Stay Classy Trump Supporters...

So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

Because I don't care which party it is, it's wrong. Threatening someone's kids is cowardice. Supporting that type of behavior isn't much better than the behavior itself.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

Because I don't care which party it is, it's wrong. Threatening someone's kids is cowardice. Supporting that type of behavior isn't much better than the behavior itself.

Then why didn't you whine when a newspaper published the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders?

Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names, addresses of gun permit holders -
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

Because I don't care which party it is, it's wrong. Threatening someone's kids is cowardice. Supporting that type of behavior isn't much better than the behavior itself.

Then why didn't you whine when a newspaper published the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders?

Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names, addresses of gun permit holders -

Was I a member here in 2012? Nope.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

Because I don't care which party it is, it's wrong. Threatening someone's kids is cowardice. Supporting that type of behavior isn't much better than the behavior itself.

Then why didn't you whine when a newspaper published the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders?

Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names, addresses of gun permit holders -

Was I a member here in 2012? Nope.
You were undoubtedly online somewhere, and no one believes you ever objected to publishing the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

Because I don't care which party it is, it's wrong. Threatening someone's kids is cowardice. Supporting that type of behavior isn't much better than the behavior itself.

Then why didn't you whine when a newspaper published the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders?

Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names, addresses of gun permit holders -

Was I a member here in 2012? Nope.
You were undoubtedly online somewhere, and no one believes you ever objected to publishing the names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders.

Yeah except the fact I've posted here in my introduction thread I am Pro-guns.
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
What is routing for their team mean?
Now you are getting with the program! Good job.

Lefties are just getting a taste of their own medicine....that clown brought it on himself. He literally WHINED because over 700 jobs were saved...that's pathetic.
I saw no whining.
The President-elect is about to be the Whiner-In-Chief.
The Uniontard is WHINING ONLY 700 jobs were saved...I guess he would be happier with ZERO jobs being saved.
He's not whining at all.
The only whining comes from Trump Towers.
It sounds like a jet engine test facility's been set up in Manhattan.
He's whining. That's a fact snowflake.
That's your fact.'re free to make up your own facts in Trump World.
I see that your fact-making kit has arrived in the post.
You've got to admire the efficiency of the USPS.
What's made up?
he's a union boss. hence Union thug. you should learn about unions and their thuggery.
So, you're just making it up.
You don't know anything about him at all.
Cleared up nicely, thanks.
why did he complain about trump saving any number of jobs. If he saved one, it's a win. Or do you prefer people shouldn't work? His behavior is my evidence. First he should have not said anything, second, he shouldn't have lied to draw attention. That in itself is thuggery. So the evidence is all there bubba. I made nothing up, he did.
He didn't complain about Trump saving jobs at all.
You just continue to make stuff up.
You're an idiot.

"“He got up there, and, for whatever reason, lied his ass off,” Jones told the Washington Post. “I almost threw up in my mouth.”

So he knows that Trump knew the real numbers and lied by a few hundred (if that's even true) so that it would look that much better? That doesn't even make sense. The guy is a hard core moron misusing his position and exactly what's wrong with unions these days.
Where is he complaining about jobs being saved?
You're reading his comments the way that you're directed to.
Good work you.
I didn't say he complained about Trump saving jobs, you got me mixed up with somebody else. Good work you? Are you drunk?
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
They don't stop to think about what they're's their team right or wrong.
That's the danger of blind Pavlovian partisanship.
What makes you say that? You don't like what we like so that means we don't think? You don't see how stupid that is?

This thread is meant to smear everyone that supports Trump based on some stupid dishonest union rep running his blowhole. The 800 number he claims Trump lied about is the number of factory union workers, not all the jobs. 300 were not. So he's the liar, you lefties gobbled it up and then claim we don't think.

You never even slowed down to think how ridiculous it would be for a president elect to lie about a few hundred, knowing full well it was a big story. Your hate overrides all common sense. Lefties are hate mongers, first and foremost.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Why do you object to Republicans using the same tactics that Democrats are notorious for?

Because I don't care which party it is, it's wrong. Threatening someone's kids is cowardice. Supporting that type of behavior isn't much better than the behavior itself.
No political party threatened kids.
how many states are in the union, 57?

How many jobs did the Carrier deal save?

i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.

No, I don't support that, and you continue to lie.
dude, you have no clue what is what. Stop while you have some integrity left. or maybe you don't.

I don't? It's fucking right there. Trump lied... and he continues to lie. And you eat it up and defend him. I'm simply amazed how so many of you buy into it. I really truly am dumbfounded how so many people can sit and be lied to straight to their faces and ignore it and accept it. How? How in the 21st Century can so many people sit and be lied to repeatedly by one person and sit and accept it?
what was his lie? that was the question and no answer from you bot.

What was the lie? There have been a zillion threads about this. It is a proven lie. Trump said he saved 1,100 jobs when the number is around 800. Some of the jobs he took credit for were R&D positions that were never leaving... he lied. And to prove he lied, he didn't admit it was a mistake when called out on it by this Union President. Instead he attacked the him.

It's interesting your all of sudden interested in exact numbers, bitch-tits.

Right numbnuts, you can't defend your lying ass man child so you go his route and start calling names. I can see why you voted for him, you are on the same intellectual level.

I only decided to vote for him once I was in the voting booth. My guy was walker.

And the name calling is all your piddly ass posts deserve.
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
What is routing for their team mean?

There is no benefit to you guys by backing these picks other than cheering for your "team" to win. Trump says he's going to work for all Americans. Thats great. Then his actions pick Foreclosure Kings and CEO's and you cheer more. Anyone who says those guys might not have your or my best interest at heart just looking at their record gets shouted down for the home team. Not because they have a record helping the middle class but they are backed for no other reason than Trump picked them so they must be good.

And if their record doesnt show any good then the defense turns from records to faith and hope..."maybe he will be good"
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
They don't stop to think about what they're's their team right or wrong.
That's the danger of blind Pavlovian partisanship.
What makes you say that? You don't like what we like so that means we don't think? You don't see how stupid that is?

This thread is meant to smear everyone that supports Trump based on some stupid dishonest union rep running his blowhole. The 800 number he claims Trump lied about is the number of factory union workers, not all the jobs. 300 were not. So he's the liar, you lefties gobbled it up and then claim we don't think.

You never even slowed down to think how ridiculous it would be for a president elect to lie about a few hundred, knowing full well it was a big story. Your hate overrides all common sense. Lefties are hate mongers, first and foremost.
Really the funny thing is this union douche doesn't have the details of what transpired. He's the actual liar. Typical left douche bag. Also, the week before he praised the deal. So, what changed?
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I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?

Death threats are OK now smh
The hypocrisy of the Trump supporters would be breathtaking if it wasn't so totally predictable.

Its dangerous as hell what they are supporting and routing for. Other than routing for their team there is no benefit for them.
What is routing for their team mean?

There is no benefit to you guys by backing these picks other than cheering for your "team" to win. Trump says he's going to work for all Americans. Thats great. Then his actions pick Foreclosure Kings and CEO's and you cheer more. Anyone who says those guys might not have your or my best interest at heart just looking at their record gets shouted down for the home team. Not because they have a record helping the middle class but they are backed for no other reason than Trump picked them so they must be good.

And if their record doesnt show any good then the defense turns from records to faith and hope..."maybe he will be good"
50,000 jobs from SoftBank. Dude, you must really hate the middle class Americans

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