I ignore them and instead believe you?
Gallop is owned by a far left media sources, not as trustworthy as it may have been.

So Gallup is wrong and you're right....because you say so, huh.

What makes you citing yourself a more reliable source than Gallup?

For a better view try this:
Civil Rights


CBS News/New York Times Poll.
"Do you think it should be legal or not legal for same-sex couples to marry?"
Legal: 56%
Illegal: 37%

Civil Rights

So that affirms Gallup and contradicts you. With a 19 point spread in favor of gay marriage

"Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?"
Strongly favor: 27% Favor: 27% Oppose: 19% Strongly Oppose: 19%

Civil Rights

That supports Gallup and contradicts you. With a 16 point spread in favor of gay marriage.

When do you stop being laughably, comically wrong?
You are fairly new here.

Just aheads up.

Kosh is a bot built around the two words "far left.'

It has more than 6,000 posts and near all of them contain at least one reference to this phrase. Somtimes three.

Watch it.

It is a waste of time to argue with a bot that is centered on one phrase.

Just thought I'd tell you.
Just goes to show that you do not understand what you are talking about other than outdated far left talking points and blog sites.

"Marriage" is not a "right", But then again the far left has demonstrated they do not understand what a "right" is.
The US Supreme Court disagrees with you. And I think we all know who is more of an authority on what a right is. Hint: It is not you.

Another far left poster that does not have a clue.

Hint: You are far left!

You keep saying that with no proof to back you or to shoot down someone else's assertions. All hat no cattle, eh?

Wrong again, every time you far left drones post, you prove my point. proof from you. Just air. :D
It is the epitome of irony that Kosh says the same thing over and over and over and over in every topic about being a drone. :lol::lol::lol:

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