Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

Does anyone remember Rev Jim on Taxi, whose reflexes got better when he was high? That was a great episode.
Everyone that uses pot does so with the intent of getting high. They are addicts. ...
I think i agree ... that "normal" pot usage has the intent of getting "high" (not sure about medical pot users).
HOWEVER, that does not mean pot users are "addicts".
I use marijuana maybe once every few years ... to get high (the smoke does not do much for me; it's actually a negative). I know i'm not addicted to it. It's just a recreational change of pace, like going to an opera every few years.
Everyone that uses pot does so with the intent of getting high. They are addicts. ...
I think i agree ... that "normal" pot usage has the intent of getting "high" (not sure about medical pot users).
HOWEVER, that does not mean pot users are "addicts".
I use marijuana maybe once every few years ... to get high (the smoke does not do much for me; it's actually a negative). I know i'm not addicted to it. It's just a recreational change of pace, like going to an opera every few years.
I think you are the exception rather than the rule. Some people make a six pack last for months too but that isn't the norm. I think pot can be psychologically addictive but like all addictions you have to give in to it.
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Definitely legalization is coming. I live in Colorado and the gold didn't melt off of the capital building because of it. Last year 2.5 billion was sold in recreational marijuana--and the state treasury expanded by 125 million in tax revenue. It's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It's created a lot of jobs in this state. So it is great for the economy and state tax revenues.
Colorado's marijuana tax revenues nearly double last year's figures

We in Colorado passed it, with the thought, as we're putting a dent into the Mexican drug lords, who grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico & bring it up here to sell. They take the profits from that and use it to manufacture hard core drugs like crack, cocaine and Meth. In fact, Mexico was begging the United States to legalize marijuana during the Obama administration, which would put the illegal drugs flowing across the border to an end.

We really don't have any marijuana crime in this state. We have found that alcohol DUI'S are less than they have been in previous years. So recreational marijuana is working just fine here.
It's working fine if you want to put children in the hospital with pot poisoning.

Legalized marijuana sends more kids to the hospital in Colorado
most are able to do so without any problems whatsoever. The only law enforcement should be to prosecute idiots who drive impaired, or commit violent crimes ...
I agree, and consider this a libertarian issue, as is the case with all victimless "crimes" such as adult prostitution, etc.
Personally, i don't like guns, but i favor
gun ownership & its recreational usage among responsible individuals.
It's a simple concept, we are a nation of laws, if you don't like a law get it changed. Until then follow it or accept the consequences.
Fuck the law ... if libertarian ethics trumps it.
The US Declaration of Independence is also a simple concept, and the Constitution is based on it ...
"... unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
And by the way, everyone who uses alcohol does so with the intent of enjoying a buzz. It's not just "I love the taste of beer" or "I love the taste of wine";
I disagree with you on this one.
My wife & i usually enjoy beer (me) and wine (she) with food. Usually only one serving. Some alcohol is healthy, as well as improves the culinary experience.
It's a simple concept, we are a nation of laws, if you don't like a law get it changed. Until then follow it or accept the consequences.
Fuck the law ... if libertarian ethics trumps it.
The US Declaration of Independence is also a simple concept, and the Constitution is based on it ...
"... unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Tell it to the judge child, I'm sure you'll go far.
It's a simple concept, we are a nation of laws, if you don't like a law get it changed. Until then follow it or accept the consequences.
Fuck the law ... if libertarian ethics trumps it.
The US Declaration of Independence is also a simple concept, and the Constitution is based on it ...
"... unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Tell it to the judge child, I'm sure you'll go far.
You appear to represent a 4-yr-old who feels guilty "misbehaving" and fears not getting a present from Santa.
Laws are social rules ... mostly for irresponsible or stupid people.
Fuck the law ... when it makes no sense or restricts my libertarian rights.
I break laws all the time and rarely see a judge; there's never a victim other than myself when a traffic officer intervenes ... when i don't make a complete stop @ a stop sign, or i speed beyond posted limit with my sports car, or i jaywalk.

It's always the stupid or irresponsible few assholes that screw things up for the ethical majority ... that don't need laws.
It's a simple concept, we are a nation of laws, if you don't like a law get it changed. Until then follow it or accept the consequences.
Fuck the law ... if libertarian ethics trumps it.
The US Declaration of Independence is also a simple concept, and the Constitution is based on it ...
"... unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Tell it to the judge child, I'm sure you'll go far.
You appear to represent a 4-yr-old who feels guilty "misbehaving" and fears not getting a present from Santa.
Laws are social rules ... mostly for irresponsible or stupid people.
Fuck the law ... when it makes no sense or restricts my libertarian rights.
I break laws all the time and rarely see a judge; there's never a victim other than myself when a traffic officer intervenes ... when i don't make a complete stop @ a stop sign, or i speed beyond posted limit with my sports car, or i jaywalk.

It's always the stupid or irresponsible few assholes that screw things up for the ethical majority ... that don't need laws.

Well maybe when you grow up, you'll the consider the mountain of bodies the illegal drug business is built on. Now run along child, you're dismissed.
It's a simple concept, we are a nation of laws, if you don't like a law get it changed. Until then follow it or accept the consequences.
Fuck the law ... if libertarian ethics trumps it.
The US Declaration of Independence is also a simple concept, and the Constitution is based on it ...
"... unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Tell it to the judge child, I'm sure you'll go far.
You appear to represent a 4-yr-old who feels guilty "misbehaving" and fears not getting a present from Santa.
Laws are social rules ... mostly for irresponsible or stupid people.
Fuck the law ... when it makes no sense or restricts my libertarian rights.
I break laws all the time and rarely see a judge; there's never a victim other than myself when a traffic officer intervenes ... when i don't make a complete stop @ a stop sign, or i speed beyond posted limit with my sports car, or i jaywalk.

It's always the stupid or irresponsible few assholes that screw things up for the ethical majority ... that don't need laws.
Well maybe when you grow up, you'll the consider the mountain of bodies the illegal drug business is built on. Now run along child, you're dismissed.
Have you grown up from your "big gov" Santa beliefs?
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Definitely legalization is coming. I live in Colorado and the gold didn't melt off of the capital building because of it. Last year 2.5 billion was sold in recreational marijuana--and the state treasury expanded by 125 million in tax revenue. It's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It's created a lot of jobs in this state. So it is great for the economy and state tax revenues.
Colorado's marijuana tax revenues nearly double last year's figures

We in Colorado passed it, with the thought, as we're putting a dent into the Mexican drug lords, who grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico & bring it up here to sell. They take the profits from that and use it to manufacture hard core drugs like crack, cocaine and Meth. In fact, Mexico was begging the United States to legalize marijuana during the Obama administration, which would put the illegal drugs flowing across the border to an end.

We really don't have any marijuana crime in this state. We have found that alcohol DUI'S are less than they have been in previous years. So recreational marijuana is working just fine here.
It's working fine if you want to put children in the hospital with pot poisoning.

Legalized marijuana sends more kids to the hospital in Colorado

and kids never drink their parents booze and go to hospital getting stomach pumped...
you'll the consider the mountain of bodies the illegal drug business is built on.

Those "bodies" are all BECAUSE it is ILLEGAL, just as Capone's bodies were because of Prohibition.

If you want to stop the carnage, the enrichment and empowerment and arming of the drug lords and their gangs, legalize and cut off their oxygen ( the money from prohibition).

But as a completely sub human traitor who doesn't care about truth or America, you are for the carnage, for the "war" on America's streets because your sub human birdbrain cannot stop parroting lies, doesn't understand basic economics, and is only concerned about the country of Israel and the enrichment of Jewish attorneys who fund your "Christian" preacher....
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Definitely legalization is coming. I live in Colorado and the gold didn't melt off of the capital building because of it. Last year 2.5 billion was sold in recreational marijuana--and the state treasury expanded by 125 million in tax revenue. It's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It's created a lot of jobs in this state. So it is great for the economy and state tax revenues.
Colorado's marijuana tax revenues nearly double last year's figures

We in Colorado passed it, with the thought, as we're putting a dent into the Mexican drug lords, who grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico & bring it up here to sell. They take the profits from that and use it to manufacture hard core drugs like crack, cocaine and Meth. In fact, Mexico was begging the United States to legalize marijuana during the Obama administration, which would put the illegal drugs flowing across the border to an end.

We really don't have any marijuana crime in this state. We have found that alcohol DUI'S are less than they have been in previous years. So recreational marijuana is working just fine here.
It's working fine if you want to put children in the hospital with pot poisoning.

Legalized marijuana sends more kids to the hospital in Colorado

and kids never drink their parents booze and go to hospital getting stomach pumped...
Why has there been a dramatic increase in the number of poisoned children?


Those kids were fine. The parents panicked.

Propaganda for paranoid idiots to freak out about, just like you.

My kid ingested some pot - oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My kid is buying OxyContin at high school and takes it daily - that's fine - because Jeff Sessions voted for it.
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....
The right wing has no capital plans, Only social plans on a national basis.
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Definitely legalization is coming. I live in Colorado and the gold didn't melt off of the capital building because of it. Last year 2.5 billion was sold in recreational marijuana--and the state treasury expanded by 125 million in tax revenue. It's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It's created a lot of jobs in this state. So it is great for the economy and state tax revenues.
Colorado's marijuana tax revenues nearly double last year's figures

We in Colorado passed it, with the thought, as we're putting a dent into the Mexican drug lords, who grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico & bring it up here to sell. They take the profits from that and use it to manufacture hard core drugs like crack, cocaine and Meth. In fact, Mexico was begging the United States to legalize marijuana during the Obama administration, which would put the illegal drugs flowing across the border to an end.

We really don't have any marijuana crime in this state. We have found that alcohol DUI'S are less than they have been in previous years. So recreational marijuana is working just fine here.
It's working fine if you want to put children in the hospital with pot poisoning.

Legalized marijuana sends more kids to the hospital in Colorado

and kids never drink their parents booze and go to hospital getting stomach pumped...
Why has there been a dramatic increase in the number of poisoned children?
A "technicality". Marijuana is non toxic.


Those kids were fine. The parents panicked.

Propaganda for paranoid idiots to freak out about, just like you.

My kid ingested some pot - oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My kid is buying OxyContin at high school and takes it daily - that's fine - because Jeff Sessions voted for it.
The US Government, not State Governments, is the largest purchaser of drugs, in the Entire World.

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