Stay Classy Trump Supporters...

do you have proof of the death threats? Certainly there has to be an FBI investigation going on or something.
Or is the union trash doing what they do best and lying.
My bet is that he is lying, its what they do .

You guys are going down a seriously fucked up path. Even when someone has proven death threats you'll find a new reason why every incident is fake or excusable.
so no threats.
got you.

Its impossible to prove something to someone who doesn't accept facts. You couldn't even name a source you would accept as fact if I gave you the chance. Go ahead and try, if you're game.

It will only be true if it is posted on Breitbart or Info Wars.
so you have nothing but refuse to admit that you were trying to spread lies again.

Spread what lies? You have forgot how things work in the new Trump world. You have to take a person at their word until you prove them wrong, not the other way around. The Union President said he has received threats, so it's true. Prove it wrong.
Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Oh, I'm sorry, did you just gloss over all the news stories of the Trump electors receiving harassing phone calls, emails, letters, and death threats?

Nope, never said that was ok either. Show where I did.
Wonder if they are investigating the hundreds of death threats against our President elect?

Well yeah, they investigate all of the threats for how serious they are. Go ahead, make a threat against his life and see if you get investigated.
You guys are going down a seriously fucked up path. Even when someone has proven death threats you'll find a new reason why every incident is fake or excusable.
so no threats.
got you.

Its impossible to prove something to someone who doesn't accept facts. You couldn't even name a source you would accept as fact if I gave you the chance. Go ahead and try, if you're game.

It will only be true if it is posted on Breitbart or Info Wars.
so you have nothing but refuse to admit that you were trying to spread lies again.

Spread what lies? You have forgot how things work in the new Trump world. You have to take a person at their word until you prove them wrong, not the other way around. The Union President said he has received threats, so it's true. Prove it wrong.
sorry, not how it works.
You are lying about this too.
I think you have shown who you are without any questions now.
so no threats.
got you.

Its impossible to prove something to someone who doesn't accept facts. You couldn't even name a source you would accept as fact if I gave you the chance. Go ahead and try, if you're game.

It will only be true if it is posted on Breitbart or Info Wars.
so you have nothing but refuse to admit that you were trying to spread lies again.

Spread what lies? You have forgot how things work in the new Trump world. You have to take a person at their word until you prove them wrong, not the other way around. The Union President said he has received threats, so it's true. Prove it wrong.
sorry, not how it works.
You are lying about this too.
I think you have shown who you are without any questions now.

No, it is how it works. Trump has changed the world. When you say something, you don't have to prove it, others have to prove you wrong. Now prove me wrong about that.
Its impossible to prove something to someone who doesn't accept facts. You couldn't even name a source you would accept as fact if I gave you the chance. Go ahead and try, if you're game.

It will only be true if it is posted on Breitbart or Info Wars.
so you have nothing but refuse to admit that you were trying to spread lies again.

Spread what lies? You have forgot how things work in the new Trump world. You have to take a person at their word until you prove them wrong, not the other way around. The Union President said he has received threats, so it's true. Prove it wrong.
sorry, not how it works.
You are lying about this too.
I think you have shown who you are without any questions now.

No, it is how it works. Trump has changed the world. When you say something, you don't have to prove it, others have to prove you wrong. Now prove me wrong about that.
come back when you are ready to back up your posts.
It will only be true if it is posted on Breitbart or Info Wars.
so you have nothing but refuse to admit that you were trying to spread lies again.

Spread what lies? You have forgot how things work in the new Trump world. You have to take a person at their word until you prove them wrong, not the other way around. The Union President said he has received threats, so it's true. Prove it wrong.
sorry, not how it works.
You are lying about this too.
I think you have shown who you are without any questions now.

No, it is how it works. Trump has changed the world. When you say something, you don't have to prove it, others have to prove you wrong. Now prove me wrong about that.
come back when you are ready to back up your posts.

I already did, with direct quotes form the Union President. Now prove him wrong.
You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.
I wouldn't believe a union thug, period.
'Union thug'?
What's he done to deserve that title?
he's a union boss. hence Union thug. you should learn about unions and their thuggery.
So, you're just making it up.
You don't know anything about him at all.
Cleared up nicely, thanks.
why did he complain about trump saving any number of jobs. If he saved one, it's a win. Or do you prefer people shouldn't work? His behavior is my evidence. First he should have not said anything, second, he shouldn't have lied to draw attention. That in itself is thuggery. So the evidence is all there bubba. I made nothing up, he did.
He didn't complain about Trump saving jobs at all.
You just continue to make stuff up.
The guy is receiving death threats against him and his family.
He shouldn't have been an ungrateful piss ant. Would he rather ALL the jobs went to Mexico? This is why the unions workers voted Trump because the union don't do SHIT to stop this crap. Oh and that scumbag voted for Clinton.
Having a different opinion is worthy of a personal attack on social media from the President-elect of the US and death treats against your family.
Sounds fair enough.
"One people, one country, one leader"
Now you are getting with the program! Good job.

Lefties are just getting a taste of their own medicine....that clown brought it on himself. He literally WHINED because over 700 jobs were saved...that's pathetic.
I saw no whining.
The President-elect is about to be the Whiner-In-Chief.
The Uniontard is WHINING ONLY 700 jobs were saved...I guess he would be happier with ZERO jobs being saved.
He's not whining at all.
The only whining comes from Trump Towers.
It sounds like a jet engine test facility's been set up in Manhattan.
I wouldn't believe a union thug, period.
'Union thug'?
What's he done to deserve that title?
he's a union boss. hence Union thug. you should learn about unions and their thuggery.
So, you're just making it up.
You don't know anything about him at all.
Cleared up nicely, thanks.
why did he complain about trump saving any number of jobs. If he saved one, it's a win. Or do you prefer people shouldn't work? His behavior is my evidence. First he should have not said anything, second, he shouldn't have lied to draw attention. That in itself is thuggery. So the evidence is all there bubba. I made nothing up, he did.
He didn't complain about Trump saving jobs at all.
You just continue to make stuff up.
You're an idiot.

"“He got up there, and, for whatever reason, lied his ass off,” Jones told the Washington Post. “I almost threw up in my mouth.”

So he knows that Trump knew the real numbers and lied by a few hundred (if that's even true) so that it would look that much better? That doesn't even make sense. The guy is a hard core moron misusing his position and exactly what's wrong with unions these days.
He shouldn't have been an ungrateful piss ant. Would he rather ALL the jobs went to Mexico? This is why the unions workers voted Trump because the union don't do SHIT to stop this crap. Oh and that scumbag voted for Clinton.
Having a different opinion is worthy of a personal attack on social media from the President-elect of the US and death treats against your family.
Sounds fair enough.
"One people, one country, one leader"
Now you are getting with the program! Good job.

Lefties are just getting a taste of their own medicine....that clown brought it on himself. He literally WHINED because over 700 jobs were saved...that's pathetic.
I saw no whining.
The President-elect is about to be the Whiner-In-Chief.
The Uniontard is WHINING ONLY 700 jobs were saved...I guess he would be happier with ZERO jobs being saved.
He's not whining at all.
The only whining comes from Trump Towers.
It sounds like a jet engine test facility's been set up in Manhattan.
That's the wind coming out of your ass. Get some air, your brain is starving for oxygen.
'Union thug'?
What's he done to deserve that title?
he's a union boss. hence Union thug. you should learn about unions and their thuggery.
So, you're just making it up.
You don't know anything about him at all.
Cleared up nicely, thanks.
why did he complain about trump saving any number of jobs. If he saved one, it's a win. Or do you prefer people shouldn't work? His behavior is my evidence. First he should have not said anything, second, he shouldn't have lied to draw attention. That in itself is thuggery. So the evidence is all there bubba. I made nothing up, he did.
He didn't complain about Trump saving jobs at all.
You just continue to make stuff up.
You're an idiot.

"“He got up there, and, for whatever reason, lied his ass off,” Jones told the Washington Post. “I almost threw up in my mouth.”

So he knows that Trump knew the real numbers and lied by a few hundred (if that's even true) so that it would look that much better? That doesn't even make sense. The guy is a hard core moron misusing his position and exactly what's wrong with unions these days.
Where is he complaining about jobs being saved?
You're reading his comments the way that you're directed to.
Good work you.
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
They don't stop to think about what they're's their team right or wrong.
That's the danger of blind Pavlovian partisanship.
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
They don't stop to think about what they're's their team right or wrong.
That's the danger of blind Pavlovian partisanship.

And just another reason why I think political parties should be abolished.
He shouldn't have been an ungrateful piss ant. Would he rather ALL the jobs went to Mexico? This is why the unions workers voted Trump because the union don't do SHIT to stop this crap. Oh and that scumbag voted for Clinton.
Having a different opinion is worthy of a personal attack on social media from the President-elect of the US and death treats against your family.
Sounds fair enough.
"One people, one country, one leader"
Now you are getting with the program! Good job.

Lefties are just getting a taste of their own medicine....that clown brought it on himself. He literally WHINED because over 700 jobs were saved...that's pathetic.
I saw no whining.
The President-elect is about to be the Whiner-In-Chief.
The Uniontard is WHINING ONLY 700 jobs were saved...I guess he would be happier with ZERO jobs being saved.
He's not whining at all.
The only whining comes from Trump Towers.
It sounds like a jet engine test facility's been set up in Manhattan.
He's whining. That's a fact snowflake.
Having a different opinion is worthy of a personal attack on social media from the President-elect of the US and death treats against your family.
Sounds fair enough.
"One people, one country, one leader"
Now you are getting with the program! Good job.

Lefties are just getting a taste of their own medicine....that clown brought it on himself. He literally WHINED because over 700 jobs were saved...that's pathetic.
I saw no whining.
The President-elect is about to be the Whiner-In-Chief.
The Uniontard is WHINING ONLY 700 jobs were saved...I guess he would be happier with ZERO jobs being saved.
He's not whining at all.
The only whining comes from Trump Towers.
It sounds like a jet engine test facility's been set up in Manhattan.
He's whining. That's a fact snowflake.
That's your fact.'re free to make up your own facts in Trump World.
I see that your fact-making kit has arrived in the post.
You've got to admire the efficiency of the USPS.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

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