Status Quo Joe Is Under Pressure To Pick Warren As Running Mate


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Status Quo Joe Is Under Pressure To Pick Warren As Running Mate

Billionaires and Big Business want to thank the centrists and the Democratic voters who gave them Status Quo Joe as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. Like the crooks who run the RNC for the benefit of the fat cats, the crooks who run the DNC are also obligated to the rich political contributors. Had the voters chosen Sanders, it would have forced those crooks in the DNC into suspicious rule changes and other shady tricks to assure SQJ (Biden) the nomination.

The first few weeks of primary season had Democratic leaders worried, but they soon found that liberal Democrats and centrists registered as Democrats are exactly the same as conservatives. They, just like right-wingers, measure the prosperity of the nation, and their own, by the amount of additional wealth accumulated by the 0.1% each quarter. Another factor these folks consider, the number of Americans living at or below the poverty level must also increase to prove to conservatives and these Democratic voters that the U.S. economy is booming.

While speaking at a fund raiser for rich donors last year, Status Quo Joe praised the "civility" of racists and guaranteed the assembled audience that, if he is elected, "Nothing would fundamentally change." He promised the tax cuts already in place for the super-rich would remain and that "no one's standard of living will change." Which, when you look at SQJ’s history in politics, means the middle class will continue to decline and more Americans will be forced into poverty.

The pressure on Status Quo Joe’s election team to pick Elizabeth Warren as his running mate is coming from progressive voter groups. Progressives’ belief that the 0.1% and Big Business should NOT have complete control over our government is extremely unpopular among conservatives, centrists, and the liberal Democrats who voted for SQJ. The progressive belief in one person, one vote, is also unpopular with Status Quo Joe’s supporters and the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the very thought leaves a sour taste in their mouths.

Progressives are definitely going to vote in November, but, given the many unfortunate similarities between Status Quo Joe and the impeached president trump, the boxes for president will likely remain blank on many progressives’ ballots.

In light of their misogynistic tendencies and ingrained need to protect the 0.1%, SQJ’s supporters could reconsider and vote for the impeached president trump if Warren is chosen as SQJ’s running mate in the general election. How many that might make this switch is unknown. However, given their extreme prejudiced against women, and other long-held beliefs by SQJ’s supporters, it’s doubtful that choosing Warren as his running mate would net the number of progressive votes necessary to replace the votes of those who defect to the impeached president trump’s camp.

With Warren as his running mate, billionaires and the DNC will be gambling on Status Quo Joe’s health remaining strong. Progressives, on the other hand, will be gambling that SQJ will pass away early in his first term, so as to prevent any additional damage to average Americans than the massive amount already done by the impeached president trump.

Either way, for those who voted for SQJ in the primaries, the terror they feel at the possibility of a Warren presidency and its potential threat to the sacred wealth of the 0.1%, like that of the conservatives, is unimaginable.

There's reportedly 'a lot of pressure' on Biden to pick Warren as running mate



THE Warren?

The liar Warren?

wow....Biden must be desperate.
Screeching Cheeks may have been flung off a cliff for all the disgrace and humiliation she brought to the tribe.

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