Steven Bannon indicted for Fraud

I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
So Bannon, a wealthy man, skimmed a million dollars off the build a wall crowdfunding because he’s just so darn decent?
There didn't need to be an underlying crime.
it sure helps

I’m sure if Flynn were under oath he would hav3 answeted differently than what he may or may not have said in an informal conversation
No, it's actually irrelevant. As long as the lies are material to an investigation, that's all that matters.
Trump didn’t have policy. He had bumper stickers. Bannon knew that. He coached Trump to distill any issue to the basest form, strip all nuance and complexity and make it as meaningless as possible.

No specifics. Specifics only open you to criticism.

Haha.... you mean like the bumper sticker Biden has - "Orange man Bad"??

That is the entirety of the DNC platform for 2020.
It's not, but I don't expect the poorly informed to be aware of any policy proposals. Trump supporters, like their leader, by and large aren't interested in reading a lot.
I didn't vote for Trump... try again.
I didn't say you did, but regardless you're not terribly well informed about party platforms.
READ: - You don't agree with me, so therefore you must be uninformed...
And THAT is what is wrong with America today.

This isn't a disagreement about a subjective policy. This is whether something exists. What would you say to someone who says that Idaho doesn't exist? You'd call them uninformed.

What's wrong with America today is that we cannot agree on fundamental reality.
And one fundamental reality is the Democratic platform for 2020 - is Orange man Bad.
If you can't see that, then you are:

View attachment 377749
Sure, that's fundamental to their message. That's fundamental to pretty much any campaign challenging an incumbent. Who runs against an incumbent and says their opponent is great?

But to say that their platform doesn't exist is ignoring reality.
Yuo are ignoring reality that the fundamental platform for the DNC 2020 - is Orange Man Bad.
Do keep up.
The phrase Orange man Bad refers to the relentless anti-Trump rhetoric the left has been doing BEFORE he even stepped foot into office.
Dude... the sitting Speaker of the House mailed out a letter calling Trump "the bully in the White House" plastered on the outside of the envelope.
Open your eyes. The entire Democratic party, and the entire left media conglomerate made a concious decision to not cooperate with Trump, and blast wall to wall rhetoric against him 24 hours a day... BEFORE THE MAN EVEN GOT INTO OFFICE
You’re crawfishing
READ: I don't have anything to say to that
I don’t see you as reading anything I write anyway.

At first, the entire democratic platform was Trump bad. Now you say it’s fundamental. You’re shifting language, softening it, and have yet to admit it.

By the way, I already agreed it was fundamental. Would you agree the Democrats have a policy platform they’re running on?
Yes... and that policy is Anti-Trump rhetoric, true or not true is irrelevant.
They are not taking on Trump's policy. They are simply calling him raaaciisst, misogynistic... sexist... hates the poor.... all nothingness. No real policy discussion. Just rhetoric.
It’s hard to take Trump on policy when he doesn’t really have much policy that you can define. What’s Trump’s health care policy? No one knows. What’s his fiscal policy? No one knows. What’s his foreign policy? Hard to say. Changes all the time.

Policy has been replaced with “we’ll see what happens”.

But that doesn’t mean Democrats don’t have policies.
And their policy is to allow their folks on the fringe to drive the entire party.
Their policy is to ignore the destructive rioting, vandalism, CLEARLY organized looting, trying to literally mass murder a group of police officers in Portland by setting their precinct on fire and trap them in there.
And their policy is to continue to treat blacks like they are stupid/helpless subhumans that need their constant help just to live.
I could go on for pages. And pages. Literally write a novel

Trump doesn’t have a policy to deal with riots and looting and you complain about Democrats?
Dude. He simply sent in Fed law enforcement to simply protect federal buildings and your side absolutely lost your shit. You would have thought he brought NAZI SS troops back to life and sent them there.
WTF do you want him to do??
C'mon... get specific. What should he do?
Federalize the cities?

Wait? So you’re defending Trump because there is no federal role for policing cities but criticizing the DNC for not having a federal policy?

So your criticism is bullshit.
Wow... you either have some serious reading comprehension, or you are just trolling now.
a high standard for the individuals responsibility to safeguard classified material
No. You are not following. It is a high standard to prove gross negligence in court. Stop just blurting out the first truncated thought that occurs to you, you waste people's time.
I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
So Bannon, a wealthy man, skimmed a million dollars off the build a wall crowdfunding because he’s just so darn decent?
You are now trying another Trump supporter before any hearing or trial? Laws of mercy, but you Democrat paper tyrants hate the Constitution that says aman is considered innocent till proven guilty
I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
Oh I wouldn't go that far (Banner is a decent man)
He is a partisan hack. No different than say James Carville. You gotta be pretty amoral and willing to blatantly lie and spin to be one of these guys. Either side.
Trump didn’t have policy. He had bumper stickers. Bannon knew that. He coached Trump to distill any issue to the basest form, strip all nuance and complexity and make it as meaningless as possible.

No specifics. Specifics only open you to criticism.

Haha.... you mean like the bumper sticker Biden has - "Orange man Bad"??

That is the entirety of the DNC platform for 2020.
It's not, but I don't expect the poorly informed to be aware of any policy proposals. Trump supporters, like their leader, by and large aren't interested in reading a lot.
I didn't vote for Trump... try again.
I didn't say you did, but regardless you're not terribly well informed about party platforms.
READ: - You don't agree with me, so therefore you must be uninformed...
And THAT is what is wrong with America today.

This isn't a disagreement about a subjective policy. This is whether something exists. What would you say to someone who says that Idaho doesn't exist? You'd call them uninformed.

What's wrong with America today is that we cannot agree on fundamental reality.
And one fundamental reality is the Democratic platform for 2020 - is Orange man Bad.
If you can't see that, then you are:

View attachment 377749
Sure, that's fundamental to their message. That's fundamental to pretty much any campaign challenging an incumbent. Who runs against an incumbent and says their opponent is great?

But to say that their platform doesn't exist is ignoring reality.
Yuo are ignoring reality that the fundamental platform for the DNC 2020 - is Orange Man Bad.
Do keep up.
The phrase Orange man Bad refers to the relentless anti-Trump rhetoric the left has been doing BEFORE he even stepped foot into office.
Dude... the sitting Speaker of the House mailed out a letter calling Trump "the bully in the White House" plastered on the outside of the envelope.
Open your eyes. The entire Democratic party, and the entire left media conglomerate made a concious decision to not cooperate with Trump, and blast wall to wall rhetoric against him 24 hours a day... BEFORE THE MAN EVEN GOT INTO OFFICE
You’re crawfishing
READ: I don't have anything to say to that
I don’t see you as reading anything I write anyway.

At first, the entire democratic platform was Trump bad. Now you say it’s fundamental. You’re shifting language, softening it, and have yet to admit it.

By the way, I already agreed it was fundamental. Would you agree the Democrats have a policy platform they’re running on?
Yes... and that policy is Anti-Trump rhetoric, true or not true is irrelevant.
They are not taking on Trump's policy. They are simply calling him raaaciisst, misogynistic... sexist... hates the poor.... all nothingness. No real policy discussion. Just rhetoric.
It’s hard to take Trump on policy when he doesn’t really have much policy that you can define. What’s Trump’s health care policy? No one knows. What’s his fiscal policy? No one knows. What’s his foreign policy? Hard to say. Changes all the time.

Policy has been replaced with “we’ll see what happens”.

But that doesn’t mean Democrats don’t have policies.
And their policy is to allow their folks on the fringe to drive the entire party.
Their policy is to ignore the destructive rioting, vandalism, CLEARLY organized looting, trying to literally mass murder a group of police officers in Portland by setting their precinct on fire and trap them in there.
And their policy is to continue to treat blacks like they are stupid/helpless subhumans that need their constant help just to live.
I could go on for pages. And pages. Literally write a novel

Trump doesn’t have a policy to deal with riots and looting and you complain about Democrats?
Dude. He simply sent in Fed law enforcement to simply protect federal buildings and your side absolutely lost your shit. You would have thought he brought NAZI SS troops back to life and sent them there.
WTF do you want him to do??
C'mon... get specific. What should he do?
Federalize the cities?

Wait? So you’re defending Trump because there is no federal role for policing cities but criticizing the DNC for not having a federal policy?

So your criticism is bullshit.
Wow... you either have some serious reading comprehension, or you are just trolling now.
I’m not trolling. You’re just not making a clear and consistent case.

You criticize the DNC for not talking about a problem that you admit has no relationship to the presidency. That’s inconsistent. Sorry if pointing that out to you upsets you.
I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
Oh I wouldn't go that far (Banner is a decent man)
He is a partisan hack. No different than say James Carville. You gotta be pretty amoral and willing to blatantly lie and spin to be one of these guys. Either side.
Bannon nailed a numer of wrongful demmie deep state plots as head of Breitbart publishings online. The Demmies are sick to the stomach of having their seamy side exposed and want to poison Steve Bannon's well in the worst way, then sling mud at President Trump to beat the band. Trying Trump supporterd wrongfully won them an undeserved House upset 2 years ago. For some reason that bothers me more than you
But it's all right. God has mercy on good people, and the left got even by banning school prayers. God has not finished with America yet. I pray that his goodness and mercy comes to this nation's divisions. We have many good men to overcome lies told for profit to self and beating up the good for evil causes.
I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
Oh I wouldn't go that far (Banner is a decent man)
He is a partisan hack. No different than say James Carville. You gotta be pretty amoral and willing to blatantly lie and spin to be one of these guys. Either side.
Bannon nailed a numer of wrongful demmie deep state plots as head of Breitbart publishings online. The Demmies are sick to the stomach of having their seamy side exposed and want to poison Steve Bannon's well in the worst way, then sling mud at President Trump to beat the band. Trying Trump supporterd wrongfully won them an undeserved House upset 2 years ago. For some reason that bothers me more than you
But it's all right. God has mercy on good people, and the left got even by banning school prayers. God has not finished with America yet. I pray that his goodness and mercy comes to this nation's divisions. We have many good men to overcome lies told for profit to self and beating up the good for evil causes.
We can agree to disagree.
I don't like these kind of folks. The Carville's, Bannons, Hannity... Limbaugh.. Madcow..Lemon.
They play a massive role is keeping Americans divided and outraged so we are not paying attention to the fact we are roundly getting fucked in the ass daily by all of them.
I think many elements were necessary to get Trump elected. Bannon. The Russians. The FBI.
... Obama, Hillary... people who voted for him...
Maybe. My point is that Bannon was an invaluable asset to Trump’s campaign...

...specifically because he is a sleaze-ball. Winning elections is easier when you don’t care about things like that.
I don't think Mr. Bannon is anything but a decent man. The Demmie kill-win-kill tactic is another attack on a Trump supporter and former Breitbart writer.
Oh I wouldn't go that far (Banner is a decent man)
He is a partisan hack. No different than say James Carville. You gotta be pretty amoral and willing to blatantly lie and spin to be one of these guys. Either side.
Bannon nailed a numer of wrongful demmie deep state plots as head of Breitbart publishings online. The Demmies are sick to the stomach of having their seamy side exposed and want to poison Steve Bannon's well in the worst way, then sling mud at President Trump to beat the band. Trying Trump supporterd wrongfully won them an undeserved House upset 2 years ago. For some reason that bothers me more than you
But it's all right. God has mercy on good people, and the left got even by banning school prayers. God has not finished with America yet. I pray that his goodness and mercy comes to this nation's divisions. We have many good men to overcome lies told for profit to self and beating up the good for evil causes.
We can agree to disagree.
I don't like these kind of folks. The Carville's, Bannons, Hannity... Limbaugh.. Madcow..Lemon.
They play a massive role is keeping Americans divided and outraged so we are not paying attention to the fact we are roundly getting fucked in the ass daily by all of them.
Hon, we'll understand it better by and by. Meanwhile there is a balm in Gilead that heals the soul. For God is love, and he does love us.
I don't like these kind of folks. The Carville's, Bannons, Hannity... Limbaugh.. Madcow..Lemon.
Fair enough. Now which of those was the head of a presidential campaign and then a top advisor to the president? Just one... To you that should apeak to the character of the president in question, then...

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