Stephen King putting down Christians..

Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

Me! Me! Me! That's the christian way, right?
Once again the liberal left creates a humanitarian disaster then when there are those who don't support their stupidity they refer to a book to which any other time they have no use.

What the idiots don't realize that the Obama man made disaster at the border has absolutely nothing to do with how they are fed. Yes, we should give them lunch on their way back to their country of origin. But what Obama and the liberals have done is make it inviting to illegally immigrate to America. Then they have the gall to try and blame anything on someone else, typical liberal BS.
Apparently he hit pretty close to home for some folks.

What the fat ass has said is just typical BS from someone who hasn't written an interesting book in years.

I have not read anywhere someone saying that those who are the victims of Obama's man made humanitarian disaster should be starved. That is ridiculous Christian charities are sending aid, but I don't see many atheist doing the same.

Stopping the man made humanitarian disaster at our border should be paramount then we don't have to worry about feeding those children. I am more then willing to spend foreign aid to help their country of origin feed them.

What king said is just liberal BS, as his books are, he should be ignored.
One of my top five writers, and I think I'm finally done with his bullshit. He won't get another dime from me.
You guys don't know POOP....

Stephen King is a wonderful family man. He is not stuck up, he does not live in some hollywood mansion, he lives just like the rest of us here in Maine, does his own grocery shopping, shops the local downtown stores in our TOWN of around 30-40k, which is the 2nd largest city in the not really a city, a town....he gives his time and his money to the whole community...will break his back for any of us...flannel shirts and jeans kind of of his Daughters is a Minister.

Anyone who isn't blind or deaf has heard the hatred spewed by some SUPPOSED Christians....he wasn't putting down ALL Christians, as Jillian said, he said what he has observed, all of us have observed....this isn't about taking them in or sending them home, this is about the nastiness that has been disgusting by supposed Christians....
Stephen King was normal until he got his head bashed in. Ever since there has been something off about him. Even his books aren't as good as before the accident.
I like King's novels but he is a screaming liberal democrat. In his latest novel (Dr. Smoke) he took the time to malign presidents Bush and Reagan but skipped over the rich sleazebag legacy of the Clinton administration.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Stephen King has every right to his opinion, and his opinion is spot on in this matter. That hypocrisy is a conservative 'value' is no surprise to anyone, even conservatives who are too dishonest to ever admit to anything untoward.
he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

Me! Me! Me! That's the christian way, right?

I would put christian in single quotes. But yes, "Me! Me! Me!" is spot on, that is the mantra used by those who feel, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
I like King's novels but he is a screaming liberal democrat. In his latest novel (Dr. Smoke) he took the time to malign presidents Bush and Reagan but skipped over the rich sleazebag legacy of the Clinton administration.

His political opinion has replaced the genius that he used to have. His talent is gone. He has to peddle something. That something is liberal vitriol. It's really quite sad.

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