Steering Wheel Gate was a hoax.

"Benedict Donald"?

Jesus Christ.

You're a pioneer, taking cringe to soaring unprecedented heights.
Ah man you get the Chicken Dinner. An award for the "Trumpyberra" fans who get triggered when their "Demon Don of Retribution" gets called silly pet names. Considering how much pride they seem to take when the "KingDon of Silly Pet Names" uses them on anyone with an opposing view. Keep up the good work little Girl.
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Extremely unlikely. Yes, we can dismiss the peepee stupidity.
You can. I find it pretty easy to believe the perverse sexual predator paid women to pee on Obama's bed. I mean, look at how Trump embarrassed himself for years, just because Obama made one joke at his expense. Trump hates that guy.

No, it simply doesn't make any sense that an elderly man, no matter how fit, could reach a limo's steering wheel from the back seat, through the divider, with trained SS agents present. He wouldn't have gotten out of his seat.
I have felt from the start that Ornato the squealing cultist made the steering wheel part up.
elderly man, no matter how fit, could reach a limo's steering wheel from the back seat, through the divider
Are you deadsolid convinced it was the limo?
And not an SUV?
Are you deadsolid convinced that if it was the SUV there was, in fact, a 'divider'?
Just askin'. As you asserted it.

-"...some bitch who had it out for Trump.
There's MAGA as an acronym for misogyny.
You are embarrassing yourself and the MAGA movement, poster Rhody.

The woman graduated from university with a degree in Political Science. And had worked exclusively for GOP politicians. Worked for Senator Ted Cruz, then GOP Whip Steve Scalise, then in the White House staff of Legislative Affairs. Then an aide to Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, then his principal assistant.
Yeah, that sounds like a bureaucratic staffer who worked her way up by hatin' on the POTUS.
To suggest such is naive, and silly. It marks the allegation as defensive and uninformed.

Some incels here simply fear and hate adult women of strength and conviction.
It's sad.
Hating women is how they are gonna Make America Great Again.
Some might say.


"...... feature Hearsay Hutchinson as their star witness.....
"Star Witness"?
Ummm, not by a long shot. She was a relatively low level administrator...albeit for the Chief of Staff, Meadows.

The real gorilla-in-the-room was William Barr.
And he testified he told Don Trump bluntly and to his face that there was no evidence to show the election was impacted by fraud. That to say such was 'Bullshit".

THAT....was telling. The former Attorney General of the United States of America put his position on the line to tell the POTUS he was wrong about the 'stolen election'.

She lied.
About what?
Explain your allegation, poster Nostra.

I have felt from the start that Ornato ......made the steering wheel part up.
Well, there is that niggling suspicion that this exchange in some White House office between the two SS agents and the attractive young brunette.....was merely testosterone-hyping by the two old guys. Meant to impress the pretty girl in the room.

Yeah, I could be persuaded about that.
But, with her obviously sincere and pained testimony, and the agents refusal to testify under oath.....well, there may be something there.
Well, there is that niggling suspicion that this exchange in some White House office between the two SS agents and the attractive young brunette.....was merely testosterone-hyping by the two old guys. Meant to impress the pretty girl in the room
And to make Trump look like he was VERY dedicated to his insurrectionists. Read up on Ornato. He is a dyed in the wool Trump cultist.

The Jan 6 committee and CNN each independently corroborated her testimony. The only part that they said they could not corroborate was the "lunging for the steering wheel" part.

There's MAGA as an acronym for misogyny.
You are embarrassing yourself and the MAGA movement, poster Rhody.


You're just revealing your progressive brainwashed bona fides.

The woman is a bitch.

Let me ask you, poindexter:

When you call Trump an "asshole" (or whatever), are you being misandrist against all men?

Sorry to melt your brain with such complex 4D Chess.

(At least compared to your infantile "logic".)

Hopefully you don't take offense.

Oh wait, that's all your ilk ever does.

It's your refuge to obfuscate the fact you don't actually have an argument.

Have a nice day. :)
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It is because she only repeated a hearsay. And, the dem and MSM took it and ran with it.
As I said in the beginning, all SSAs had no right, obligation or responsibility to correct the "big month" agent, even if he was lying.
Then why was it allowed in the first place?
When you call Trump an "asshole"
You are trying too hard, good poster Patriot.
As an exercise in your ability to do simple research.....well, show the forum your vetting to your claim that my poor avatar called Don Trump an "as*hole" you allege.
Saddle up, Skippy. Show us the level of your gravitas. And sense of responsibility.

"He was never convicted of rape by a jury"

Well, if good poster 'buckeye' is parsing 'convicted' in the sense of a decision in a criminal trial by either the judge or the jury.....OK, I guess.

However, Don Trump was found responsible ---or 'liable' --- for sexual assault by a jury. In fact, the 9 member jury was unanimous in their decision.

Reported on NPR:

"Former President D
onald Trump has been found liable for sexually abusing and defaming columnist E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s. Today, a jury of three women and six men ordered him to pay $5 million in damages. Trump has faced multiple accusations of sexual assault since his 2016 presidential campaign, but this is the first time a jury has weighed in on the validity of those claims.


Just sayin'.

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