Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

how high on the morality list is "grab them by the pussy" ?

Considering that the proper place of a woman is subservient to the Man she belongs to..... probably pretty high.

Though for the record, I'm not a very big fan of the current POTUS. He's too Liberal for my tastes.
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.
Agree decriminalize, all drugs. will stop 90 % of all the crime created by drug laws/ takes the money motive away. the population of criminal drug users will become small. save us billions on jails. there will always be a % of population that are drunks/ druggies. crime will go down. its a win win you cant legislate morality.
If it is not about guns, the left knows to not expect any "second wave" of support, from the right wing.
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.
Nothing but social plans and no capital plans.

He is already running deficits on his, "remove two regulations for every one regulation implemented".

Should we deny and disparage him, steak and lobster, and require him to smoke pot?

I just thought he'd a bit more of a moderate. But it's beginning to look he's all-in on Police State oppression. I'm concerned.
in other words, nothing but social (pander pledge fulfillment) plans, and no capital plans?

We have a Commerce Clause and the right wing, got their "commercial guy" elected.

don't complain; be Patriotic.
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree
were you on the right wing?

We have the historical precedent of Prohibition and its repeal as a Bad idea in those then, modern times; we cannot officially claim, we are not really like that, anymore.
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.
Faaaaake News

You're right.....keeping drugs illegal does not help the drug cartels......fake news.
Prohibition only increases corruption; we learned that concept last millennium; the left wing "got the memo".
I don't think you know enough about Marijuana. It's not the 'Evil' you've been led to believe it is. Your 'Soul' would be just fine in the event you ever chose to partake.

The product creates an altered mental state, which is a moral issue in and of itself. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.
Seems like maybe some of the posters in this thread took Reefer Madness a bit too seriously.
I don't think you know enough about Marijuana. It's not the 'Evil' you've been led to believe it is. Your 'Soul' would be just fine in the event you ever chose to partake.

The product creates an altered mental state, which is a moral issue in and of itself. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.

No, it's not a 'moral issue.' There's where you're going wrong bigtime. Your morals beliefs may not be the same as others' moral beliefs.
No, it's not a 'moral issue.' There's where you're going wrong bigtime. Your morals beliefs may not be the same as others' moral beliefs.

I don't believe there are multiple definitions of Morality. I believe in Universal Morality, which does not answer to any individual's whims.
Seems like maybe some of the posters in this thread took Reefer Madness a bit too seriously.

I find it's mostly old white Republican Archie Bunker-types who believe Marijuana is 'Evil.' They've been indoctrinated on that. Younger folks realize it isn't 'Evil.' Even young Republicans realize it. That's why it will be decriminalized at some point.
No, it's not a 'moral issue.' There's where you're going wrong bigtime. Your morals beliefs may not be the same as others' moral beliefs.

I don't believe there are multiple definitions of Morality. I believe in Universal Morality, which does not answer to any individual's whims.

Well, not exactly. It sounds more so like you just wanna force your 'morals' on others. It's an old 'Puritan' concept that doesn't work anymore.
Well, not exactly. It sounds more so like you just wanna force your 'morals' on others. It's an old 'Puritan' concept that doesn't work anymore.

Yes it does.... if you have the weapons and the willingness to use them.

No, that's over. The younger folks don't want it. What you see as 'immoral' or 'evil', may not be. I know you don't wanna contemplate that, but that is the reality.

We live in a free Society. Adults can make these decisions. If they wanna decriminalize Marijuana, than so be it. The People have spoken.
No, that's over. The younger folks don't want it. What you see as 'immoral' or 'evil', may not be. I know you don't wanna contemplate that, but that is the reality.

We live in a free Society. Adults can make these decisions. If they wanna decriminalize Marijuana, than so be it. The People have spoken.

Then the younger folk will be the first to die - along with their parents who failed to teach them properly.

Freedom is a Red Herring, used to cover the ride of Immorality and the destruction of Society.

Marijuana will never be legal around me. I got one college roommate expelled over it. Several of my wife's family members won't come to our house for fear of being caught and turned in by us. If the Government won't punish them, I just may have to myself.

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