Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

Marijuana can be contaminated with Aspergillus, a type of fungus found on plants, among other places. There are several types of Aspergillus. One type causes allergic reactions for many people, including wheezing and coughing. Another type of Aspergillus is more invasive. It can spread through the body and damage any of the organs, most commonly starting with the lungs. Symptoms of invasive aspergillosis (being infected by Aspergillus) include fever, chest pain and shortness of breath, particularly for people with compromised immune systems.

A British report stated that invasive aspergillosis can be fatal in 90% of cases, depending on which strain of Aspergillus is involved.
Health Risks of Marijuana
That's why marijuana should be legal AND health-regulated.
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites

THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
so here she is....the lady who loves watching her cats get high from catnip.....
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.

Duerte is a murdering criminal thug who should be hung by the neck until dead. The world will be a better place when that piece of shit is gone.
He is a hero to civilization. By the time he is gone, thousands of addicts will be gone too.
yea like that little girl that got shot from someone like you playing vigilante....
Well, lets look at how easy it's going to be to get rid of recreational marijuana...........

People in CO have gotten used to having it legal, and there has been over a BILLION dollars in tax revenue since it was legal.

CO's tourism rates are steadily going up due to the 420 tourism.

Take all that away, and not only will the people be upset, but the state will lose money from not only taxes but in tourism as well, which can have a negative effect on business such as hotels and dining.

As far as people in this thread saying that marijuana leads to heroin and other hard drug use? Nope...............sorry..............anything you wouldn't do while you're sober you are very unlikely to do while you're stoned. Yes, marijuana has an effect on your perceptions (colors are brighter, sounds are clearer), as well as a physical effect (relaxation, pain relief, appetite stimulation), but it has almost zero effect on your inhibitions.

Alcohol on the other hand is the true gateway drug. Why? Alcohol has an effect that reduces your inhibitions, or, long story short, when you're drunk, you will do things you wouldn't do normally while sober. Ever hear of the person who went home with someone only to wake up the next morning and wonder what in the hell did they do? We've all heard about or done that one.

Just like the GOP is finding out about the ACA, when people are able to use it and find out it is beneficial for them, good luck in getting rid of it. Same here with marijuana, people have gotten used to it, businesses have sprung up because of it, and lots of tax money is being generated by it. And that's just in CO. Imagine what kind of money could be generated if it was legal all through the country.
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites

THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
so here she is....the lady who loves watching her cats get high from catnip.....
Too bad I have no cats.
Well, lets look at how easy it's going to be to get rid of recreational marijuana...........

People in CO have gotten used to having it legal, and there has been over a BILLION dollars in tax revenue since it was legal.

CO's tourism rates are steadily going up due to the 420 tourism.

Take all that away, and not only will the people be upset, but the state will lose money from not only taxes but in tourism as well, which can have a negative effect on business such as hotels and dining.

As far as people in this thread saying that marijuana leads to heroin and other hard drug use? Nope...............sorry..............anything you wouldn't do while you're sober you are very unlikely to do while you're stoned. Yes, marijuana has an effect on your perceptions (colors are brighter, sounds are clearer), as well as a physical effect (relaxation, pain relief, appetite stimulation), but it has almost zero effect on your inhibitions.

Alcohol on the other hand is the true gateway drug. Why? Alcohol has an effect that reduces your inhibitions, or, long story short, when you're drunk, you will do things you wouldn't do normally while sober. Ever hear of the person who went home with someone only to wake up the next morning and wonder what in the hell did they do? We've all heard about or done that one.

Just like the GOP is finding out about the ACA, when people are able to use it and find out it is beneficial for them, good luck in getting rid of it. Same here with marijuana, people have gotten used to it, businesses have sprung up because of it, and lots of tax money is being generated by it. And that's just in CO. Imagine what kind of money could be generated if it was legal all through the country.
Should be very's illegal already....
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites

THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
so here she is....the lady who loves watching her cats get high from catnip.....
Too bad I have no cats.
so you lied in the other thread?.....i should have known.....
Marijuana can be contaminated with Aspergillus, a type of fungus found on plants, among other places. There are several types of Aspergillus. One type causes allergic reactions for many people, including wheezing and coughing. Another type of Aspergillus is more invasive. It can spread through the body and damage any of the organs, most commonly starting with the lungs. Symptoms of invasive aspergillosis (being infected by Aspergillus) include fever, chest pain and shortness of breath, particularly for people with compromised immune systems.

A British report stated that invasive aspergillosis can be fatal in 90% of cases, depending on which strain of Aspergillus is involved.
Health Risks of Marijuana
That's why marijuana should be legal AND health-regulated.

You know PK, I toured a grow operation up in CO, and they said that one of the ways they avoid having fungus grow in the buds is to stick straws in them to let the air circulate and prevent the fungus.

But, even if one of the buds did become contaminated, all plants are hand harvested and visually checked while being trimmed before they are allowed to send it on to packaging. Nope, the system that CO has for growing and selling is not only very safe, but it is very well regulated as well.

The only way someone under 21 is going to get marijuana from a legitimate 420 shop is to pay someone who is of age to go in and buy it for them. They don't even let you in the door of the shop until you show your ID and they verify it.
Addition through subtraction

This country really does need another civil war. Patriotic Americans vs. sub humans who believe the "US" media

Sub-humans like you would get your ass kicked.
Well, lets look at how easy it's going to be to get rid of recreational marijuana...........

People in CO have gotten used to having it legal, and there has been over a BILLION dollars in tax revenue since it was legal.

CO's tourism rates are steadily going up due to the 420 tourism.

Take all that away, and not only will the people be upset, but the state will lose money from not only taxes but in tourism as well, which can have a negative effect on business such as hotels and dining.

As far as people in this thread saying that marijuana leads to heroin and other hard drug use? Nope...............sorry..............anything you wouldn't do while you're sober you are very unlikely to do while you're stoned. Yes, marijuana has an effect on your perceptions (colors are brighter, sounds are clearer), as well as a physical effect (relaxation, pain relief, appetite stimulation), but it has almost zero effect on your inhibitions.

Alcohol on the other hand is the true gateway drug. Why? Alcohol has an effect that reduces your inhibitions, or, long story short, when you're drunk, you will do things you wouldn't do normally while sober. Ever hear of the person who went home with someone only to wake up the next morning and wonder what in the hell did they do? We've all heard about or done that one.

Just like the GOP is finding out about the ACA, when people are able to use it and find out it is beneficial for them, good luck in getting rid of it. Same here with marijuana, people have gotten used to it, businesses have sprung up because of it, and lots of tax money is being generated by it. And that's just in CO. Imagine what kind of money could be generated if it was legal all through the country.
Of course! Parents will be spending the food money on pot.
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites

THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
so here she is....the lady who loves watching her cats get high from catnip.....
Too bad I have no cats.
so you lied in the other thread?.....i should have known.....
Find a thread where I said I had cats or,even one cat.
If you are a lazy ass moocher living on welfare, you can't get stoned. Get a job, pay your own damn bills then fine go ahead and destroy your brain and lungs.
Who the fuck are you talking to and how do you know so god damned much? You are to stupid to even use the reply button

Calm down snowflake, did you miss your noon meds? :cuckoo:
My noon meds is a vegie burger and a workout at the gym, moron! :banana:
Well, lets look at how easy it's going to be to get rid of recreational marijuana...........

People in CO have gotten used to having it legal, and there has been over a BILLION dollars in tax revenue since it was legal.

CO's tourism rates are steadily going up due to the 420 tourism.

Take all that away, and not only will the people be upset, but the state will lose money from not only taxes but in tourism as well, which can have a negative effect on business such as hotels and dining.

As far as people in this thread saying that marijuana leads to heroin and other hard drug use? Nope...............sorry..............anything you wouldn't do while you're sober you are very unlikely to do while you're stoned. Yes, marijuana has an effect on your perceptions (colors are brighter, sounds are clearer), as well as a physical effect (relaxation, pain relief, appetite stimulation), but it has almost zero effect on your inhibitions.

Alcohol on the other hand is the true gateway drug. Why? Alcohol has an effect that reduces your inhibitions, or, long story short, when you're drunk, you will do things you wouldn't do normally while sober. Ever hear of the person who went home with someone only to wake up the next morning and wonder what in the hell did they do? We've all heard about or done that one.

Just like the GOP is finding out about the ACA, when people are able to use it and find out it is beneficial for them, good luck in getting rid of it. Same here with marijuana, people have gotten used to it, businesses have sprung up because of it, and lots of tax money is being generated by it. And that's just in CO. Imagine what kind of money could be generated if it was legal all through the country.
Of course! Parents will be spending the food money on pot.
THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
so here she is....the lady who loves watching her cats get high from catnip.....
Too bad I have no cats.
so you lied in the other thread?.....i should have known.....
Find a thread where I said I had cats or,even one cat.

Tipsy cats are adoreable just a bit of catnip is all it takes.
Remember, conservatives are about smaller govt. and more freedom, unless they can make money off you making your life hell..
Small government and more freedom, except when it comes to matters of personal choice like drugs, sex and reproductive rights.

It's a simple concept, we are a nation of laws, if you don't like a law get it changed. Until then follow it or accept the consequences. Once you get it changed feel free to dope yourself to death, just don't take an innocent person with you.
Bottom line, if you drink a beer or jack and coke and turn around and say that people should not be allowed to smoke pot, you are a stinking hypocrite.

if you call yourself a Conservative and think it is the government's place to stop people from smoking pot, you have no idea what a conservative is.
Well, lets look at how easy it's going to be to get rid of recreational marijuana...........

People in CO have gotten used to having it legal, and there has been over a BILLION dollars in tax revenue since it was legal.

CO's tourism rates are steadily going up due to the 420 tourism.

Take all that away, and not only will the people be upset, but the state will lose money from not only taxes but in tourism as well, which can have a negative effect on business such as hotels and dining.

As far as people in this thread saying that marijuana leads to heroin and other hard drug use? Nope...............sorry..............anything you wouldn't do while you're sober you are very unlikely to do while you're stoned. Yes, marijuana has an effect on your perceptions (colors are brighter, sounds are clearer), as well as a physical effect (relaxation, pain relief, appetite stimulation), but it has almost zero effect on your inhibitions.

Alcohol on the other hand is the true gateway drug. Why? Alcohol has an effect that reduces your inhibitions, or, long story short, when you're drunk, you will do things you wouldn't do normally while sober. Ever hear of the person who went home with someone only to wake up the next morning and wonder what in the hell did they do? We've all heard about or done that one.

Just like the GOP is finding out about the ACA, when people are able to use it and find out it is beneficial for them, good luck in getting rid of it. Same here with marijuana, people have gotten used to it, businesses have sprung up because of it, and lots of tax money is being generated by it. And that's just in CO. Imagine what kind of money could be generated if it was legal all through the country.
Of course! Parents will be spending the food money on pot.
THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
so here she is....the lady who loves watching her cats get high from catnip.....
Too bad I have no cats.
so you lied in the other thread?.....i should have known.....
Find a thread where I said I had cats or,even one cat.
so whose cats were you fucking up?.....

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