Steven Bannon indicted for Fraud

Well I see we have reached the point where your only option is just to make stuff up. You really are a time waster.
Thats ok, Fort

just leave your white flag at the door for the next lib to use
haha, well, that's part of your childish behavior, isn't it? Lie shamelessly... then when you are dismissed as a delusional liar, claim victory... all about the messaging...
I smell a revenge scheme against a Trump advisor. I think they are gonna Flynn him at the eleventh hour.

Demmies are getting more and more hateful with each little false scenario they construct, complete with nastiness of every little white lie they do not verify in any way, shape or form. And that's what I am certain of. I bet the deep state trolls are already beating their chests like 800 pound gorillas. <jungle sound effects>

It's a battle between deep stater Berman and the Trump administration; Bannon and the other three are the whipping boys, retaliation. The indictment itself is as expected vague rubbish, and given Berman's being replaced it's doubtful they will even go ahead with the trial. As usual the amounts involved pale in comparison to what the fake Clinton Foundation raked in for Bill and Hillary's personal use, nor was the Wall Fund extorted 'pay for play' cash like the Clintons and most DNC fundraisers, and of course Biden's and some others as well using their offices to extort foreign countries under AG Holder's protection. You can find the indictment online, and Berman's wiki bio explains some of it.

Bannon and the other three are the whipping boy, retaliation.
Well, how nice of them to steal a million dollars from a charity, to give the deep state a foothold to carry out their dastardly plans against someone not even in the trump administration.


Ah so the deviants has them convicted already, with zero evidence they stole a dime. typical, but then most sociopaths are themost enthusiastic lynch mob participants.
Bannon and the other three are the whipping boy, retaliation.
Well, how nice of them to steal a million dollars from a charity, to give the deep state a foothold to carry out their dastardly plans against someone not even in the trump administration.


Ah so the deviants has them convicted already, with zero evidence they stole a dime. typical, but then most sociopaths are themost enthusiastic lynch mob participants.
Coming from someone who constantly writes about Clinton suicides, Benghazi and every other mind numbing conspiracy theory, your post is laughable.
Bannon and the other three are the whipping boy, retaliation.
Well, how nice of them to steal a million dollars from a charity, to give the deep state a foothold to carry out their dastardly plans against someone not even in the trump administration.


Ah so the deviants has them convicted already, with zero evidence they stole a dime. typical, but then most sociopaths are themost enthusiastic lynch mob participants.
The US says they have evidence the four men indicted paid themselves from 'We Build The Wall.' They say they have payment trails and text messages they sent to each other confirming payments.
everyone has a right to defend themselves. and yes, including Bannon. i don't think he's gonna back down
ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg told MSNBC he predicts Bannon will go to jail

Nunberg also said he doesn't take seriously the idea that Bannon will run for president.

Ari Melber reminded him that he took Trump seriously, so it's a low bar!

anyway, is there anyone other than Kellyane Conway from the 2016 team that has not been indicted yet?
"If you are following along for 2020, you have Wayne LaPierre swindling 2A supporters, Jerry Falwell Jr. snookering evangelicals, and Bannon bilking border hawks."

Conservatives should be very angry. You got used.

the Bulwark writes:

"The founder of the group, Brain Kolfage, is a disabled war veteran who expressly preyed on sympathies people may have for him, with Bannon-esque flair. Material from him still left up on the website pleads: “It’s time we stand up and fight back against the globalist [sic] who continue to allow our nation to be overrun. I fought in war and lost three limbs defending this country, but now the war is at our doorstep. It just takes $60 and share this with your friends and family. Let’s go win this battle!”
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