Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

Then you have confused yourself. The driver testified it didn't happen. Hutchinson testified that another SS agent said it did.

Now rub those two brain cells together and see if you can figure out who lied, here.
The SS driver was present whereas your star witness was not

Now direct your personal insult at someone who cares
Everyone needs to keep their eyes on the ball. The salient point here is not Trump's actions in the car. It is that he demanded to go to be with his peeps. The ones for whom he told the SS to turn off the magnetometers so his mob could get weapons in the Capital.
It was easy to follow my instincts when I first heard this steering wheel tale:
  1. Political partisans are hypocrites and liars.
  2. Partisans hate the other side.
  3. Giving attention to things partisans say about the other side is reaching far beyond the point of diminishing returns.
The idea you would even think this would happen is hilarious. a 70 year old guy, overpowering a secret service agent. How dumb are you? At any point do you question anything a democrat says?
Hutchinson is a Republican. The conflicting testimony of those Republicans came out at the end of 2022. I don't believe any one of the 91 criminal charges against Benedict Donald have anything to do with his alleged actions in the vehicle on Jan 6th when he was told he was not going to the Capitol Riot.

The poutrage machine knows it's audiences.
Since they took back the majority last year, House Republicans have been eager to relitigate the investigation and findings of the Jan. 6 committee as Trump seeks to win back the White House in November. One of the GOP's top priorities has been to discredit Hutchison, who was a top aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the final days of the Trump administration.

Its clear moonbat. Only Congress can invoke that on Trump. Oops.

The SCOTUS skirted around whether Trump committed insurrection or rebellion or aided the enemy, and said section 5 put it in Congress's hands to write the laws to govern Section 3 of the 14th in the constitution..... That's it kiddo.
Then you have confused yourself. The driver testified it didn't happen. Hutchinson testified that another SS agent said it did.

Now rub those two brain cells together and see if you can figure out who lied, here.

If you were the driver and someone grabbed your steeringwheel, tried to choke you as your doing your job, you would be pissed. You would be the one telling the truth.
Hutchinson wasnt there so its clear to see she is the one making shit up. If you cant figure out WHY she would do something like that, then you dont understand politics. At all.
Number one, she can stand up there and flat out lie, knowing that she is protected by simply having to say. "well, its what I was told". it then becomes yes .a she said he said thing and she is protected... so she can spout any crap possible if it hurts TRump. In case you have forgotten, there was an effort by the entire Democrat establishment to prosecute him at any cost. How hard do you think it is for them to find a willing player? They live for that kind of thing.
She reported a conversation she had. Are you not intelligent enough to realise that?
Why is that even allowed then? What the fuck kinda of banana republic shit is this. I heard something from my brothers first cousin. Why not just ask the guy she HEARD it from?
She testified to what she was told, that's it. Now the insurrectionists are pretending nothing happened.

Meh. They've gotta do what they've gotta do. Nothing to see here.
It wasnt an insurrection. Jesus you guys really don't understand what these terms mean. It's like you just suck off the New York Times and take it as Gospel.
Why is that even allowed then? What the fuck kinda of banana republic shit is this. I heard something from my brothers first cousin. Why not just ask the guy she HEARD it from?
And yet the GOP Committee has failed to ask Ornato or Engles if that story was told
There was no Civil Court either.....

This was a hearing for an investigation by Congress, not a civil court, not an impeachment court, and not a Criminal Court.
So it was a Kangeroo court. We all know that. It was a joke where they allowed heresy on national tv.

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