Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

No, that's over. The younger folks don't want it. What you see as 'immoral' or 'evil', may not be. I know you don't wanna contemplate that, but that is the reality.

We live in a free Society. Adults can make these decisions. If they wanna decriminalize Marijuana, than so be it. The People have spoken.

Then the younger folk will be the first to die - along with their parents who failed to teach them properly.

Freedom is a Red Herring, used to cover the ride of Immorality and the destruction of Society.

Marijuana will never be legal around me. I got one college roommate expelled over it. Several of my wife's family members won't come to our house for fear of being caught and turned in by us. If the Government won't punish them, I just may have to myself.

Well, you obviously have some serious mental problems. Ironically, some Ganja would probably help you with that. But regardless, the younger folks don't want your old Puritan 'morals' being forced on them.

Your thinking is very irrational and outdated. If the People decide they wanna decriminalize certain drugs, than so be it. That's how Freedom and Democracy works. You may not like that, but it is what it is.
No, that's over. The younger folks don't want it. What you see as 'immoral' or 'evil', may not be. I know you don't wanna contemplate that, but that is the reality.

We live in a free Society. Adults can make these decisions. If they wanna decriminalize Marijuana, than so be it. The People have spoken.

Then the younger folk will be the first to die - along with their parents who failed to teach them properly.

Freedom is a Red Herring, used to cover the ride of Immorality and the destruction of Society.

Marijuana will never be legal around me. I got one college roommate expelled over it. Several of my wife's family members won't come to our house for fear of being caught and turned in by us. If the Government won't punish them, I just may have to myself.

Well, you obviously have some serious mental problems. Ironically, some Ganja might help you with that. But regardless, the younger folks don't want your Puritan 'morals' being forced on them. Your thinking is very irrational and outdated. If the People decide they wanna decriminalize certain drugs, than so be it. That's how Freedom and Democracy works. You may not like that, but it is what it is.
he beats his wife and brags about it on this very board

hes the pussiest excuse that man has 2 offer
The product creates an altered mental state, which is a moral issue in and of itself.

Being a human parrot of lies is also an "altered state." It is to forfeit the human right to think, observe, and question. When one takes aspirin, that is an altered state. You have the right to decide that you want to be a sub human, that you will parrot, never question, and never check up on said liar in the pulpit. That he is lying is obvious to anyone who has actually taken the paper bag called Christianity off the head and actually observed personally...
and you dont. bitch.

Oh? What else would you call the POTUS and the US AG?..... I'd call them 2 of the most powerful weapons in the world.
they dont impose their morals on me, pussyboy.

what ya gunna do about it if i smoke weed besides jack and shit
It depends on where you do it. Around someone that could claim they were in fear of their lives from a drug addict under the influence, things might not go so well for you.
Prohibition only increases corruption; we learned that concept last millennium; the left wing "got the memo"

Corruption that funds leftists like lawyers is always high on the list of that which is most important to continue.

That is why the media spreads such bogus fear about weed. If enough sub humans believe their lies, the leftist lawyers continue to rake in the dough, and the US Treasury is still out $300 billion per year over said lies.
Yikes! Really?

Yes. Same with the seizure meds. The health of my Soul is far more important to me than my physical health.

I don't think you know enough about Marijuana. It's not the 'Evil' you've been led to believe it is. Your 'Soul' would be just fine in the event you ever chose to partake.
Your soul will be fine. Your brain would not be so lucky.

Another debunked Myth.
and you dont. bitch.

Oh? What else would you call the POTUS and the US AG?..... I'd call them 2 of the most powerful weapons in the world.
they dont impose their morals on me, pussyboy.

what ya gunna do about it if i smoke weed besides jack and shit
It depends on where you do it. Around someone that could claim they were in fear of their lives from a drug addict under the influence, things might not go so well for you.
not true, whack job.
Around someone that could claim they were in fear of their lives from a drug addict under the influence, things might not go so well for you

You wouldn't be in fear for your life around me because I am a responsible marijuana user.

You would be in fear because you are a sub human who spreads treasonous lies, and you are also a world class coward... and I am a patriotic American.
The product creates an altered mental state, which is a moral issue in and of itself.

Being a human parrot of lies is also an "altered state." It is to forfeit the human right to think, observe, and question. When one takes aspirin, that is an altered state. You have the right to decide that you want to be a sub human, that you will parrot, never question, and never check up on said liar in the pulpit. That he is lying is obvious to anyone who has actually taken the paper bag called Christianity off the head and actually observed personally...
After you have personally observed drug addicts shambling along having pissed their pants, now violently attacking others, then will personal observations count.
The product creates an altered mental state, which is a moral issue in and of itself.

Being a human parrot of lies is also an "altered state." It is to forfeit the human right to think, observe, and question. When one takes aspirin, that is an altered state. You have the right to decide that you want to be a sub human, that you will parrot, never question, and never check up on said liar in the pulpit. That he is lying is obvious to anyone who has actually taken the paper bag called Christianity off the head and actually observed personally...
After you have personally observed drug addicts shambling along having pissed their pants, now violently attacking others, then will personal observations count.
shaddap youre just an extremist
Around someone that could claim they were in fear of their lives from a drug addict under the influence, things might not go so well for you

You wouldn't be in fear for your life around me because I am a responsible marijuana user.

You would be in fear because you are a sub human who spreads treasonous lies, and you are also a world class coward... and I am a patriotic American.
Dead druggie and a responsible non drugged out adult. Who is going to be believed? You are a drug addict, no better than any other addict whose body is found in an alley.
No, it's not a 'moral issue.' There's where you're going wrong bigtime. Your morals beliefs may not be the same as others' moral beliefs.

I don't believe there are multiple definitions of Morality. I believe in Universal Morality, which does not answer to any individual's whims.
Some Persons claim to morals on the authority of a Bible, that marijuana is very Good and not Bad.
Around someone that could claim they were in fear of their lives from a drug addict under the influence, things might not go so well for you

You wouldn't be in fear for your life around me because I am a responsible marijuana user.

You would be in fear because you are a sub human who spreads treasonous lies, and you are also a world class coward... and I am a patriotic American.
Dead druggie and a responsible non drugged out adult. Who is going to be believed? You are a drug addict, no better than any other addict whose body is found in an alley.
and youre a psychotic sycophant with delusional theories and probably would be able to plead insanity anyhow. lose lose! i suggest you go ahead and start killing people, then, or like shut the fuck up about it
After you have personally observed drug addicts shambling along having pissed their pants, now violently attacking others, then will personal observations count.


Most of those "drug addicts" are drunks. The sociology profession tells us approximately 15% of humans have what is called an addictive personality - that it doesn't matter what the substance, they will get hooked. The question is how to deal with those 15%, and your "solution" of enriching attorneys and criminal drug dealers isn't working. We should get the legal profession out of the problem - reducing costs 90% right there, and have rehab boot camps for serial addicts. I have no problem separating dangerous addicts from society. At the same time, those claiming weed is dangerous are treasonous liars who need to be outed as liars. Weed does not cause violence. Weed doesn't cause any problems at all, except when it is criminalized.
How does marijuana affect the brain?

Only those who use drugs are Patriots. Non drug addicts are treasonous.

That's called drug logic.
Around someone that could claim they were in fear of their lives from a drug addict under the influence, things might not go so well for you

You wouldn't be in fear for your life around me because I am a responsible marijuana user.

You would be in fear because you are a sub human who spreads treasonous lies, and you are also a world class coward... and I am a patriotic American.
Dead druggie and a responsible non drugged out adult. Who is going to be believed? You are a drug addict, no better than any other addict whose body is found in an alley.

If someone commits a crime, they should be prosecuted. But the act of using drugs is not a criminal act. It's a personal adult decision. They're only considered 'criminals' if they go out and commit criminal acts. Until then, it's a legal personal choice on whether or not to use drugs.

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