States would decide on their own abortion laws. Really?

What, only you can do that?

So you agree that since no pregnancy is unplanned, there is really never a reason for abortion.

Were you once a starfish?

You really are quite insane.
I think logic and reading comprehension are not your strong points. Feel to come back when they've improved.
That's not upper class at all. That's purely middle class - the Bourgeoisie you are so desperately trying to eradicate. You Nazis are some stupid fucks.
Look it up. When your bills are less than $1000 a month and you’re making $100k thats upper class. I didn’t say rich. I’m not rich. But I am upper class.

If I had just one kid, I would no longer be. But I don’t. No more saving 30% of my pay. No more new f150 lease every 3 years. No more $2000 ebikes, $7000 quad or $25,000 pontoon.

I was talking to my neighbors. They all have mortgages. I’m like the only one who’s all paid off.

My point is you republicans can no longer fuck me like you hav3 when bush 1, bush 2 or trump were potus. Yes, even trump fucked me. How? He started a trade war with China. I did better under Obama.
German and Japanese civilians were not killed because they were inconvenient, that is bullshit. They were killed as a means to end the war as soon as possible.
How many German and Japanese babies were killed because they lived close to a military target? Regardless, we agree that killing in certain cases is a justifiable action but those German and Japanese parents might not agree with you as to what killings are justified.
How many German and Japanese babies were killed because they lived close to a military target? Regardless, we agree that killing in certain cases is a justifiable action but those German and Japanese parents might not agree with you as to what killings are justified.
These same pro life republicans criticize Clinton for not taking out bin Ladin because there would have been too many civilian casualties.

And this was before 9-11.

Republicans care about the seed in my womb but not Afghanistan children? I find that strange. I wish they’d care less about my seed and more about children from Guatemala.

And if we don’t have room in America for dreamers why force 800,000 American women a year to give birth to dreamers?
No, you feel you're morally superior to me -- despite insisting the killing of inconvenient human beings is a positive thing.

The ghouls aren't superior, they just profit from the industry of death. Alan Guttmacher was Joseph Mengele level creature. He figured out how to make abortion profitable, how to bleed taxpayers the same way the ghouls bleed babies.

Ghouls are morally deficient, born without the biological impetus not to kill babies. Psychopaths.
Was the killing of German and Japanese civilians as inconvenient human beings in WWII bombing campaigns a positive or negative thing.

I don't know. I wasn't involved in those decisions, were you?

You ARE involved in the killing of the most defenseless members of society - which you enthusiastically promote - since you personally profit from their deaths.

No doubt you'd like to branch out into euthanizing the elderly. Maybe for a percent of their worldly goods?
Look it up. When your bills are less than $1000 a month and you’re making $100k thats upper class. I didn’t say rich. I’m not rich. But I am upper class.

If I had just one kid, I would no longer be. But I don’t. No more saving 30% of my pay. No more new f150 lease every 3 years. No more $2000 ebikes, $7000 quad or $25,000 pontoon.

I was talking to my neighbors. They all have mortgages. I’m like the only one who’s all paid off.

My point is you republicans can no longer fuck me like you hav3 when bush 1, bush 2 or trump were potus. Yes, even trump fucked me. How? He started a trade war with China. I did better under Obama.

China started a trade war with US decades ago. Trump just was teh first to even try to push back a little.
I’m still waiting for us to get republicans to admit their pro life position is religious. This new Supreme Court decision is a religious one and that’s unconstitutional

Religious people are allowed to vote and their interests are to be represented in national law and policy.

Your desire to deny them that, is you being a want a be tyrant.
How many German and Japanese babies were killed because they lived close to a military target? Regardless, we agree that killing in certain cases is a justifiable action but those German and Japanese parents might not agree with you as to what killings are justified.

Will you equate Muslims using babies as human shields as well? Should an American soldier shoot and protect himself?


You're a buffoon attempting to use equivocation to support the fact that you prey on the most vulnerable members of society and kill them, for a profit. You're not saving anyone, you're looking to make a buck.

These same pro life republicans criticize Clinton for not taking out bin Ladin because there would have been too many civilian casualties.

So, unborn babies are terrorists.

The shit you Nazis say.

And this was before 9-11.

Republicans care about the seed in my womb but not Afghanistan children? I find that strange. I wish they’d care less about my seed and more about children from Guatemala.

And if we don’t have room in America for dreamers why force 800,000 American women a year to give birth to dreamers?

So, illegals good, but American babies must die to make room for them.

You fucking Nazis.
Religious people are allowed to vote and their interests are to be represented in national law and policy.

Your desire to deny them that, is you being a want a be tyrant.

I'm solidly agnostic and solidly anti-abortion.

The inability to reason among the left makes them desire this to be a religious issue, so that they can trot out their hating points From Planned Infanticide and The Adolf Hitler Institute.
The vast majority of abortions are for matters of convenience.

Being irresponsible about sex is not an emergency.

Wait, I thought AdolfH1216 said every abortion is to save the life of the mother, and that if even one abortion is missed, millions of women will die?

Nazi democrats mourn each and every live birth. Besides, Silly Bonobo says we have to kill American babies to make room for illegal aliens.
Will you equate Muslims using babies as human shields as well? Should an American soldier shoot and protect himself?
So killing babies can sometimes be justified? I agree. Though we might disagree on the circumstances of that justification, in principle we agree that the killing of babies is sometimes justifiable.
The vast majority of abortions are for matters of convenience.

Being irresponsible about sex is not an emergency.
So some but not all abortions are justified? Agreed and I think most people in this country would agree, though what constitutes 'convenience' may be open to interpretation.
Cowardly cop-out from someone who adamantly wants to be involved in the decisions of others.

The reaction of you Nazis when your hating points fail is hilarious.

You're reading the same flaccid shit from the Adolf Hitler Institute that you have for 60 years. It was logical fallacy then as it is now.
So some but not all abortions are justified? Agreed and I think most people in this country would agree, though what constitutes 'convenience' may be open to interpretation.
Very few people, I think, are going to oppose an abortion to save the life of the mother (which is a miniscule reason).

But to save the mother's desire to go clubbing?

Not so much.

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