Steve Bannon sentenced to 4 months in federal prison and fined $6,500, if he doesn't appeal, will have to report to prison no later than November 15

Easy, I sip my coffee, smile and appreciate seeing Justice against the tyrannical wingnuts. That’s how I celebrate
But your Fuehrer EmperorShitzHizPantz is the head Wingnut in charge.
How do you feel about your dirty diaper god trying to destroy our economy?
Or are you more happy with Bloody Joe helping Iran sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with?
You just can't wait to get drafted to fight Joe's WWIII, can't you?
Exactly. The amount of hypocrisy with Democrats just can't get much higher. They have no problem with their own snubbing a congressional subpoena but when the other side does it? Take democracy away and jail your enemies.
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, brainwashed functional moron anti american jackass.
But your Fuehrer EmperorShitzHizPantz is the head Wingnut in charge.
How do you feel about your dirty diaper god trying to destroy our economy?
Or are you more happy with Bloody Joe helping Iran sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with?
You just can't wait to get drafted to fight Joe's WWIII, can't you?
How ignorant and brainwashed can you get? Try reality
The real world does not like lying scumbag conspiracy nutjob fascists. Change the channel stupid
We will change the channel on EmperorShitzHizPantz very soon, and then you DemNazi 666 Globalist Fascists will have to wait a little longer for your precious New World Order and your AntiChrist and Mark of The Beast.

666 Looks good on you though, that I admit.
Say hello to daddy Satan, dupe.
Wow four whole months I’m sure those who have been victims of the crime sweeping the nation feel much safer now.
How ignorant and brainwashed can you get? Try reality
Satan, not doing it for you anymore? Your lies not being accepted as fact?
How about you walk away from The Path of Hell, and start living in Truth, before you get dragged to the eternal abyss with your god and loser hero Lucifer?
Judge Carl Nichols sentences Bannon to FOUR MONTHS prison...oh happy day?

I predict he will appeal and Donald Trump will supply the lawyers for it. Bannon was protecting Trump when he defied the subpoena. Trump already pardoned him for something else.
Wow four whole months I’m sure those who have been victims of the crime sweeping the nation feel much safer now.
Absolutely. I hid under my bed when Bannon defied that subpoena from the Jan 6 Kangaroo Court. I was terrified.
How can justice survive without Tin Lizzie and Bennie the Boob?
Sorry about laws and reality and everything, brainwashed functional moron anti american jackass.
Not sure what you're talking about. Holder refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena and paid no price for it. Bannon refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena and is going to be jailed. This is taking democracy away and abusing your power for political purposes to jail your enemies.
But your Fuehrer EmperorShitzHizPantz is the head Wingnut in charge.
How do you feel about your dirty diaper god trying to destroy our economy?
Or are you more happy with Bloody Joe helping Iran sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with?
You just can't wait to get drafted to fight Joe's WWIII, can't you?
Are those serious question that you really want answers to or are you just trying to be a clever troll? Cause that’s not working for you
Are those serious question that you really want answers to or are you just trying to be a clever troll? Cause that’s not working for you
No, Miss. You are the troll. You don't give a shit about Freedom, America, It's Citizens, or anything but your Lying Agenda, and Your Canned Propaganda.
Your devotion to deception and lies will get you no where but a free trip to Hell and any momentary gains here on Earth through your dishonest craft is just a metaphorical burying of yourself deeper in the pit of Hades.

Enjoy your Devil's Food Cake while you can.
It goes down sweet and smooth at first, but in THE END, IT BURNS!
Bannon refuses to testify - 4 Months in prison, $200k fine

Pelosi, at the heart of J6, refuses to testify - SSDD

Hillary Clinton refused to testify UNDER OATH about her classifies info / server scandal ... AND THEY AGREED TO IT ... she got off with zero punishment after FBI Director Comey declared she broke laws but was 'too stupid to know she was doing so'

CIA Director Brennan was caught illegally spying on Congress (By a Democrat) - was allowed to appear before Congress, admit it, and promise not to do it again (LOL)....


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Dear Defective Deflective:

Justice? How can you celebrate justice if you cannot tell me what Bannon was charged with?
What did he do? What was he convicted of? Who leveled the charges at him?

God doesn't like liars and deceivers, so let's have an honest discussion.
He's a Republican, don't cha know.

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