Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

Once again the Cult accuses others of the very thing they do as a way of life.

Denial is not just a River in Egypt for Cultists like you.
How do you know? Biden's DHS refuses to release the transcript.

Turn off Faux. It's not really news. Their business model is to promote good sounding lies, not hard truths, to their audience to keep their customers spending top dollar on ads.

Here is Hutchinson's closed door testimony

In a chair across the room is not "near it". So we can dismiss this argument.
Extremely unlikely. Yes, we can dismiss the peepee stupidity.
No, you are assuming as true that which you want to be true. That's why you have believed this testimony and doubted other testimony.
No, it simply doesn't make any sense that an elderly man, no matter how fit, could reach a limo's steering wheel from the back seat, through the divider, with trained SS agents present. He wouldn't have gotten out of his seat.
And, at the Jan 6 hearings -- as those who actually watched them will know -- they were establishing Trump's mindset that day. They were building a criminal case and debunking any ideas that Trump was acting in good faith or had no interest in or control of the violent insurrection.

They established that Trump knew exactly the intent of the Capitol rally, knew he lost the election, and wanted to go to the Capitol to join the insurrectionists.

It was relevant testimony.
It didn't happen, which diminishes the credibility of the testimony. Let's put it this way, would it not diminish the credibility of a witness who claimed he overheard Quid Pro Joe shaking down Zelenskyy for a kickback if said witness also claimed Hunter told him that Joe single-handedly killed a coke dealer while getting cocaine for him?
I think in this case of Hutchinson vis-a-vis the alleged contest in the SUV there is certainty.

In my judgement after watching her testimony she was certain she had been told the tale by the Secret Service guy.

Certain of it.
And thus, she told the truth as she knew it. Meaning, she knew the guy told her. And she told the Committee what she was told.

She did NOT say she witnessed or knew that the incident in fact happened. She was careful about that.
And she may not have been lying. It was second-hand testimony and was not verified. It should not have been included.
You got fooled by a paid liar again, genius.

No, you're just a complete jackass.

The whole point of this thread is that this guy's testimony was buried by the Democrats and the MSM - and now we have evidence with the actual transcript; but you just refuse to see it.

"It's his word against her's!"

The Secret Service agent, who was in the fucking car AT THE TIME - vs. some bitch who had it out for Trump.

His testimony thoroughly obfuscated by the media smokescreen.

Her's promoted by the corporate leviathan and algorithms

Ya know, I used to think you were just gaslighting everyone.

But congrats, I am now absolutely convinced you're as brazenly, mind numbingly stupid as you seem.

Mission accomplished.
The whole point of this thread is that this guy's testimony was buried by the Democrats and the MSM - and now we have evidence with the actual transcript; but you just refuse to see it.

Updated on: December 30, 2022 / 10:29 PM EST / CBS News

Anthony Ornato, a former White House deputy chief of staff in the Trump administration as well as a former longtime Secret Service official, repeatedly told the Jan. 6 House select committee that he had no recollection of a heated interaction between former President Donald Trump and U.S. Secret Service agents, according to a transcript of his testimony, released Friday.

Updated on: December 30, 2022 / 10:29 PM EST / CBS News

Anthony Ornato, a former White House deputy chief of staff in the Trump administration as well as a former longtime Secret Service official, repeatedly told the Jan. 6 House select committee that he had no recollection of a heated interaction between former President Donald Trump and U.S. Secret Service agents, according to a transcript of his testimony, released Friday.

Why wasn’t he a Prime Time witness instead of Hearsay Hutchinson?

Updated on: December 30, 2022 / 10:29 PM EST / CBS News

Anthony Ornato, a former White House deputy chief of staff in the Trump administration as well as a former longtime Secret Service official, repeatedly told the Jan. 6 House select committee that he had no recollection of a heated interaction between former President Donald Trump and U.S. Secret Service agents, according to a transcript of his testimony, released Friday.

And that's why it's obvious that the hearings were not about finding and establishing the truth, they were about furthering the Orange Man Bad narrative.
And that's why it's obvious that the hearings were not about finding and establishing the truth, they were about furthering the Orange Man Bad narrative.

Dipshit doesn't even realize he just made our case for us.

Blind indeed.
Dipshit doesn't even realize he just made our case for us.

Blind indeed.
You said it was buried. CBS reported on it in 2022.

You have no case You've been hoodwinked again. She made it clear when she testified that it was what she heard, not witnessed, and was therefore hearsay. Her uncorroborated hearsay testimony on his actions inside the SUV after he was told he was going back to the White House and not his riot at the Capitol was never the basis for any of the criminal charged Benedict Donald faces.
You said it was buried. CBS reported on it in 2022.

You have no case You've been hoodwinked again. She made it clear when she testified that it was what she heard, not witnessed, and was therefore hearsay. Her uncorroborated hearsay testimony on his actions inside the SUV after he was told he was going back to the White House and not his riot at the Capitol was never the basis for any of the criminal charged Benedict Donald faces.
Kinda begs the question as to why Lizzy couldn't find a part for Ornato in her televised prime time Lolapalooza Extravaganza.
Kinda begs the question as to why Lizzy couldn't find a part for Ornato in her televised prime time Lolapalooza Extravaganza.
They went with secondhand testimony instead of first-hand. I don't think it even needs to be stated why they did that, but I'll state it anyway. The secondhand testimony furthered the narrative they were pushing while the firsthand did not.
They went with secondhand testimony instead of first-hand. I don't think it even needs to be stated why they did that, but I'll state it anyway. The secondhand testimony furthered the narrative they were pushing while the firsthand did not.

Don't try and tell that to blind as a bat.

He's made up his "mind", for transparently partisan purposes.

The Left are shameless.
Kinda begs the question as to why Lizzy couldn't find a part for Ornato in her televised prime time Lolapalooza Extravaganza.
No it doesn't. Everyone knows why they did that. "It's Showtime." Just like everyone knows why Benedict Donald did what he did on Jan 6th in his failed attempt overturn the valid elections in several states. The Neo-GOP doesn't want that shown. They rather try and destroy Hutchinson with accusations of lies rather than face the truth about their Demon Don, their Patron Demon of Retribution.
No it doesn't. Everyone knows why they did that. "It's Showtime." Just like everyone knows why Benedict Donald did what he did on Jan 6th in his failed attempt overturn the valid elections in several states. The Neo-GOP doesn't want that shown. They rather try and destroy Hutchinson with accusations of lies rather than face the truth about their Demon Don, their Patron Demon of Retribution.
Wow. You got it bad. You should take a vacation and shut off MSDNC et al for a month or two . What they are doing to you is not healthy,
Actually, retards... the story of the orange douchebag physically trying to wrestle the wheel to attend the rally helps make the case that Trump did not just incite the crowd and run away.

He wasn't leaving his supporters high and dry but was prevented from joining them.

But hey...have it your way. The story is a lie and the orange loser incited his mouth-breathing retards to attack Congress while he was safe at home watching it unfold on TV.

Gad, you idiots really suck at this.
But Cassidy never claimed to be there....

Cassidy told the committee what see was told...

So the right wing feeding frenzy is just crap...

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