Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

Those who are for prohibition are anti liberty anti freedom not my fellow Americans. They believe in legislating morality. They are immoral folk guaranteed.
Why would you outlaw alcohol? A cold beer is all working folk have to look forward to in this god awful godforsaken terrible ratrace.
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.

Sorry, but you're being misinformed. It's the DEA and Drug Cartels that want drugs to remain illegal. The DEA and Drug Cartels profit massively off it. They definitely don't wanna see drugs decriminalized. I think right now, you're only considering Federal Government/DEA propaganda on the issue.

Decriminalize drugs, and Drug Cartels quickly fade away. And US Taxpayers would benefit greatly. It could also even make a dent in our staggering $20 Trillion Debt. I think it's time to decriminalize some drugs. At the very least, Marijuana. No one should go to prison over Marijuana.

Decriminalization would NOT make the drug cartels go away, it has had just the opposite effect, do some research and read about the effect of legalization in Colorado and how the drug cartels set up shop there. They are going to protect their market share, do you really think they give a fuk about U.S. laws?
True. We need full legalization.
Those who are for prohibition are anti liberty anti freedom not my fellow Americans. They believe in legislating morality.

Liberty and Freedom are antithetical to a Proper and Decent Society. Morality is the highest standard, the Universal Standard, and only True LAW in the world.
Why would you outlaw alcohol? A cold beer is all working folk have to look forward to in this god awful godforsaken terrible ratrace.

Alcohol creates an altered mental state. A state where one is not fully capable of adhering to Morality. That, in and of itself is a violation of Universal Moral Law. Add to that the other immoral actions many undertake while under the influence of ingested alcohol. Then remember that there is no positive Moral value to being drunk.

Enough said.
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Definitely legalization is coming. I live in Colorado and the gold didn't melt off of the capital building because of it. Last year 2.5 billion was sold in recreational marijuana--and the state treasury expanded by 125 million in tax revenue. It's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It's created a lot of jobs in this state. So it is great for the economy and state tax revenues.
Colorado's marijuana tax revenues nearly double last year's figures

We in Colorado passed it, with the thought, as we're putting a dent into the Mexican drug lords, who grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico & bring it up here to sell. They take the profits from that and use it to manufacture hard core drugs like crack, cocaine and Meth. In fact, Mexico was begging the United States to legalize marijuana during the Obama administration, which would put the illegal drugs flowing across the border to an end.

We really don't have any marijuana crime in this state. We have found that alcohol DUI'S are less than they have been in previous years. So recreational marijuana is working just fine here.
It's working fine if you want to put children in the hospital with pot poisoning.

Legalized marijuana sends more kids to the hospital in Colorado

The only reason that kids end up going to the hospital is because their PARENTS aren't being responsible with their edibles and kids find it and think it's candy and eat it.

But.............same think can be said about Tide laundry pods. I've seen many commercials warning parents that they look like candy and kids are prone to eat them if they see them.

It's the same thing with alcohol, if it's easily accessible to teens they're going to get into it. Marijuana, alcohol has to be kept out of the reach of young children. Especially the candy looking marijuana. All packaging here has warnings on it, but occasionally an idiot will put within reach of children.

Thankfully, Marijuana is not deadly anyone.
Those who are for prohibition are anti liberty anti freedom not my fellow Americans. They believe in legislating morality.

Liberty and Freedom are antithetical to a Proper and Decent Society. Morality is the highest standard, the Universal Standard, and only True LAW in the world.
Allahu Ackbar
Those who are for prohibition are anti liberty anti freedom not my fellow Americans. They believe in legislating morality.

Liberty and Freedom are antithetical to a Proper and Decent Society. Morality is the highest standard, the Universal Standard, and only True LAW in the world.

how high on the morality list is "grab them by the pussy" ?
Those who are for prohibition are anti liberty anti freedom not my fellow Americans. They believe in legislating morality.

Liberty and Freedom are antithetical to a Proper and Decent Society. Morality is the highest standard, the Universal Standard, and only True LAW in the world.

Okay........I'll bite...............exactly what code of morals are you using, and is that code of morals something that covers all people, or, like many other religions, are you using that moral code to control everyone else?
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.

Sorry, but you're being misinformed. It's the DEA and Drug Cartels that want drugs to remain illegal. The DEA and Drug Cartels profit massively off it. They definitely don't wanna see drugs decriminalized. I think right now, you're only considering Federal Government/DEA propaganda on the issue.

Decriminalize drugs, and Drug Cartels quickly fade away. And US Taxpayers would benefit greatly. It could also even make a dent in our staggering $20 Trillion Debt. I think it's time to decriminalize some drugs. At the very least, Marijuana. No one should go to prison over Marijuana.

Decriminalization would NOT make the drug cartels go away, it has had just the opposite effect, do some research and read about the effect of legalization in Colorado and how the drug cartels set up shop there. They are going to protect their market share, do you really think they give a fuk about U.S. laws?
True. We need full legalization.
Good thing it's fully illegal...
My 2 cents:

1. Drug tests for financial aid.
2. Legalize everything.
3. Severely punish laws related to drugs - aka driving while stoned 3 strikes your out (personally I'd rather have one strike but everyone bitches,) robbery = long jail time, etc.
My 2 cents:

1. Drug tests for financial aid.
2. Legalize everything.
3. Severely punish laws related to drugs - aka driving while stoned 3 strikes your out (personally I'd rather have one strike but everyone bitches,) robbery = long jail time, etc.
Soma for utopia.....
I don't care if Dem's want to make a stoned utopia, as long as I'm not forced to pay for it they can waste their lives as much as they want.

I figure the drug situation will resolve itself if we make it legal, the hard core idiots will quickly overdose and we'll be left with the more harmless social user variety. Though that is why I put in harsh enforcement of public safety and other such laws re drugs - like maybe if you did it while stoned you get extra time kind of deal.
Semi-related: So my husband, who's 50, started playing darts with our eldest son, he can't keep up with the boy for shit on beer. Two weekends in a row now he's stayed in town rather than driving home. That's called personal responsibility.

(Though I suppose it helps that he knows damn well I'll kick his ass and "ground" him if he drives drunk - that's called effective punishment/prevention)
I don't care if Dem's want to make a stoned utopia, as long as I'm not forced to pay for it they can waste their lives as much as they want.

I figure the drug situation will resolve itself if we make it legal, the hard core idiots will quickly overdose and we'll be left with the more harmless social user variety. Though that is why I put in harsh enforcement of public safety and other such laws re drugs - like maybe if you did it while stoned you get extra time kind of deal.
You will end America as we know it....
I think you are the exception rather than the rule. Some people make a six pack last for months too but that isn't the norm. I think pot can be psychologically addictive but like all addictions you have to give in to it.

You're right, marijuana CAN be psychologically addictive to SOME (not all) people. But, people can become psychologically addicted to just about anything, like shopping, gambling, people (it's called codependency), working out, etc.

It actually depends on the person.

A realistic concern for recreational users of marijuana is whether or not they will become addicted. There are no easy answers to this question. In my opinion, the most unbiased book on this and other related topics is The Science of Marijuana (2008). The Science of Marijuana is written by Leslie L. Iverson, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Cambridge in England. In the book, he reviews decades of international research on marijuana, both laboratory research and survey research. Based on his review of the scientific literature, between 10 to 30% of regular users will develop dependency. Only about 9% will have a serious addiction. For an excellent post on the biology of marijuana addiction see

Okay, so all you did to reply was just cut and paste some article that is over 7 years old. Got news for you, lots more research has been done since then, so do try to get something more current.
No. The author said that was the best study she knew of and she's studied it objectively, unlike yourself. But since when is posting a source considered bad form? That's the thing that always gets me about potheads. Something is always off but they think it's everything else, not them. I know for a fact that it stunts development of one's maturity level. No one needs your approval.
having nothing but fallacy, is a sign of immaturity. the abomination of hypocrisy is worse than marijuana.
I posted a study and your hazy potbrain saw only fallacies. Thanks!

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