Steve Bannon - “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,”


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

A refugee is a person who has fled armed conflict or persecution and who is recognised as needing of international protection because it is too dangerous for them to return home. They are protected under international law by the 1951 refugee convention, which defines what a refugee is and outlines the basic rights afforded to them.

The convention’s basic principle is that refugees should not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom would be under threat. Once someone has been recognised as a refugee, they are supposed to be given access to social housing and welfare benefits and helped to find a job and integrate into society. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) estimates that there are almost 60 million forcibly displaced people around the world, including those displaced within their own countries.

The vast majority of those escaping central American violence fall under this category. Additionally, the US has played a major role in creating the instability and misery that has inflicted those regions for over a century. Coups putting in governments that enforce our style of trade agreements/imf predatory lending keep them poor and thus increase the need of those leaving. Dictators we have supported for decades, who have murdered millions, have also amased what is called odious debt, which we now force their citizens to repay in spite the of the need for basic medicine and food. These debts are illegal because they were created by dictators and not the consent of the governed,

Steve Bannon, if starving would flee to safety.

It is also interesting to note that corporations are allowed to freely move between borders while flesh and blood peole cant. A staple of Adam Smiths beliefs were the free movement of labor.

The immigrant problem could be solved in five minutes if we really wanted.

But people like Steve Bannon are incredibly anti-American and serve only the ultra rich. He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life, while in reality their tax plan is is once again robbing the middle class and redistributing wealth to the ultra rich, his true constituency.

Wake up douche.
What I would ask the OP is why you hate America so much and instead choose to serve the ultra rich?

Anti-Americans like you should leave the country.
As soon as the danger passes, the refugee should be packed up and returned to his or her homeland with whatever children they had while temporarily residing in this country.
As soon as the danger passes, the refugee should be packed up and returned to his or her homeland with whatever children they had while temporarily residing in this country.

Thats often what the refugee wants. Sometimes the dangers stays for decades.
In the post WWII era, "conflict zones" are low IQ savages having tribal disputes. Resettling the low IQ savages only confuses them and gets them angry when they see civilized, good looking people. A recipe for violent crime as the low IQ savages seek to assert themselves.
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”
Perhaps Trump could start with his new 70 foreign workers.
In the post WWII era, "conflict zones" are low IQ savages having tribal disputes. Resettling the low IQ savages only confuses them and gets them angry when they see civilized, good looking people. A recipe for violent crime as the low IQ savages seek to assert themselves.

Odd, seems the US is involved in virtually every single conflict zone. Middle East, Asia, Central America and on and on. Seems to me WWII was pretty savage in itself.

Also odd that the US has shooters every week killing other Americans in psychotic nut job incidents.

Perhaps one day we can be more civilized like the average Peruvian, who never seem to get into trouble.

Racist idiot.
As soon as the danger passes, the refugee should be packed up and returned to his or her homeland with whatever children they had while temporarily residing in this country.
----------------------------------- gotta disagree , feck these refugees . Let them fight for their existance and homelands . Refugees become embedded through marriage , anchor baby drops and other reasons Tipsy .
In the post WWII era, "conflict zones" are low IQ savages having tribal disputes. Resettling the low IQ savages only confuses them and gets them angry when they see civilized, good looking people. A recipe for violent crime as the low IQ savages seek to assert themselves.
------------------------- and there is truth to that as these poor refugees and imported third worlder have no problem asserting RIGHTS .
I thought the term was ''We are a nation of Laws, not men''....John Adams....????
As soon as the danger passes, the refugee should be packed up and returned to his or her homeland with whatever children they had while temporarily residing in this country.

Thats often what the refugee wants. Sometimes the dangers stays for decades.
------------------------------------- and thats the big problem , and thats a reason why the refugees and others become embedded in the USA Blake .
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Let me make this simple for you -- he's a raging drunk

We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

A refugee is a person who has fled armed conflict or persecution and who is recognised as needing of international protection because it is too dangerous for them to return home. They are protected under international law by the 1951 refugee convention, which defines what a refugee is and outlines the basic rights afforded to them.

The convention’s basic principle is that refugees should not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom would be under threat. Once someone has been recognised as a refugee, they are supposed to be given access to social housing and welfare benefits and helped to find a job and integrate into society. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) estimates that there are almost 60 million forcibly displaced people around the world, including those displaced within their own countries.

The vast majority of those escaping central American violence fall under this category. Additionally, the US has played a major role in creating the instability and misery that has inflicted those regions for over a century. Coups putting in governments that enforce our style of trade agreements/imf predatory lending keep them poor and thus increase the need of those leaving. Dictators we have supported for decades, who have murdered millions, have also amased what is called odious debt, which we now force their citizens to repay in spite the of the need for basic medicine and food. These debts are illegal because they were created by dictators and not the consent of the governed,

Steve Bannon, if starving would flee to safety.

It is also interesting to note that corporations are allowed to freely move between borders while flesh and blood peole cant. A staple of Adam Smiths beliefs were the free movement of labor.

The immigrant problem could be solved in five minutes if we really wanted.

But people like Steve Bannon are incredibly anti-American and serve only the ultra rich. He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life, while in reality their tax plan is is once again robbing the middle class and redistributing wealth to the ultra rich, his true constituency.

Wake up douche.

A couple things:
1.) We're never talking about "immigrants" and either is Bannon. We're talking about illegal Mexicans, and the cockroaches from Central and South America ....nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand.
"He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life."
Surely you say this in jest....illegal Mexicans affect all legitimate Americans negatively....PERIOD.

2.). What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from REAL Americans?
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Let me make this simple for you -- he's a raging drunk

--------------------------------------------- maybe , course many great men have been drunks HNut . [see Winston Churchill and others]
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Let me make this simple for you -- he's a raging drunk


Please, no pictures of Hillary's tortured liver.........
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

A refugee is a person who has fled armed conflict or persecution and who is recognised as needing of international protection because it is too dangerous for them to return home. They are protected under international law by the 1951 refugee convention, which defines what a refugee is and outlines the basic rights afforded to them.

The convention’s basic principle is that refugees should not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom would be under threat. Once someone has been recognised as a refugee, they are supposed to be given access to social housing and welfare benefits and helped to find a job and integrate into society. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) estimates that there are almost 60 million forcibly displaced people around the world, including those displaced within their own countries.

The vast majority of those escaping central American violence fall under this category. Additionally, the US has played a major role in creating the instability and misery that has inflicted those regions for over a century. Coups putting in governments that enforce our style of trade agreements/imf predatory lending keep them poor and thus increase the need of those leaving. Dictators we have supported for decades, who have murdered millions, have also amased what is called odious debt, which we now force their citizens to repay in spite the of the need for basic medicine and food. These debts are illegal because they were created by dictators and not the consent of the governed,

Steve Bannon, if starving would flee to safety.

It is also interesting to note that corporations are allowed to freely move between borders while flesh and blood peole cant. A staple of Adam Smiths beliefs were the free movement of labor.

The immigrant problem could be solved in five minutes if we really wanted.

But people like Steve Bannon are incredibly anti-American and serve only the ultra rich. He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life, while in reality their tax plan is is once again robbing the middle class and redistributing wealth to the ultra rich, his true constituency.

Wake up douche.

A couple things:
1.) We're never talking about "immigrants" and either is Bannon. We're talking about illegal Mexicans, and the cockroaches from Central and South America ....nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand.
"He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life."
Surely you say this in jest....illegal Mexicans affect all legitimate Americans negatively....PERIOD.

2.). What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from REAL Americans?

More Mexicans leaving America then coming in. More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.

The people from central America are legitimate refugees escaping American caused violence. I'd rather them here than you.

Just cause pretty girls dont like you and you have a bad job please dont blame hard working refugees.

Most people on welfare are white!!!

Love to know how refugees harm you and not the government who is raising taxes on the middle class to give to the rich?

In fact, refugees are actually great for the economy.

Also you have a picture of the confederate it seems your loyalty to is them no? You anti-american traitor.

Its amazing what being an ugly version will do to a person haha.
Trump better crack down on illegals like he promised or bannon will challenge him for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Steve Bannon: 'We're a Nation of Citizens; We're Not a Nation of Immigrants' - Breitbart

nov 11 2017 Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says the United States is a “nation of citizens” and “not a nation of immigrants” in Keith Koffler’s new book titled Bannon: Always the Rebel.

Bannon says, “We’re a nation of citizens; we’re not a nation of immigrants,” correcting what he believes is a common misperception. “So now we have to start to act like citizens come first. All policy should be oriented to making the working people in this country and the middle class in this country have a better shot at success. And we’ve gotten away from that. What we’ve done is brought in huge global competition for their jobs, for their schools.”

Let me make this simple for you -- he's a raging drunk

Hes not. Hes quite skillful at serving the rich and diverting idiots to focus on obscure social issues while they are being robbed blind.
We are also a nation of refugees. Under international law, that we have signed on to, we are obligated to grant refugee status to those escaping conflict zones.

A refugee is a person who has fled armed conflict or persecution and who is recognised as needing of international protection because it is too dangerous for them to return home. They are protected under international law by the 1951 refugee convention, which defines what a refugee is and outlines the basic rights afforded to them.

The convention’s basic principle is that refugees should not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom would be under threat. Once someone has been recognised as a refugee, they are supposed to be given access to social housing and welfare benefits and helped to find a job and integrate into society. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) estimates that there are almost 60 million forcibly displaced people around the world, including those displaced within their own countries.

The vast majority of those escaping central American violence fall under this category. Additionally, the US has played a major role in creating the instability and misery that has inflicted those regions for over a century. Coups putting in governments that enforce our style of trade agreements/imf predatory lending keep them poor and thus increase the need of those leaving. Dictators we have supported for decades, who have murdered millions, have also amased what is called odious debt, which we now force their citizens to repay in spite the of the need for basic medicine and food. These debts are illegal because they were created by dictators and not the consent of the governed,

Steve Bannon, if starving would flee to safety.

It is also interesting to note that corporations are allowed to freely move between borders while flesh and blood peole cant. A staple of Adam Smiths beliefs were the free movement of labor.

The immigrant problem could be solved in five minutes if we really wanted.

But people like Steve Bannon are incredibly anti-American and serve only the ultra rich. He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life, while in reality their tax plan is is once again robbing the middle class and redistributing wealth to the ultra rich, his true constituency.

Wake up douche.

A couple things:
1.) We're never talking about "immigrants" and either is Bannon. We're talking about illegal Mexicans, and the cockroaches from Central and South America ....nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand.
"He gets you to focus on immigrants, which have zero affect on your life."
Surely you say this in jest....illegal Mexicans affect all legitimate Americans negatively....PERIOD.

2.). What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from REAL Americans?

More Mexicans leaving America then coming in. More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.

The people from central America are legitimate refugees escaping American caused violence. I'd rather them here than you.

Just cause pretty girls dont like you and you have a bad job please dont blame hard working refugees.

Most people on welfare are white!!!

Love to know how refugees harm you and not the government who is raising taxes on the middle class to give to the rich?

In fact, refugees are actually great for the economy.

Also you have a picture of the confederate it seems your loyalty to is them no? You anti-american traitor.

Its amazing what being an ugly version will do to a person haha.

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

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