Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

The SCOTUS skirted around whether Trump committed insurrection or rebellion or aided the enemy, and said section 5 put it in Congress's hands to write the laws to govern Section 3 of the 14th in the constitution..... That's it kiddo.
Im not your kiddo. They made it CLEAR CONGRESS MUST DO IT.


BTW. I put up 1919 case that it was done. 114 years later. Where are da real examples of it.
Cry it all out, son. You seem to have a short memory and have forgotten who the violent sore losers are.

It's you and your cult.
No, stupid leftard liar.

The violent sore losers are the leftard scumbags who killed 25 people and caused 2 billion dollars worth of property damage, whining about a worthless asshole thousands of miles away who tried to stab a pregnant woman in the gut.

Fuck off and die, leftard loser. Your game, your rules. You were warned.
Duck, dodge and evade........

No wonder all your friends have you on their ignore list........ :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, you are definitely dodging any effort to support your idiotic lie. That's why you are trying to transfer the burden of proof to me. Like an uneducated slob who doesn't get how this works would be expected to do.
How is she not in jail?
It is because she only repeated a hearsay. And, the dem and MSM took it and ran with it.
As I said in the beginning, all SSAs had no right, obligation or responsibility to correct the "big month" agent, even if he was lying.
Yet you couldn't argue why if your life depended on it.

Oh neat, you really got me a good one. I feel defeated.

First of all, you have to be a moron to think Trump makes all decisions, and has his hands on everything.

But I regress, I'm talking to someone who believes Trump appraises his own properties.

Yep, you really got me good. Try thinking instead.
Hmm, no crybaby, we all watched it on live TV.

In other words, you weren't anywhere near it.

Whereas I, was only 100 feet from it.

Next person that threatens my family, I'll tear their fucking lungs out and eat their liver for lunch.

Don't believe me? Try me.

Take your tears and tantrum and internet courage and go find a Trumper shoulder to cry on.

Still trying to make it about Trump.


Talk about whining losers....
Aww, poor baby.

Hillary spent her life studying the law.

Trump spent his life paying others to do it for him to help him break the law.

The contrasting results of these efforts shouldn't be surprising.



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