States consider drug tests for welfare recipients Mar 26 2009

you can't be on welfare anymore without working or being in a work training program Kitten.

Not since the gingrich welfare reform legislation.

we have had a 50% reduction in TANF/Welfare since this legislation passed.

So, perhaps when you were homeless on welfare, things were different....


Less than two years ago. When you are disabled you also get welfare, and my best friend in real life works with them, so I still have access to the info. Plus I get Medicaid, not willing to pay a small fortune for my occasional doctors visits and constant hosipital visits for a medical problem caused by their incompetence.

The only they use are background checks, and they don't have to be on a program unless they have a conviction. But the programs don't work, they FAIL, AA only has a 12% success rate, NA is worse. Drug testing it the only way to prevent them from taking advantage of it, period.

The program WORKED for my sister in law.....for 4 years, before she fell off the wagon again.... it was the best 4 years of our family's lives and hers as well....

they, (the program), after she had completed it, got her a job at JCP in customer service for the catelog center, and she was straight as an arrow those 4 years and made some pretty good money, supported herself, had her own place that she paid for and was the most wholesome, sweet, smart as a whip and responsible and loving individual during those 4 years....I am grateful that we and her teen age boy being reared by his grandmom and grandpa, got the chance to see her as a normal human being during that period, instead of a drugged out coke and alcohol addict.

She now is a streetwalker, to pay for her addiction.

She NEVER QUALIFIED for welfare, because she was an addict and had been arrested for that and for hooking.

I'm sure it is the same for most addicts, they are not eligible for TANF.

Disability IS NOT TANF, is NOT is another program....

And yes, many disabled vets from vietnam are drug addicts or alcoholics....should we STRIP THEM of the benefits they get? Many from this Iraq war are also disabled and also are now drug addicts....or alcoholics, should we strip them of their benefits?

You guys, are cold as ice, and heartless to the core, as far as i am concerned, regarding this particular topic....and honestly, i find it hard to take....knowing that there are so many of you that have been waxed over cold.

you all are sweet as pie regarding other issues, but on this one topic, i think it will come back and bite ya some day....karma will get ya!!! I hope not....but life can be funny that way....

Where does the constitution give you the power over another human being in the manner you want....invading their privacy?

And what about the 92%-94% of the people receiving welfare that are NOT ON DRUGS, what right do you have to FORCE them to take a drug test?

Are you also up for all getting BAilout money, every employee of these companies being FORCED to take a drug test as well or is it ONLY THE INDIGENT... the POOR, that you want to discriminate against and take their constitutional rights away.

Once someone tests positive, do you then throw them in jail? What is your plans for the ones that test positive, therefore have broken the law? Jail them and spend a fortune doing such?

Welfare, TANF, is good for 2 years, how long do you keep the drug addicts in prison and at what cost to us tax payers?

I mean, they are breaking the law right? So they should be IN PRISON right?

Wow, Care, if there was ever an argument for legalizing drugs you've just made it. It's totally idiotic to imprison people because they are addicted to heroin or coke or meth...while no one gets imprisoned for being an alcoholic. Idiotic drug laws keep people from getting help...and it probably costs more in the long run.
The program WORKED for my sister in law.....for 4 years, before she fell off the wagon again.... it was the best 4 years of our family's lives and hers as well....

they, (the program), after she had completed it, got her a job at JCP in customer service for the catelog center, and she was straight as an arrow those 4 years and made some pretty good money, supported herself, had her own place that she paid for and was the most wholesome, sweet, smart as a whip and responsible and loving individual during those 4 years....I am grateful that we and her teen age boy being reared by his grandmom and grandpa, got the chance to see her as a normal human being during that period, instead of a drugged out coke and alcohol addict.

She now is a streetwalker, to pay for her addiction.

She NEVER QUALIFIED for welfare, because she was an addict and had been arrested for that and for hooking.

I'm sure it is the same for most addicts, they are not eligible for TANF.

Disability IS NOT TANF, is NOT is another program....

And yes, many disabled vets from vietnam are drug addicts or alcoholics....should we STRIP THEM of the benefits they get? Many from this Iraq war are also disabled and also are now drug addicts....or alcoholics, should we strip them of their benefits?

You guys, are cold as ice, and heartless to the core, as far as i am concerned, regarding this particular topic....and honestly, i find it hard to take....knowing that there are so many of you that have been waxed over cold.

you all are sweet as pie regarding other issues, but on this one topic, i think it will come back and bite ya some day....karma will get ya!!! I hope not....but life can be funny that way....

Where does the constitution give you the power over another human being in the manner you want....invading their privacy?

And what about the 92%-94% of the people receiving welfare that are NOT ON DRUGS, what right do you have to FORCE them to take a drug test?

Are you also up for all getting BAilout money, every employee of these companies being FORCED to take a drug test as well or is it ONLY THE INDIGENT... the POOR, that you want to discriminate against and take their constitutional rights away.

Once someone tests positive, do you them throw them in jail? What is your plans for the ones that test positive, therefore have broken the law? Jail them and spend a fortune doing such?

Welfare, TANF, is good for 2 years, how long do you keep the drug addicts in prison and at what cost to us tax payers?

I mean, they are breaking the law right? So they should be IN PRISON right?


Well ... god for your sister at beating the odds. As for 90% not being on drugs ... reality proves that statistic wrong ... again. More than half those I met in the shelters, on welfare, were selling their food stamp card balances for drugs ... which they used an old address to get almost $100 worth each month. Explain those ... then explain how it is that these programs have a huge revolving door policy, telling them they are going to fail just to keep them coming back? Explain how it is that a welfare worker got in trouble for denying a known alcoholic money from GAU, in spite of his many convictions. Explain reality not easily manipulated statistics.

FOOD STAMPS is NOT TANF, not a welfare check. Most receiving food stamps are all low end WORKERS....they work for a living.

Felons are not eligible for for welfare of any kind.
Well ... god for your sister at beating the odds. As for 90% not being on drugs ... reality proves that statistic wrong ... again. More than half those I met in the shelters, on welfare, were selling their food stamp card balances for drugs ... which they used an old address to get almost $100 worth each month. Explain those ... then explain how it is that these programs have a huge revolving door policy, telling them they are going to fail just to keep them coming back? Explain how it is that a welfare worker got in trouble for denying a known alcoholic money from GAU, in spite of his many convictions. Explain reality not easily manipulated statistics.

FOOD STAMPS is NOT TANF, not a welfare check. Most receiving food stamps are all low end WORKERS....they work for a living.

Felons are not eligible for for welfare of any kind.

Thankfully ... however they do have to get rid of the drug programs that allow the junkies off just by promising to go to these, which eat up more taxes than anything. Many of them get their felony charges dropped to misdemeanors just by agreeing to join NA or AA, all paid for by the city.
Do you think people living on welfare have the easter bunny deliver drug money to them? Or is it the tooth fairy? (maybe that explains why crackheads are missing so many teeth).
Quit being so naive.

Way to answer a question with a question, thereby proving that you don't know any of the answers. You're just hoping someone else does, and will assume YOU do, and say it before you're pressed on it.

I'm not the one who thinks they're out there spending the public money on drugs in epidemic proportions, so I'm not actually required to address where they're getting the money. You, on the other hand, are. So kindly explain to me how they're spending the taxpayers' money on drugs. And be specific.
Neither am I, scroll back and read my posts, I estimated that drug usage among welfare recipients was probably about the same percentage as the general population at about 6%. You are trying to create a strawman.

I already pointed out that if somebodies sole source of income is welfare, and they use drugs, then they are spending welfare money on drugs instead of on taking care of their children. I'm sorry that concept is so difficult for you to grasp.

I'm sorry if "Explain specifically how they're spending welfare money on drugs" is too difficult a concept for YOU to grasp. Clearly, you think merely restating the assertion I already questioned constitutes explanation and proof. I think it constitutes proof that you have jackshit. So I'll consider this conversation closed, and you to have surrendered. Again.
I'm pretty sure it would cost less to take care of the kids, than to take care of the kids + the parents + the parent's drug habit. How about you?

Of course you're "pretty sure", because you know very little about the costs of the welfare system versus the costs of the foster care system, not to mention that you seem to think you can quantify the costs solely in taxpayer dollars, as opposed to the welfare of the child. And no, taking children away from their parents because the parents test positive for marijuana is NOT in their best interests. So don't even consider being flip and blase with me about how it's no big deal to take kids from their parents.

Funny how you only want to focus on marijuana. There are lot more drugs than marijuana out there. Perhaps you can explain to me how a child is better off being raised by a crack addict or heroin addict simply because that person doing the raising is their biological parent?

Perhaps YOU can explain to ME where I ever said that was the case, and therefore took on any responsibility for explaining why it's so (as opposed to you, stating that people use welfare money to buy drugs and then simply saying it over and over, as though repeating it will convince me).

If a child is being raised by a crack addict, the solution is not to give the addict a drug test at the welfare office and then cut off his benefits (Yeah, THAT'LL show him!). The solution - which is already in place - is to have the local Child Protective Services take the child into custody as a ward of the state until the parent cleans up his act. This process is already in place and would have nothing added to it by punitive welfare policies.

Duuuhhh, moron.
and...we have no business feeding a crack addict, so they can then take their EBT and buy more crack. If you want to get a crack addict help, you quit nurturing them and force the bottom to fall out, you dont hand them more ways to get drugs.
and...we have no business feeding a crack addict, so they can then take their EBT and buy more crack. If you want to get a crack addict help, you quit nurturing them and force the bottom to fall out, you dont hand them more ways to get drugs.

No, we don't need to be in the business of helping crack addicts to get more crack. That is a given.

The questions here aren't about the rightness / wrongness of using drugs or using PA to get drugs. There is a complete lack of focus on the issue due to this distraction. The question is cost and consequences. Probably the only way to get an answer is to implement the testing and when the cost go through the roof, children begin to suffer and savy drug users are still beating the system at the same clip, we can spend 10 or so years trying to pry the blank checks away from the testing labs and beauracrats. Once again we'll get what we deserve for being a bunch of pricks.

The only other question is the Constitution and the 4th ammendment.
I don't want my tax dollars being wasted on pointless drug testing.
Isn't this a state issue? States are a lot more adamant that they not waste their money than are Federal Agencies. States like ours which still have County Trustees still do interviews with recipients to give them direct help in solving their problems, whether with their landlord, employment, or property disputes. This a huge advantage with state agencies as compared to federal ones. The federal people really don't care how they hand out your money, but the state people do, as they relegate it down to the counties and then on down the the trustee level. This is a part of the Republican Congress' first changes after 1995, and it has reduced federal welfare payments by huge percentages. Most people aren't aware of that change, unless it is in a negative context. Little is really understood and appreciated about what was done to squeeze and make welfare more efficient.

We'll see a redux of the welfare system as it was, before President Obama is finished.
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I don't want my tax dollars being wasted on pointless drug testing.
Isn't this a state issue? States are a lot more adamant that they not waste their money than are Federal Agencies. States like ours which still have County Trustees still do interviews with recipients to give them direct help in solving their problems, whether with their landlord, employment, or property disputes. This a huge advantage with state agencies as compared to federal ones. The federal people really don't care how they hand out your money, but the state people do, as they relegate it down to the counties and then on down the the trustee level. This is a part of the Republican Congress' first changes after 1995, and it has reduced federal welfare payments by huge percentages. Most people aren't aware of that change, unless it is in a negative context. Little is really understood and appreciated about what was done to squeeze and make welfare more efficient.

We'll see a redux of the welfare system as it was, before President Obama is finished.

Good post. Since the welfare reforms of the 90's the system has operated as efficently as ever. The money is federal money but it is doled out to the state and then the county. The turnover rates in welfae turned around drastically with all but the elderly, disabled and yes, the chronically ignorant, moving off welfare in short order. The days of making a life out of welfare are over. You just can't get it. If you do manage to fool the system to get on board, you won't be there long.

The system is as efficent and effective as ever. There simply is no need for any kind of drastic measures to move it in either direction. If we're going to have it, this is about as good as it gets. The only real remaining argument is if you think it should be abolished all together. Otherwise, therer isn't much to be done. It's tweaked out just about as close as you can get to a perfect system in the real world.

I suspect that most of the people that would argue for this testing would like to see the programs scrapped all together.
Less than two years ago. When you are disabled you also get welfare, and my best friend in real life works with them, so I still have access to the info. Plus I get Medicaid, not willing to pay a small fortune for my occasional doctors visits and constant hosipital visits for a medical problem caused by their incompetence.

The only they use are background checks, and they don't have to be on a program unless they have a conviction. But the programs don't work, they FAIL, AA only has a 12% success rate, NA is worse. Drug testing it the only way to prevent them from taking advantage of it, period.

The program WORKED for my sister in law.....for 4 years, before she fell off the wagon again.... it was the best 4 years of our family's lives and hers as well....

they, (the program), after she had completed it, got her a job at JCP in customer service for the catelog center, and she was straight as an arrow those 4 years and made some pretty good money, supported herself, had her own place that she paid for and was the most wholesome, sweet, smart as a whip and responsible and loving individual during those 4 years....I am grateful that we and her teen age boy being reared by his grandmom and grandpa, got the chance to see her as a normal human being during that period, instead of a drugged out coke and alcohol addict.

She now is a streetwalker, to pay for her addiction.

She NEVER QUALIFIED for welfare, because she was an addict and had been arrested for that and for hooking.

I'm sure it is the same for most addicts, they are not eligible for TANF.

Disability IS NOT TANF, is NOT is another program....

And yes, many disabled vets from vietnam are drug addicts or alcoholics....should we STRIP THEM of the benefits they get? Many from this Iraq war are also disabled and also are now drug addicts....or alcoholics, should we strip them of their benefits?

You guys, are cold as ice, and heartless to the core, as far as i am concerned, regarding this particular topic....and honestly, i find it hard to take....knowing that there are so many of you that have been waxed over cold.

you all are sweet as pie regarding other issues, but on this one topic, i think it will come back and bite ya some day....karma will get ya!!! I hope not....but life can be funny that way....

Where does the constitution give you the power over another human being in the manner you want....invading their privacy?

And what about the 92%-94% of the people receiving welfare that are NOT ON DRUGS, what right do you have to FORCE them to take a drug test?

Are you also up for all getting BAilout money, every employee of these companies being FORCED to take a drug test as well or is it ONLY THE INDIGENT... the POOR, that you want to discriminate against and take their constitutional rights away.

Once someone tests positive, do you them throw them in jail? What is your plans for the ones that test positive, therefore have broken the law? Jail them and spend a fortune doing such?

Welfare, TANF, is good for 2 years, how long do you keep the drug addicts in prison and at what cost to us tax payers?

I mean, they are breaking the law right? So they should be IN PRISON right?


Well ... god for your sister at beating the odds. As for 90% not being on drugs ... reality proves that statistic wrong ... again. More than half those I met in the shelters, on welfare, were selling their food stamp card balances for drugs ... which they used an old address to get almost $100 worth each month. Explain those ... then explain how it is that these programs have a huge revolving door policy, telling them they are going to fail just to keep them coming back? Explain how it is that a welfare worker got in trouble for denying a known alcoholic money from GAU, in spite of his many convictions. Explain reality not easily manipulated statistics.

Most ALL people on TANF DO NOT live in homeless shelters lived with the very bottom of the bottom....and more than likely you are also confusing food stamps or other programs with TANF/WELFARE recipients.

I disagree with you, directly, Pee. I say that your points arent credible points, and that the whole issue is about getting milkers off the system, those that are in it to abuse the system and live their anti-social lives on their terms. The whole point is to catch liars, criminals, and cheats, and whatever it costs, it saves the Govn tons of money.

The smokescreen of how much it costs per test will be saved 100000x over in what we dont pay out per year in benefits to drug abusers. Of course, they then immediately turn themselves into a hospital and become a ward of govn medical insurance, but if it gets drug addicts off the system, and into the work force, great.

Its time America grew its spine back. You know, the one that disappeared or dissolved in the 70s, 80s and 90s?
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The program WORKED for my sister in law.....for 4 years, before she fell off the wagon again.... it was the best 4 years of our family's lives and hers as well....

they, (the program), after she had completed it, got her a job at JCP in customer service for the catelog center, and she was straight as an arrow those 4 years and made some pretty good money, supported herself, had her own place that she paid for and was the most wholesome, sweet, smart as a whip and responsible and loving individual during those 4 years....I am grateful that we and her teen age boy being reared by his grandmom and grandpa, got the chance to see her as a normal human being during that period, instead of a drugged out coke and alcohol addict.

She now is a streetwalker, to pay for her addiction.

She NEVER QUALIFIED for welfare, because she was an addict and had been arrested for that and for hooking.

I'm sure it is the same for most addicts, they are not eligible for TANF.

Disability IS NOT TANF, is NOT is another program....

And yes, many disabled vets from vietnam are drug addicts or alcoholics....should we STRIP THEM of the benefits they get? Many from this Iraq war are also disabled and also are now drug addicts....or alcoholics, should we strip them of their benefits?

You guys, are cold as ice, and heartless to the core, as far as i am concerned, regarding this particular topic....and honestly, i find it hard to take....knowing that there are so many of you that have been waxed over cold.

you all are sweet as pie regarding other issues, but on this one topic, i think it will come back and bite ya some day....karma will get ya!!! I hope not....but life can be funny that way....

Where does the constitution give you the power over another human being in the manner you want....invading their privacy?

And what about the 92%-94% of the people receiving welfare that are NOT ON DRUGS, what right do you have to FORCE them to take a drug test?

Are you also up for all getting BAilout money, every employee of these companies being FORCED to take a drug test as well or is it ONLY THE INDIGENT... the POOR, that you want to discriminate against and take their constitutional rights away.

Once someone tests positive, do you them throw them in jail? What is your plans for the ones that test positive, therefore have broken the law? Jail them and spend a fortune doing such?

Welfare, TANF, is good for 2 years, how long do you keep the drug addicts in prison and at what cost to us tax payers?

I mean, they are breaking the law right? So they should be IN PRISON right?


Well ... god for your sister at beating the odds. As for 90% not being on drugs ... reality proves that statistic wrong ... again. More than half those I met in the shelters, on welfare, were selling their food stamp card balances for drugs ... which they used an old address to get almost $100 worth each month. Explain those ... then explain how it is that these programs have a huge revolving door policy, telling them they are going to fail just to keep them coming back? Explain how it is that a welfare worker got in trouble for denying a known alcoholic money from GAU, in spite of his many convictions. Explain reality not easily manipulated statistics.

Most ALL people on TANF DO NOT live in homeless shelters lived with the very bottom of the bottom....and more than likely you are also confusing food stamps or other programs with TANF/WELFARE recipients.


You must have a comprehension issue ... I was talking about people who were going to the shelters, getting TANF, moving out, then going right back into the shelters ... So yes, most of them wind up in the shelters over and over again, particularly those who use drugs.
Use the money for drugs instead of food? Just exactly how do you think this system works? You think drug dealers take EBT cards?
Do you think people living on welfare have the easter bunny deliver drug money to them? Or is it the tooth fairy? (maybe that explains why crackheads are missing so many teeth).
Quit being so naive.

Way to answer a question with a question, thereby proving that you don't know any of the answers. You're just hoping someone else does, and will assume YOU do, and say it before you're pressed on it.

I'm not the one who thinks they're out there spending the public money on drugs in epidemic proportions, so I'm not actually required to address where they're getting the money. You, on the other hand, are. So kindly explain to me how they're spending the taxpayers' money on drugs. And be specific.

I know you can take a food card buy steaks sell the steaks on the street for cash and then use the cah to buy drugs. Next question.
Do you think people living on welfare have the easter bunny deliver drug money to them? Or is it the tooth fairy? (maybe that explains why crackheads are missing so many teeth).
Quit being so naive.

Way to answer a question with a question, thereby proving that you don't know any of the answers. You're just hoping someone else does, and will assume YOU do, and say it before you're pressed on it.

I'm not the one who thinks they're out there spending the public money on drugs in epidemic proportions, so I'm not actually required to address where they're getting the money. You, on the other hand, are. So kindly explain to me how they're spending the taxpayers' money on drugs. And be specific.

I know you can take a food card buy steaks sell the steaks on the street for cash and then use the cah to buy drugs. Next question.

Some dealers in our city will give them drugs for the PIN ... then they go buy themselves food and give the empty card back ... if they are nice enough to return it.
I disagree with you, directly, Pee. I say that your points arent credible points, and that the whole issue is about getting milkers off the system, those that are in it to abuse the system and live their anti-social lives on their terms. The whole point is to catch liars, criminals, and cheats, and whatever it costs, it saves the Govn tons of money.

The smokescreen of how much it costs per test will be saved 100000x over in what we dont pay out per year in benefits to drug abusers. Of course, they then immediately turn themselves into a hospital and become a ward of govn medical insurance, but if it gets drug addicts off the system, and into the work force, great.

Its time America grew its spine back. You know, the one that disappeared or dissolved in the 70s, 80s and 90s?

Well, all that can be done is to wait and see if testing is constitutional and then if the cost / benefit ratio is acceptable.

I say nay on both counts.
Do you think people living on welfare have the easter bunny deliver drug money to them? Or is it the tooth fairy? (maybe that explains why crackheads are missing so many teeth).
Quit being so naive.

Way to answer a question with a question, thereby proving that you don't know any of the answers. You're just hoping someone else does, and will assume YOU do, and say it before you're pressed on it.

I'm not the one who thinks they're out there spending the public money on drugs in epidemic proportions, so I'm not actually required to address where they're getting the money. You, on the other hand, are. So kindly explain to me how they're spending the taxpayers' money on drugs. And be specific.

I know you can take a food card buy steaks sell the steaks on the street for cash and then use the cah to buy drugs. Next question.

Oh, yeah. There's a big steak black market out there. :cuckoo:

Why do I get the distinct feeling that most of you "we need to make welfare punitive" people don't know anyone on welfare OR anyone with a drug problem?
Well ... god for your sister at beating the odds. As for 90% not being on drugs ... reality proves that statistic wrong ... again. More than half those I met in the shelters, on welfare, were selling their food stamp card balances for drugs ... which they used an old address to get almost $100 worth each month. Explain those ... then explain how it is that these programs have a huge revolving door policy, telling them they are going to fail just to keep them coming back? Explain how it is that a welfare worker got in trouble for denying a known alcoholic money from GAU, in spite of his many convictions. Explain reality not easily manipulated statistics.

Most ALL people on TANF DO NOT live in homeless shelters lived with the very bottom of the bottom....and more than likely you are also confusing food stamps or other programs with TANF/WELFARE recipients.


You must have a comprehension issue ... I was talking about people who were going to the shelters, getting TANF, moving out, then going right back into the shelters ... So yes, most of them wind up in the shelters over and over again, particularly those who use drugs.

Then answer me this....

Were these people working? (Most all people reciving TANF have to be holding a job)

Were these people single mothers with children? (The Majority of TANF recipients are single mothers...they have children)

Were these people in a work training program? (Those not working while receiving TANF must be in a work training program)

Were these people felons from their illegal drug use? (No felon can recive any TANF benefit)

If they were not any of these people above, then i stick by you being wrong or you seeing the extreme exception to the rule, somehow....?

Remember, Food Stamps is a separate and DIFFERENT PROGRAM and is NOT TANF/WELFARE.
Way to answer a question with a question, thereby proving that you don't know any of the answers. You're just hoping someone else does, and will assume YOU do, and say it before you're pressed on it.

I'm not the one who thinks they're out there spending the public money on drugs in epidemic proportions, so I'm not actually required to address where they're getting the money. You, on the other hand, are. So kindly explain to me how they're spending the taxpayers' money on drugs. And be specific.

I know you can take a food card buy steaks sell the steaks on the street for cash and then use the cah to buy drugs. Next question.

Oh, yeah. There's a big steak black market out there. :cuckoo:

Why do I get the distinct feeling that most of you "we need to make welfare punitive" people don't know anyone on welfare OR anyone with a drug problem?

uh, because you just took a giant bong hit from that 40 sack you could now afford because you know you have food stamps to cover the cost of that expense?

Ironically, I get the sneaking suspicion that you have never known anyone on food stamps who has sold them for beer money. Letalone the JOKE of calling a pot habit a drug problem. Thats pretty fucking retarded on it's face. Marijuana is not like coke. You can keep from smoking it at any time. That is, of course, unless goofy people want to enable your past time so that your weed money is basically subsidized by the government (taxpayers).
IGNORANCE IS BLISS I suppose....................and repeating ignorant things is even more bliss :(

wanting to control another persons life and having a say in someone elses personal and private life is unconstitutional....

it's hard for control freaks to step back i suppose as well....

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