Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.
Faaaaake News
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.
Faaaaake News

You're right.....keeping drugs illegal does not help the drug cartels......fake news.
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree
Fake shit ...marijuana does not the Opiates put out by corporate pharmaceutical concerns do certainly hook folks and kills them
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree
Fake shit ...marijuana does not the Opiates put out by corporate pharmaceutical concerns do certainly hook folks and kills them

That's always the fall back argument.....marijuana does not addict.....LAME..........I never said it did, but it is a gateway drug for young people who curious and into experimenting.

Ohh..and are you saying the only way to get opiates is through a pharmacy? Or are you just referring to the Michael Jacksons and Princes of the world?
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.

Sorry, but you're being misinformed. It's the DEA and Drug Cartels that want drugs to remain illegal. The DEA and Drug Cartels profit massively off it. They definitely don't wanna see drugs decriminalized. I think right now, you're only considering Federal Government/DEA propaganda on the issue.

Decriminalize drugs, and Drug Cartels quickly fade away. And US Taxpayers would benefit greatly. It could also even make a dent in our staggering $20 Trillion Debt. I think it's time to decriminalize some drugs. At the very least, Marijuana. No one should go to prison over Marijuana.
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree

Folks get drunk and do stupid shit all the time too. But it's still an adult decision on whether or not you wanna consume alcohol. Freedom & Liberty can get pretty complicated. It's not perfect. But it is time scale back this Nanny State.
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.

Sorry, but you're being misinformed. It's the DEA and Drug Cartels that want drugs to remain illegal. The DEA and Drug Cartels profit massively off it. They definitely don't wanna see drugs decriminalized. I think right now, you're only considering Federal Government/DEA propaganda on the issue.

Decriminalize drugs, and Drug Cartels quickly fade away. And US Taxpayers would benefit greatly. It could also even make a dent in our staggering $20 Trillion Debt. I think it's time to decriminalize some drugs. At the very least, Marijuana. No one should go to prison over Marijuana.

Decriminalization would NOT make the drug cartels go away, it has had just the opposite effect, do some research and read about the effect of legalization in Colorado and how the drug cartels set up shop there. They are going to protect their market share, do you really think they give a fuk about U.S. laws?
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree

Folks get drunk and do stupid shit all the time too. But it's still an adult decision on whether or not you wanna consume alcohol. Freedom & Liberty can get pretty complicated. It's not perfect. But it is time scale back this Nanny State.

Stupid people need to be protected from themselves.
You need to light up a spliff and chill mon. It's better and safer than the legal prescription psychiatric drugs you're currently on. So get yaself some Ganja right now mon. Enjoy. :)

Never done it. Never will. I don't touch garbage like that. No alcohol. No tobacco. No drugs. No pain killers.

I take eye drops for my glaucoma and I'm now forced to take very low doses of blood pressure and anti-seizure medications. That's it. Nothing else. Ever.
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

Your argument of aiding the drug cartels is ill informed street logic. The actual truth is the drug cartels are moving into states like Colorado and setting up their marijuana operations there, threatening other "legal" marijuana sellers and forcing them out of business. There are several DEA reports on this. It's an open door for them to move into the U.S. and operate "legally". My brother works for CBP in El Paso and they have seen this happening for over 2 years now. The commodity the cartels are now moving across the border is meth and others.

Sorry, but you're being misinformed. It's the DEA and Drug Cartels that want drugs to remain illegal. The DEA and Drug Cartels profit massively off it. They definitely don't wanna see drugs decriminalized. I think right now, you're only considering Federal Government/DEA propaganda on the issue.

Decriminalize drugs, and Drug Cartels quickly fade away. And US Taxpayers would benefit greatly. It could also even make a dent in our staggering $20 Trillion Debt. I think it's time to decriminalize some drugs. At the very least, Marijuana. No one should go to prison over Marijuana.

Decriminalization would NOT make the drug cartels go away, it has had just the opposite effect, do some research and read about the effect of legalization in Colorado and how the drug cartels set up shop there. They are going to protect their market share, do you really think they give a fuk about U.S. laws?

Decriminalize and tax. Human Beings wanna get high and drunk. That's just the way it is. As long as they're adults, they can decide. It's not a Government decision.
The 'War on Drugs' should be ended. Decriminalize most drugs. Adults can decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It's not a Government issue.

I'm disappointed Trump has decided to escalate the war. I'm beginning to lose faith in him. He seems to be headed in that Totalitarian Police State direction. I thought he was more of a moderate.

It is a government issue when these drugs cause hundreds and thousands of deaths and addiction illnesses that the government ends up footing the bill. If you support the associated medical costs being the sole responsibility of the individual to pay and no avenue for the government to cover the costs, then I would support that. But when you have individuals on government subsistence (Welfare, WIC, Food stamps, Medicaid, etc....)buying drugs and society ends up bearing the burden of that individuals use, then I absolutely don't agree

Folks get drunk and do stupid shit all the time too. But it's still an adult decision on whether or not you wanna consume alcohol. Freedom & Liberty can get pretty complicated. It's not perfect. But it is time scale back this Nanny State.

Stupid people need to be protected from themselves.

Well, that's just Nanny State rhetoric as far as i'm concerned. Some things aren't Government decisions.
Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Marijuana has never, is not, and never will be legal around me. Regardless of what law the Local, state or Federal Government puts in place.

I turned in a college roommate for possession. He got arrested and expelled from school. I've informed my s-i-l's and their significant others that if I even think they gave it around me, especially on my property, they risk being turned in (at best). I will turn in any coworker or family member I find to be using it as well.

There is no need for that shit. No more than cocaine or pretty much any other mind altering drug.
I assume you are also out there campaigning against alcohol, since it is a mind altering drug. And I assume you have never had a beer or any such thing
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You need to light up a spliff and chill mon. It's better and safer than the legal prescription psychiatric drugs you're currently on. So get yaself some Ganja right now mon. Enjoy. :)

Never done it. Never will. I don't touch garbage like that. No alcohol. No tobacco. No drugs. No pain killers.

I take eye drops for my glaucoma and I'm now forced to take very low doses of blood pressure and anti-seizure medications. That's it. Nothing else. Ever.

Cool, I would never force anyone to smoke the Ganja. It's an individual adult decision. The Government shouldn't be involved. And on a side note, you should consider checking into Ganja for your glaucoma.

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