Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

Retard. That is the official line that the orange loser forcibly tried to wrestle the wheel from the SS agents. Try to keep up.
And you buy that, so you have the IQ of an ear of corn. You are what they call a lemming.
Everyone needs to keep their eyes on the ball. The salient point here is not Trump's actions in the car. It is that he demanded to go to be with his peeps. The ones for whom he told the SS to turn off the magnetometers so his mob could get weapons in the Capital.
This is a guy who thinks Joy Reid is do you even talk to a retard this dumb?
“Peacefully and Patriotically let your voices be heard”-President Donald J Trump, Jan 6, 2021.

You lose.
When did he say that....?
What do you personally think was damning?
All of the conversations with Meadows regarding the election being stolen, the request from all the President's Men asking for pardons, the first hand testimony from the rally regarding Trump's knowledge of his fans having guns and other weapons, that could not make it in to the rally space, etc etc....just off the top of my head, and from memory only....there are more, but I would have to go back to her testimony.
Actually, the lawyer Trump provided to her encouraged her to not to tell the whole truth so she told him to fuck off.

LOL all she had was hearsay testimony. THere's a reason it's not allowed in a real proceeding.
She did not testify as to what the driver did.

She testified as to what she was told the driver did.

Why do you automatically believe Hutchinson lied instead of Ornato?

The driver testified months after Hutchinson.

If the drivers story was did we find out about it?

That is the part I don't get.

Why would Trump wanting to go to the capital paint him in a bad light? He told his supporters he would meet them at the captial.

If anything, it seems that testimony Trump didn't want to do as promised and meet his supporters at the capital would actually be worse.

Why do you automatically believe Hutchinson lied instead of Ornato?

First of all, it sounds like a fanciful account, in the same realm as Trump having hookers pee on the bed Obama slept in. A story made up to make Trump simply look bad.

If you look at it logically, say TRump grabs a SS agent by the throat. What then? so he grabs the steering wheel.. what then? Trump is going to drive the limo now himself? It sounds liek a Liberal wet dream. Everything they WANT to brlieve about Trump.
I've never heard of any previous incidents where TRump had been disrespectful to agents or treated his SS staff with disprespect. Does he have some track record of that?
Because pathological liars on the left have not documented it
It can not be documented. It comes down to who you believe. I choose not to believe a pathological liar who wanted to go to the Capital to be with his mob and has lied about everything all the time.
Since they took back the majority last year, House Republicans have been eager to relitigate the investigation and findings of the Jan. 6 committee as Trump seeks to win back the White House in November. One of the GOP's top priorities has been to discredit Hutchison, who was a top aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the final days of the Trump administration.

Good, they should, it was a sham Soviet style court.
Why do you automatically believe Hutchinson lied instead of Ornato?

First of all, it sounds like a fanciful account, in the same realm as Trump having hookers pee on the bed Obama slept in. A story made up to make Trump simply look bad.

If you look at it logically, say TRump grabs a SS agent by the throat. What then? so he grabs the steering wheel.. what then? Trump is going to drive the limo now himself? It sounds liek a Liberal wet dream. Everything they WANT to brlieve about Trump.
I've never heard of any previous incidents where TRump had been disrespectful to agents or treated his SS staff with disprespect. Does he have some track record of that?
So it's your opinion.
Hutchinson is a Republican. The conflicting testimony of those Republicans came out at the end of 2022. I don't believe any one of the 91 criminal charges against Benedict Donald have anything to do with his alleged actions in the vehicle on Jan 6th when he was told he was not going to the Capitol Riot.

The poutrage machine knows it's audiences.
Oh stop with that crap. She's a republican...LOL, all she did was lie on national tv about an absurd event that noone believes actually happened. Let me guess her daddy was a republican, she went to college and became a dyke through her women's studies courses.
And you buy that, so you have the IQ of an ear of corn. You are what they call a lemming.
Yeah, how bad of me to believe that a guy who was charged and found liable for rape, who scammed college kids, who looted a charity, who regularly stiffed sub-contractors and many of his loyal employees, who stole state secrets and tried to hide etc ...

A guy like that would be guilty of wrestling with his Secret Service agents. Seems far-fetched, no?
June 28, 2022

"The United States Secret Service has been cooperating with the Select Committee since its inception in spring 2021, and will continue to do so, including by responding on the record to the Committee regarding the new allegations surfaced in today's testimony," Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement to CBS News.

He testified under oath on Nov. 29th 2022.

Do you understand why it is a current story?

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