Stewart Doing What He Does Best

It's very telling that you lefty moonbats get all your perspectives on politics from far-left TV comedians.


Messrs Leibowitz & Colbert are mediocre comedians who make a living carrying the water for the left on TV shows... on Comedy Central at that... the name of their network is Comedy Central.

'nuff said.
In Stewart's defense, he'll nail LOLberals to the wall too. It's just that LOLberals will ignore that stuff.
It's very telling that you lefty moonbats get all your perspectives on politics from far-left TV comedians.

Don't you so dearly wish that were so?

Sadly, many people who you so fear and apparently loathe actually read.

Must suck for you bigtime to be up against people who think for themselves.
I f the GOP keeps telling its loyals that anyone who disagrees with their platform is unworthy of consideration, the GOP is going to continue to alienate a huge percentage of the population.

It isn't HOW they spew their hateful messages, it's the hate itself that is causing them problems.

They're screwed because they created this political tent propped up by pandering to the hate of their grass roots, and the TARGETS OF THEIR HATRED aren't fools.

If you are an example of a target of this perceived hatred, then they are fools. Not agreeing with you dumbasses does not mean we hate you, we just pity your ignorance.

As for spewing hatred, you might want to review your posts.
It's very telling that you lefty moonbats get all your perspectives on politics from far-left TV comedians.

Don't you so dearly wish that were so?

Sadly, many people who you so fear and apparently loathe actually read.

Must suck for you bigtime to be up against people who think for themselves.

Do you actually read, or just look at the pictures. Your posts pretty well belie the idea that you are capable of thinking for yourself. I seriously doubt that anyone either fears or loathes you. Although, I can imagine that a lot of people shake their heads and chuckle when they read your posts.
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush

Someone is complaining?

People with horsepower are happy to hear Pigboy's/Hannity's/Beck's listeners discuss those programs. Smart executives/ up-and-coming managers are especially happy to hear water cooler discussions casting favorable light on nutball geniatti like Karl Rove or Joe Scarbrough.

In sum, people self identifying as human cattle (reactive- fear based, not proactive- solutions based) saves a lot of time that might have been wasted managing people who simply want to be told what to do.

I just can not get over how smart you liberal/socialists believe you are. Yet, few of you are in the top income brackets, or even have a thin chance of getting there. No one has to fool you people, you do a damn good job of fooling yourselves.

He who is ignorant, and knows that he is ignorant, is blessed because he can learn.
He who is smart, and knows that he is smart, is blessed because he has learned.
He who is smart, and knows not that he is smart, is doomed to mediocrity.
He who is ignorant, and knows not that he is ignorant, is to be pitied because he is lost.
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush

Someone is complaining?

People with horsepower are happy to hear Pigboy's/Hannity's/Beck's listeners discuss those programs. Smart executives/ up-and-coming managers are especially happy to hear water cooler discussions casting favorable light on nutball geniatti like Karl Rove or Joe Scarbrough.

In sum, people self identifying as human cattle (reactive- fear based, not proactive- solutions based) saves a lot of time that might have been wasted managing people who simply want to be told what to do.

I just can not get over how smart you liberal/socialists believe you are. Yet, few of you are in the top income brackets, or even have a thin chance of getting there. No one has to fool you people, you do a damn good job of fooling yourselves.

He who is ignorant, and knows that he is ignorant, is blessed because he can learn.
He who is smart, and knows that he is smart, is blessed because he has learned.
He who is smart, and knows not that he is smart, is doomed to mediocrity.
He who is ignorant, and knows not that he is ignorant, is to be pitied because he is lost.

Insecurity there?
It's very telling that you lefty moonbats get all your perspectives on politics from far-left TV comedians.

Don't you so dearly wish that were so?

Sadly, many people who you so fear and apparently loathe actually read.

Must suck for you bigtime to be up against people who think for themselves.[/QUOTE]

Uhm, you sit on a blog site channeling Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert and then say this shit?

Whatever. I actually watch the Daily Show on occasion... the Colbert Report, not so much, I just don't find him at all funny.
It's very telling that you lefty moonbats get all your perspectives on politics from far-left TV comedians.

Don't you so dearly wish that were so?

Sadly, many people who you so fear and apparently loathe actually read.

Must suck for you bigtime to be up against people who think for themselves.[/QUOTE]

Uhm, you sit on a blog site channeling Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert and then say this shit?

Whatever. I actually watch the Daily Show on occasion... the Colbert Report, not so much, I just don't find him at all funny.

Damn, Soggy In The Brain, it's gotta suck the rest of the world isn't as smart as you. How do you live amongst us mere mortals?
Both Colbert and Stewart are foul-mouthed morons, whose forte is yelling and shouting their so-called humor, because that is what appeals to their like "minded" fans.
Both Colbert and Stewart are foul-mouthed morons, whose forte is yelling and shouting their so-called humor, because that is what appeals to their like "minded" fans.

At least we know what sex they are............

Stewart is a comedian. He works for the comedy channel. What he does best is make you laugh. Isn't it time for the low information left wingers to understand the difference between news and comedy?
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush

Someone is complaining?

People with horsepower are happy to hear Pigboy's/Hannity's/Beck's listeners discuss those programs. Smart executives/ up-and-coming managers are especially happy to hear water cooler discussions casting favorable light on nutball geniatti like Karl Rove or Joe Scarbrough.

In sum, people self identifying as human cattle (reactive- fear based, not proactive- solutions based) saves a lot of time that might have been wasted managing people who simply want to be told what to do.

I just can not get over how smart you liberal/socialists believe you are. Yet, few of you are in the top income brackets, or even have a thin chance of getting there. No one has to fool you people, you do a damn good job of fooling yourselves.
[pop pyschology deleted].

A. My instincts are classic liberal (closest living cousin is Libertarianism, albeit nothing as corrupt as Randian horseshit). I wouldn't piss in the mouth of a Clintonista or Obamaphile if their tongue was on fire. But I'd pay to see any senior Bush Leaguer tied to a post and horsewhipped. Anti-American partisans elected Obama by voting for Bush in 2004. Mindless partisans make me sick, and the third way does not involve any part of the clueless weak-minded center.

B. Ergo, not being a contemptible nutball human lemming does not equal what passes for liberal or socialist, the one-note drum nutball partisans bang upon seeing something beyond their ken.

C. My material status is what it is. On a personal level, one suspects more employed nutballs watch my face for clues to their future than the sum of adults watching your face for any reason.

D. Next.
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