Steve Bannon subpoenas Nancy Pelosi and every member of the House J6 committee in his contempt of Congress case

Pelosi has cost taxpayers untold trillions of dollars over the years. When she is gone good riddance. Hopefully she gets her comeuppance before her death. We already know where she is headed after it.
Thank you for sharing Captain Random!
What bullshit! Trump and his minions are the ones who kept the NG out of the city for hours. This is yet another right wing lie to deflect from Trump's responsibility for the insurrection.

Why did Donald Trump refuse to call out the NG when everyone around him was begging him to do something?

Why did the Maryland NG arrive at the Capitol before the DC National Guard?

Why did Pence have to issue the order to the DC NG to come to the Capital - more than 3 hours AFTER the Capitol was breached?

Trump has been trying to blame Nancy Pelosi for this every since January 7th. This is just utter bullshit. Donald Trump is the guy who was in charge of the National Guard. The ONLY person to blame for the NG not showing up is DONALD J. TRUMP.
Gotta link to Trump keeping the NG out for hours?

Dragonlady you are full of shit.
The way folks like Bannon knows you folks are easily entertained by clown shit is adorable....
Bannon should subpoena Obama's daughters, Hunter's laptop, and Bill Clinton's barber -- while we playing make believe
You mad that’s Bannon is shoving it right up your “committee”’s collective asses?
In a criminal court, yes he does...Bannon should know this...
Since he was convicted in a criminal court...he faced his accusers and was CONVICTED OF BEING A GRIFTING CLOWN....and yall still backed him because he hates the same minorities you hate

This however, is a Congressional hearing...not a criminal court......he was asked to come testify....he is more than able to face his "accusers" then.....he won't because he is a pussy...

And again, this just goes to show how easy it is to grift long as you pretend to hate the same people they hate -- Trumpers will overlook any and, they overlook the fact that Bannon was actually CONVICTED for fleecing money from folks who thought their money was going to a border wall...Bannon...the same guy who Trump fired and said this about:

“Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.”

Steve Bannon...the guy who wrote a book trashing your cult leader and had to basically perform public fellatio for 2 years straight just to get back in......this is who you caping for??

These folks literally tell you in your face that you are easily fooled morons and yall just ignore it, because cult....Can you imagine with the 15 or so Benghazi committees, if Hillary decided not to testify and instead...defied a subpoena and then countered by issuing sham subpoenas for performance?? Yall would had claimed that was proof she was guilty of everything from murdering Vince Foster to staging 9/11 -- yall are clowns....
And going right for the race card. Too bad your losers on the committee must now appear in court to answer Bannon’s case. Now shut up you racist clown boy.
I don't care about Nancy being under oath you dumb ass....
I tell you what.......let's have Nancy under oath for 10 Hillary was under oath for 10 hours....then we follow that up with Trump under oath for 10

Which one is most likely to commit perjury?

I'm guessing the one who is scared to death of being under oath
That’s Hillary. Who wouldn't allow her “interview” with Comey to be recorded, and no notes taken.

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