Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

Just what I was saying, no one can verify the story, which makes including it in the feeding frenzy around Orange Man Bad look ever more exactly what it was and what it was not.
It has nothing to do with the Jan 6th conspiracy charges Benedict Donald is facing. That is there is no charge for conspiring to hijack his own vehicle. The only feeding frenzy is the Dark Prince of Retribution party's attempts to extract retribution on Cassidy Hutchinson.

Well lets not mention both parties feeding on the poor SP Hur.......
You can whine to Ornato the cultist about that.
Not my problem he wanted to impress somebody, or maybe feed her enough to be left alone, I didn't ask him. The people putting her on the stand should have known better, but they're democrats, so...
That particular part of her testimony WAS pretty meaningless.

What does that have to do with Stalin?

No one was getting indicted based on that hearsay
Libtards trying to defend the indefensible.

Sad, really.

My, how far the left has fallen. It's a travesty of it's 30-years-ago self.
You Trumpsters are just as hysterical and illogical as the liberal media types who thought to use this story to show Trump wanted to lead the insurrection personally. This was always a second hand report, and the “lying” or “exaggeration” — if there was any — may have come from either of the two principals, and for various reasons…. Personally I never gave the story much creed or importance.

It is all, or at least it all became, on both sides, stupid b.s. propaganda.

Perhaps Trump would have gone there to try to calm things down? Do we even know the answer to this question? Perhaps Ornato was just bragging to this Trump staff member to make it look like Trump was a “tough guy.” Do we know for sure Ornato’s real motivation any more than hers? I don’t see this at all as Hutchinson deliberately lying but surely the media sensationalized this tiny part of her testimony, just as the right is doing now.

The media trivializes and personalizes everything. The Secret Service has its own interests, responsibilities, internal differences, bureaucracy and apparently managed successfully to “disappear” its embarrassing internal communications that day. Nobody in D.C. wants to show the Security Services as less than responsible … in this case.

But as I indicated before, there are infinitely bigger issues involving Trump’s political criminality and irresponsibility that day. Put another way, Trump and his camarilla were responsible for trying to sabotage the peaceful transfer of power before and up to Jan. 6th, and continued with his “Big Lie” afterwards … all of which his cult supporters now love him for.

For specifics on the Secret Service and its apparent divisions on that day of infamy: see my previous posting #588.

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So you stand by those obvious, proven lies? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Where's your "proof" FuckBoi???? You posting something is a lie, is proof of nothing. Prove that the land value of Mar-a-lago is the same as the rest of its neighbours.

Prove that the majority of fentanyl coming into the USA is coming through the Southern Border.

Prove them with facts and links to sources that can pass a fact check test. I'll wait.
Not my problem he wanted to impress somebody, or maybe feed her enough to be left alone, I didn't ask him. The people putting her on the stand should have known better, but they're democrats, so...
Why should the have known better? They actually.corrobotared her tetsinmony.

As did CNN, other than the lunging to grab the wheel.

Also that was the only part contradicted.

Sounds to me like main jist of the account actually happened.
Where's your "proof" FuckBoi???? You posting something is a lie, is proof of nothing. Prove that the land value of Mar-a-lago is the same as the rest of its neighbours.

Prove that the majority of fentanyl coming into the USA is coming through the Southern Border.

Prove them with facts and links to sources that can pass a fact check test. I'll wait.
I have already bitchslapped you on those lies, liar. But it’s not on me to do anything.

it’s on you to prove 20 acres of prime waterfront Palm beach real estate has “no value”, and that fentanyl isn’t coming over the southern border.

Why should the have known better? They actually.corrobotared her tetsinmony.

As did CNN, other than the lunging to grab the wheel.

Also that was the only part contradicted.

Sounds to me like main jist of the account actually happened.
Nobody corroborated her lies, liar.
Libtards trying to defend the indefensible.

Sad, really.

My, how far the left has fallen. It's a travesty of it's 30-years-ago self.

It's not the Democrats who have lost all credibility in the eyes of the First World.

It's not the Democrats who continue to believe a lying con artist who nearly destroyed your Constitutional Republic and tried to overturn a valid and certified as legal election by every governmental authority in all 50 states, and in 67 Court Rooms at every level in the country, up to and including the Supreme Court of the USA.

That certification includes every one of the legitimate Republican poll watchers who oversaw that election.

It's not the Democrats who crash the economy every time they get the White House.

It's not the Democrats who are supporting Vladimir Putin and his illegal war against the Ukraine.

The only place in the entire first world which give any credence to Donald Trump's Republican Party, is the USA. The party is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, and Trump is determined to take the entire party down with him as his life of crime, corruption and bribery comes crashing down around him.

Trump's takeover of the Republican Party last week, ensures it's fiscal demise, and the end of the Party of Lincoln.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies. Just ask the people of Atlantic City.
I have already bitchslapped you on those lies, liar. But it’s not on me to do anything.

it’s on you to prove 20 acres of prime waterfront Palm beach real estate has “no value”, and that fentanyl isn’t coming over the southern border.


It's already been proven fool. I proved it when I posted it with links to Homeland Security, the DOJ, and even the Heritage Society on the Fentanyl issue. Didn't you read the 2 dozen links I gave you to read?????

With Mar-a-lago, it's all in the court records, and the trial transcripts and the Orders. I don't have to provide YOU with further proof. If Trump couldn't prove these statements were false, how the fuck do YOU plan to do it????

Your refusal to accept the facts accepted by the courts and the governmental sources, doesn't make you right, here FuckBoi.
They said under oath that the story was never related to her?

They did not

Under oath, neither of them said it didn't happen. One said "I didn't see it". Why not? Were you looking away at the time? He used weasel wording to avoid the lie of "It never happened".

Ornato said he couldn't recall whether he told Cassidy Hutchinson about it. If it hadn't happened, wouldn't that have been a "No, I didn't tell her that because it never happened". In sworn testimony he avoided saying whether or not it happened, and went with he didn't recall the conversation. That's an admission that it did happened but he doesn't remember telling her about it.
It's already been proven fool. I proved it when I posted it with links to Homeland Security, the DOJ, and even the Heritage Society on the Fentanyl issue. Didn't you read the 2 dozen links I gave you to read?????

With Mar-a-lago, it's all in the court records, and the trial transcripts and the Orders. I don't have to provide YOU with further proof. If Trump couldn't prove these statements were false, how the fuck do YOU plan to do it????

Your refusal to accept the facts accepted by the courts and the governmental sources, doesn't make you right, here FuckBoi.
More lies. It’s all you do, liar.
The orange fat man is a 77-year old Jason Bourne.... who knew? That's exactly what I want in my President. I want an obese, elderly gentleman who can neutralize highly trained Secret Service agents and lunge through bullet-proof glass. President Trump's skills are superhero level.

The party that likes to fuck kids always overshoots the runway when they craft these ridiculous, laughable lies. It could have been "Trump was colluding with Russians in Moscow"..... no that not's gonna cut it.... "Trump enjoyed the services of Russian whores pissing on him, and we've got the video to prove" (any day now).... they're so fucking hapless.

Keep your children away from them, and continue to laugh and point at those soulless fucks.

best they have cleanup hitter.jpg
Why should the have known better? They actually.corrobotared her tetsinmony.

As did CNN, other than the lunging to grab the wheel.

Also that was the only part contradicted.

Sounds to me like main jist of the account actually happened.
The peepee nonsense got the Steele dossier discredited. Dan Blather lost his career because he tried to destroy a sitting president with fake documents he didn't bother to vet in his excitement that he could badmouth W. Yeah, they should have known better. You don't get the "gist" of something from sworn testimony. "Okay, so the suspect really didn't steal $250,000, he was just in the bank at the time, but we got the gist of it, didn't we"? Sworn testimony is supposed to be about certainties, details known to be true, not the "gist" of anything.
The SUV he got into that day has no partition and the driver is not separated by 15 feet. Furthermore, the story Hutchinson repeated never included the Dark Prince of Retribution succeeding in commandeering the SUV to drive to the Riot.

So when she referred to "the Beast", what was she talking about?
So when she referred to "the Beast", what was she talking about?
The POTUS limo.... Dan Bongino was a Secret Service agent for many years and was assigned to the transportation pool - he drove that vehicle and says literally NOBODY calls the POTUS limo "The Beast". Nobody.

That was the first sign it was all complete bullshit. It was the "This is MAGA country" of this particular hoax. :laughing0301:
The peepee nonsense got the Steele dossier discredited.
Haha, that part is probably true, if I had to bet. Think about it. Sounds like something the orange pile of shit would do. (Paying them to piss on Obama's bed)

Yeah, they should have known better.
But they corroborated the testimony, except for the "lunge for the wheel" part (same for CNN), which is the only specific part seemingly disputed, here.

Did you not know that?

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