Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

If you are a lazy ass moocher living on welfare, you can't get stoned.

Homeless are regularly busted for selling food stamps to buy drugs and alcohol. They get stoned on the taxpayer dole. Legalizing won't change that. Welfare reform will. But it would take a conservative Congress to pass such legislation, and we don't have one...
Homeless people can't get any welfare, they must have an address..
Yeah, the mantra of the drug warrior....

marijuana bad
Oxycontin good

just ask Rush....
Homeless people can't get any welfare, they must have an address.

They use a shelter as an address. Just ask the cheap hotel owners in any city what happens during the first week of the month... when the bums get their checks and use them up... and then leach off the shelter until the next check comes....
Homeless people can't get any welfare, they must have an address.

They use a shelter as an address. Just ask the cheap hotel owners in any city what happens during the first week of the month... when the bums get their checks and use them up... and then leach off the shelter until the next check comes....
A shelter is not a home address...It's a business address...There are no checks in welfare..It's all on debit cards...or direct deposit..
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.
Duerte is fighting a meth epidemic, not the same as a plant smoked..Duerte is about to get in a lot of trouble...
If you are a lazy ass moocher living on welfare, you can't get stoned. Get a job, pay your own damn bills then fine go ahead and destroy your brain and lungs.
Who the fuck are you talking to and how do you know so god damned much? You are to stupid to even use the reply button
Why not exterminate hysterical, factless sub human parrots first?

There was no problem until parrots started parroting BS and made it illegal. Only when it became illegal did the problems start. George Washington's generation had no problem with it at all.
Why not exterminate hysterical, factless sub human parrots first?

There was no problem until parrots started parroting BS and made it illegal. Only when it became illegal did the problems start. George Washington's generation had no problem with it at all.
Taxation through mastication...
Addition through subtraction

This country really does need another civil war. Patriotic Americans vs. sub humans who believe the "US" media
The only way to deal with marijuana is the way President Duerte in the Philippines is doing it. Addicts cannot be helped. They must be eliminated.

Duerte is a murdering criminal thug who should be hung by the neck until dead. The world will be a better place when that piece of shit is gone.
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites.
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites

THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...
you think they should be able to do so in violation of federal law?

Something with 60% support SHOULD BE FEDERAL LAW in a DEMOCRACY... but isn't because too many sub humans vote for too many sold out traitors because their preachers told them to...

Here's what I think,

You never think. You just parrot...

and you do not care beans about the US Constitution, you only care what your JDAAC preacher tells your beaked birdbrain every Sunday...

Guess what hero, this ain't a democracy. And what the fuck is a JDAAC preacher?
Once again the party of "smaller government" and "more states rights" is doing just the opposite. What a bunch of lying hypocrites

THAT should've been included in my opening post. Thanks. They ARE HYPOCRITES, right down to justifying socializing senior drugs and flooding our high schools with pills... while being "against drugs..."

I have a simple motto = PLANTS over PILLS

We were designed to consume plants, not pills cooked up in labs...

Have you ever had Foxglove? It's a plant and gives a high to die for. Try it in a tea. Or, peach pits. Crack them open and use the plant part kernel for a good high. You eat peaches right? How bad can the pit be. Plants can't hurt you can they? Of course not. It's a PLANT.
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

So these States are setting themselves up as drug cartels, licensing growers, dealers and distribution, and you think they should be able to do so in violation of federal law?

Here's what I think, the DEA should go in and prosecute every damned one of them under RICO and seize all the taxes collected, all the profits from the dealers and the land and profits from the growers. And put the whole damn lot of them in jail, just like they do to any other cartel. Those elected officials took oaths to support and defend the Constitution, they don't get to violate it just because they want to.
Just curious where does the Constitution say it is the right thing to make plants illegals?

Where it entered in interstate commerce.

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