Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.

Duerte is a murdering criminal thug who should be hung by the neck until dead. The world will be a better place when that piece of shit is gone.
He is a hero to civilization. By the time he is gone, thousands of addicts will be gone too.
Colorado, Washington and Oregon voted for Hillary in the last election

Must have been the weed
The sub humans will be under the influence

of JDAAC preachers

Jew Disguised as a Christian = JDAAC

We had little trouble with them in the 1860s, because they are sub humans since generation after generation has never done anything except PARROT a fraud of a Christian...
I simply can't wait until Trump ends the dope train for all the little fascist Nazi liberals....the snowflake meltdown will be epic.....simply epic....:lol:
Why didn't Obama legalize?

Instead, he increased prosecutions compared to W. Was W less conservative than O? Somehow, your political definitions are just was whacked as you are...
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.

Duerte is a murdering criminal thug who should be hung by the neck until dead. The world will be a better place when that piece of shit is gone.
He is a hero to civilization. By the time he is gone, thousands of addicts will be gone too.

Some assholes said that about Hitler too.
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.

Duerte is a murdering criminal thug who should be hung by the neck until dead. The world will be a better place when that piece of shit is gone.
He is a hero to civilization. By the time he is gone, thousands of addicts will be gone too.

Some assholes said that about Hitler too.
And you voted for her too...l
You are claiming weed harms people over time.

The ancient Rolling Stones prove you wrong every time they play live.

If you had a human brain instead of a birdbrain, you might have understood that the first time...
Pot turns people into liberals. If you smoke on a regular basis you WILL change your world views. Booze is more harmful to your body but you have to really overdo it to do that.

Pot somehow keeps you from maturing. A 40 year old pothead hasn't aged except in body.
are you lost....i used to smoke with some pretty conservative people.....they are still pretty conservative people....
F'n RW's crack me up. They want the government out of their life, they don't need anyone telling them how to live

flip the coin and they want to control what other people do, and tell them how to live.

you can't even begin to make that shit up.
i agree but not all of them....but so do many left wingers.....
I haven't smoked pot in over 25 years, but while I would not want to be in a car with a drunk driver, I would not hesitate to be in a car with a stoned driver.
depends on how buzzed the guy is rich.....but yea i agree,if i was 30 miles out of town and was seriously hurt with no cell phone service and of the 2 people with me one was drunk and the other high from pot and i had to rely on them to get me to the closest hospital....ill tell the pot drive....
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.

Duerte is a murdering criminal thug who should be hung by the neck until dead. The world will be a better place when that piece of shit is gone.
He is a hero to civilization. By the time he is gone, thousands of addicts will be gone too.

Some assholes said that about Hitler too.
And you voted for her too...l

then you are going to have to accept it is a gateway drug to hard drugs..

When busted being completely wrong, the human parrot does not learn or adjust his opinions based on empirical evidence...

he simply changes the subject....

If the Rolling Stones went from pot to hard drugs.... why aren't they dead as you've claimed your whole life of being a BEAKED BIRDBRAIN????

The Rolling Stones prove you and your parroted "study" are wrong.

Like the sub human you are, you don't learn from that...
i think its safe to say that Richards is lucky to be alive.....look at the guy....geezus....

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