Stewart Doing What He Does Best

It's very telling that you lefty moonbats get all your perspectives on politics from far-left TV comedians.

Don't you so dearly wish that were so?

Sadly, many people who you so fear and apparently loathe actually read.

Must suck for you bigtime to be up against people who think for themselves.

Luckily we're not up against people like that, we're up against liberals.
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush
trying to minimize the msg Steph? :eusa_whistle: See below V
Is calling Jon Stewart a "comedian" supposed to be an insult?

Good point. I could point to people like Mark Twain, who were satirists, but very well informed. Even politicians have garnered praise for their wit. Ronald Reagan was a good example.

Even when I disagree with Jon Stewart I like him. He seems like a well meaning guy, even when he is wrong. Satirists have been a part of politics since politics existed. It would be unwise for Republicans to marginalize Stewart because he is a "comedian".

exactly. Satire is one of the best ways to illustrate the short-comings of a political rival and has been around as long as governments have. Maybe Steph & CG will get it now. I had to explain it to > one Rightie here:

Satire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, and society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as a weapon.
lol, all that over a John Stewart show^^^^^

the only one I see putting out hate is John Stewart

He's a comedian, specializing in political satire. It's not pretty, & sometimes he thoroughly castigates what he sees. But he does toast people on the Left & the Right - although I'll admit I'm partial to roast Rightest, myself.

Stewart has to eat, whether it the GOP or the Democrats in office. Fortunately, given the parlous state of the federal & individual states, he'll always have a lot of material to work with. & when the states fail to provide grist, there's always the media, the World, religion, elective affinities, marriage, sex, the whole gamut.

As long as the human warmedy continues, I think he'll be fine, & certainly won't lack for material.
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush

Someone is complaining?

People with horsepower are happy to hear Pigboy's/Hannity's/Beck's listeners discuss those programs. Smart executives/ up-and-coming managers are especially happy to hear water cooler discussions casting favorable light on nutball geniatti like Karl Rove or Joe Scarbrough.

In sum, people self identifying as human cattle (reactive- fear based, not proactive- solutions based) saves a lot of time that might have been wasted managing people who simply want to be told what to do.

I just can not get over how smart you liberal/socialists believe you are. Yet, few of you are in the top income brackets, or even have a thin chance of getting there. No one has to fool you people, you do a damn good job of fooling yourselves.

He who is ignorant, and knows that he is ignorant, is blessed because he can learn.
He who is smart, and knows that he is smart, is blessed because he has learned.
He who is smart, and knows not that he is smart, is doomed to mediocrity.
He who is ignorant, and knows not that he is ignorant, is to be pitied because he is lost.

I know many more rich liberals than I do rich conservatives.
lol, all that over a John Stewart show^^^^^

the only one I see putting out hate is John Stewart

He's a comedian, specializing in political satire. It's not pretty, & sometimes he thoroughly castigates what he sees. But he does toast people on the Left & the Right - although I'll admit I'm partial to roast Rightest, myself.

Stewart has to eat, whether it the GOP or the Democrats in office. Fortunately, given the parlous state of the federal & individual states, he'll always have a lot of material to work with. & when the states fail to provide grist, there's always the media, the World, religion, elective affinities, marriage, sex, the whole gamut.

As long as the human warmedy continues, I think he'll be fine, & certainly won't lack for material.

Yea, but I think what a lot of people miss is that he also satirizes the "news" industry, which deserves to be lampooned as much as the politicians.
It's not hard to figure out where Stewart is coming from. He's is a Jew who is ashamed of his heritage. He was born Jon Stewart Liebowitz but decided to take an anglo name and now he is angry at the world. Lefties feed into the bigotry and hatred and pretend that poor taste and satire is real news.
It's not hard to figure out where Stewart is coming from. He's is a Jew who is ashamed of his heritage. He was born Jon Stewart Liebowitz but decided to take an anglo name and now he is angry at the world. Lefties feed into the bigotry and hatred and pretend that poor taste and satire is real news.

Well there you have it....anti-semetic comments make so much sense here.
It's not hard to figure out where Stewart is coming from. He's is a Jew who is ashamed of his heritage. He was born Jon Stewart Liebowitz but decided to take an anglo name and now he is angry at the world. Lefties feed into the bigotry and hatred and pretend that poor taste and satire is real news.

whitehall on "poor taste." OK!
Not that I defend Palin or the GOP but, all the OP is saying I have to do is find a video where Jon attacks/makes fun of Obama and then the mindless zombies on the left will wake up to how bad of a President Obama has been? That's all it would take, really?
Not that I defend Palin or the GOP but, all the OP is saying I have to do is find a video where Jon attacks/makes fun of Obama and then the mindless zombies on the left will wake up to how bad of a President Obama has been? That's all it would take, really?

If you can find one, good luck. The president hasn't been all that bad, nowhere near the disaster W and the GOP have been.
I remember back in my loyal right wing Republican days, when I would glance at Colbert and Jon Stewart and mock them, try to find hypocrisy and errors, and then bash them on USMB. Back in 2008-2011. I did that a lot.

But it kept getting harder. The more life I lived, and the more I listened to them and compared what they were saying to real life- in a non-bias way, the more and more they made sense. And the more and more I slowly began to agree with them. Until eventually....I loved their show. And saw the point they are making on so many topics.

Just part of my process in telling the GOP to fuck off. And there is a reason right wingers dont go on those shows as often as Dems do. Because they get destroyed logically. It makes them look silly.
It's not hard to figure out where Stewart is coming from. He's is a Jew who is ashamed of his heritage. He was born Jon Stewart Liebowitz but decided to take an anglo name and now he is angry at the world. Lefties feed into the bigotry and hatred and pretend that poor taste and satire is real news.

Yes! Yes! Mein Gott, he's nailed it! Way to use St. Sigmund Freud on the nasty ol' reprobate Juden ... oh, wait, that's not gonna work.

Well, let's comdemn him to hell then. Jesus was what?! Are you sure? Damn!

Let's hit him with a nuke, then? Oppenheimer was WHAT??? You're shitting me, right? Gottenu, what's a goy gotta do to get some respect around here?

Face it, bubbe, Jews practically invented the World you live in ... including the Old Testament, the New Testament, show biz, high finance, lots of the arts, literature, music, sculpture, painting, novels, poetry, prose, dance, theatre ...
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush

The man is funny and the reason he has such good material is the GOP, Stephanie. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Joe Biden by himself would provide Stewart with enough material weekly if Stewart wanted to go that direction.

He's done that on occasion, and yeah...............he's made fun of Biden.

However..........................the GOP presents a much better target for the satire, because they're being such idiots.

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