Steve Bannon sentenced to 4 months in federal prison and fined $6,500, if he doesn't appeal, will have to report to prison no later than November 15

Nobody without a (D) by their name is ever going to get a fair trial in the District of Criminals Circuit Court....And those with the (D) are more than likely have their cases broomed.

Exactly the kind of corruption of justice that led to a revolutionary war, nearly 250 years ago.
We live in a Banana Republic. The Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP run by Obama, Biden, Clinton, The DNC and their moles in The FBI and DOJ are proof of that.
Trump's only concern used to be staying in power. now his only concern is staying out of jail
Exactly. The amount of hypocrisy with Democrats just can't get much higher. They have no problem with their own snubbing a congressional subpoena but when the other side does it? Take democracy away and jail your enemies.
Yep, Investigative journalist Julie Kelly pointed out, the Department of Justice extended Steve Bannon’s jail sentence because he mocked the Democrat Party’s January 6 Committee<.B> and he mocked Democrats Adam Schiff and Eric Fang-Fang Swalwell.

Antifa and BLM burning down American cities - over 500 riots and billions of dollars worth of damage is NOTHING... but 'mocking' an elite? That's serious stuff. Eff the DOJ and the thugs running the FBI and the rest of the 'elites' in DC.
Trump's only concern used to be staying in power. now his only concern is staying out of jail
Dear Defective Deflective:

Justice? How can you celebrate justice if you cannot tell me what Bannon was charged with?
What did he do? What was he convicted of? Who leveled the charges at him?

God doesn't like liars and deceivers, so let's have an honest discussion.
Easy, I sip my coffee, smile and appreciate seeing Justice against the tyrannical wingnuts. That’s how I celebrate
Yep. He's appealing and will win. Eric Holder snubbing a congressional subpoena will be used as grounds for appeal
No he won't. He will do the 4 months but will be allowed out early. He will make money off of it, just like all the MAGA freaks do. Cause their cult, including you, is not too smart.

Bannon has vowed to take the American government down. He will try again and he will get slapped down again. He and trump should be jailed together for the damage they have done to our democracy.

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