Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

Haha, that part is probably true, if I had to bet. Think about it. Sounds like something the orange pile of shit would do. (Paying them to piss on Obama's bed)
Nope, he's a germophobe, wouldn't be caught anywhere near another person's pee. Very unlikely story.
But they corroborated the testimony, except for the "lunge for the wheel" part (same for CNN), which is the only specific part seemingly disputed, here.

Did you not know that?
I'm talking political reality here, where appearances rule the day. Their interest in getting something on TRUMP! overruled their apparently vanishingly small concern about getting to the truth of what happened, and that's what plays. The mere fact that they thought it smart to include testimony that was unverified is telling, and it had the desired effect. The lemmings went on a rampage about how dangerous TRUMP! was when he reached through the divider and wrestled the wheel from the distraught, highly trained professional driver, disabling the attending Secret Service agents with a blur of precisely targeted kicks and blows. Naturally, he took the time first to tell them in detail how each of them was going to be incapacitated and thanking them for understanding that they were up against a superior foe. You know, like in the movies. Lemmings love movies.
Nope, he's a germophobe, wouldn't be caught anywhere near another person's pee.
In a chair across the room is not "near it". So we can dismiss this argument.

I'm talking political reality here, where appearances rule the day.
No, you are assuming as true that which you want to be true. That's why you have believed this testimony and doubted other testimony.

And, at the Jan 6 hearings -- as those who actually watched them will know -- they were establishing Trump's mindset that day. They were building a criminal case and debunking any ideas that Trump was acting in good faith or had no interest in or control of the violent insurrection.

They established that Trump knew exactly the intent of the Capitol rally, knew he lost the election, and wanted to go to the Capitol to join the insurrectionists.

It was relevant testimony.
See what I mean about the DemoKKKrats relying on the gullibility and stupidity of their followers?

Haha, that part is probably true, if I had to bet. Think about it. Sounds like something the orange pile of shit would do. (Paying them to piss on Obama's bed)

But they corroborated the testimony, except for the "lunge for the wheel" part (same for CNN), which is the only specific part seemingly disputed, here.

Did you not know that?

In a chair across the room is not "near it". So we can dismiss this argument.

No, you are assuming as true that which you want to be true. That's why you have believed this testimony and doubted other testimony.

And, at the Jan 6 hearings -- as those who actually watched them will know -- they were establishing Trump's mindset that day. They were building a criminal case and debunking any ideas that Trump was acting in good faith or had no interest in or control of the violent insurrection.

It was relevant testimony.
The POTUS limo.... Dan Bongino was a Secret Service agent for many years and was assigned to the transportation pool - he drove that vehicle and says literally NOBODY calls the POTUS limo "The Beast". Nobody.

That was the first sign it was all complete bullshit. It was the "This is MAGA country" of this particular hoax. :laughing0301:
No sandwich was harmed in the making of this hoax either 🤣
It's not the Democrats who have lost all credibility in the eyes of the First World.

It's not the Democrats who continue to believe a lying con artist who nearly destroyed your Constitutional Republic and tried to overturn a valid and certified as legal election by every governmental authority in all 50 states, and in 67 Court Rooms at every level in the country, up to and including the Supreme Court of the USA.

That certification includes every one of the legitimate Republican poll watchers who oversaw that election.

It's not the Democrats who crash the economy every time they get the White House.

It's not the Democrats who are supporting Vladimir Putin and his illegal war against the Ukraine.

The only place in the entire first world which give any credence to Donald Trump's Republican Party, is the USA. The party is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, and Trump is determined to take the entire party down with him as his life of crime, corruption and bribery comes crashing down around him.

Trump's takeover of the Republican Party last week, ensures it's fiscal demise, and the end of the Party of Lincoln.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies. Just ask the people of Atlantic City.
That's some nice regurgitated propaganda you got there. Fucking hell do you even hear yourself?!
It doesn't really matter whether DJ lunged for the steering wheel , or not. What's important is that he wanted them to drive him to the Capitol Building, and they refused. So much for the power of a President.
It doesn't really matter whether DJ lunged for the steering wheel , or not. What's important is that he wanted them to drive him to the Capitol Building, and they refused. So much for the power of a President.
That and the fact that she was relating a story told to her by Ornato in the presence of Engle . Neither of which have stated under oath that Ornato did NOT tell her that story.

If Ornato lied to her that’s on Him
Stupid fuck

You hurt my feeling Lush. I'll remember that.

When you start lying, your entire testimony is struck. We don't try to sort through your delusions looking for snippets of truth. It's all bullshit. It's in the Fani Willis file.... the Jussie Smollett file.... the Adam Schitt file....

Lush is full of shit
You hurt my feeling Lush. I'll remember that.

When you start lying, your entire testimony is struck. We don't try to sort through your delusions looking for snippets of truth. It's all bullshit. It's in the Fani Willis file.... the Jussie Smollett file.... the Adam Schitt file....

Lush is full of shit
Hey asshole… the driver testified that Trump wanted to have himself driven to the Capitol on Jan 6

He had no knowledge of what Ornato told Hutchinson

Eat shit
Hey asshole… the driver testified that Trump wanted to have himself driven to the Capitol on Jan 6

He had no knowledge of what Ornato told Hutchinson

Eat shit
She said he was there listening when Ornato supposedly told her this tale.
"Sworn testimony is supposed to be about certainties, details known to be true"
I think in this case of Hutchinson vis-a-vis the alleged contest in the SUV there is certainty.

In my judgement after watching her testimony she was certain she had been told the tale by the Secret Service guy.

Certain of it.
And thus, she told the truth as she knew it. Meaning, she knew the guy told her. And she told the Committee what she was told.

She did NOT say she witnessed or knew that the incident in fact happened. She was careful about that.
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