Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.
YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.

Peeing on a frayed electrical cord could kill you, maybe we should get rid of electricity. Got any more moronic defenses?
Parroting lies of old changes nothing. The numbers tell the real story. The "Reefer Madness" generation, those who insist on parroting lies today since their birdbrains have parroted the same lies their entire lives, is dying off. It is being replaced by those who have actually used or watched people use weed, and they are for legalization. The numbers go up 2% every election, meaning it will be 60% of the voting public for legal weed by the next midterm....

Actually, sorry, it was 58% at the last election, now reading 60% today...

Support for Legal Marijuana Use Up to 60% in U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With voters in several states deciding this fall whether to legalize the use of marijuana, public support for making it legal has reached 60% -- its highest level in Gallup's 47-year trend.


So here's the reality for the GOP. Listen to old, senile, completely misinformed parroting idiots at your own peril. Sell out to the LAWYER LOBBY at your own peril. Sell out to those on the dole of the LEGAL LOBBY at your own peril - that means JDAAC preachers, Mr. Sessions.

Marijuana will be legal soon. Whether you are in office when it does depends on whether you have a clue and a molecule of patriotism to the US at a time of almost $20 trillion in debt... thanks in large part to the LEGAL LOBBY....

Definitely legalization is coming. I live in Colorado and the gold didn't melt off of the capital building because of it. Last year 2.5 billion was sold in recreational marijuana--and the state treasury expanded by 125 million in tax revenue. It's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It's created a lot of jobs in this state. So it is great for the economy and state tax revenues.
Colorado's marijuana tax revenues nearly double last year's figures

We in Colorado passed it, with the thought, as we're putting a dent into the Mexican drug lords, who grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico & bring it up here to sell. They take the profits from that and use it to manufacture hard core drugs like crack, cocaine and Meth. In fact, Mexico was begging the United States to legalize marijuana during the Obama administration, which would put the illegal drugs flowing across the border to an end.

We really don't have any marijuana crime in this state. We have found that alcohol DUI'S are less than they have been in previous years. So recreational marijuana is working just fine here.
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I highly recommend the book "Understanding Marijuana" by Mitch Earlywine, from Oxford University Press. It's a little pricey at $34, but the local library likely has a copy. It's an academic work, but highly (pun intended) readable just the same. Discusses the history of human use of marijuana, as well as providing an overview of the science that has been done on the herb's effects on human health and behavior. The book isn't 'pro-pot', it simply presents the evidence - and the evidence is that marijuana is not generally harmful to human health.

I used to work in the American criminal (in)justice system, and while I was a prosecutor for a number of years, I was a member of LEAP, law enforcement against prohibition. Check out their drug policy here: Drug Policy – Law Enforcement Action Partnership

The War on Drugs has been an abysmal failure, destroyed millions of lives and families, cost $1 trillion+, and yet drugs are MORE readily available than EVER before. The "war" is lost, because it cannot be won in the fashion we have waged it.

Marijuana is simply NOT addictive in the sense that other substances are HIGHLY addictive. Nicotine, opiates, methamphetamine are HIGHLY addictive substances upon which the body becomes physically dependent within hours (at most days) of initial use. Heck, even SUGAR is highly physically addictive, as it acts on the same receptors in the brain that opiates do.

Marijuana's only 'addictive' potential is based in the psychological dependency that SOME users form after habitual use. This level of dependency occurs in a relatively low percentage of users - I believe estimates are around 15%, though in the USA these figures are often guesses because federal law & policy (prohibition) has prohibited (pun again intended) scientists from gathering totally reliable data.

Here's what I know from my 32 years of personal and professional experience with marijuana:

It's possible to use marijuana as a teenager and yet still develop high intelligence and accomplish great things in life. I first used at 14, my IQ was measured age 34 at 136, I earned 4 university degrees including a law degree from a premier US law school and I had a successful career practicing public interest law for a number of years.

My 32 years of recreational marijuana use didn't destroy my motivation or keep me on the sofa eating Cheetos all day; furthermore, during my years in academia and then the professional world, I knew dozens upon dozens of productive professionals who used marijuana recreationally & regularly. Some people simply prefer to smoke a joint or a bowl after a hard day at work than to drink alcohol. Alcohol is FAR more damaging to one's health; the AMA recommends no more than 2 drinks/day for men and 1 for women, because of the ill effects of habitual alcohol use on the body's organ systems.

I can tell you that in my personal experience as a prosecutor and a defense attorney, I saw that alcohol was involved in the VAST majority of violent crimes, while marijuana was involved in only a tiny fraction - and almost always with alcohol also involved.

Marijuana-related crime was almost always simply because marijuana was prohibited. Marijuana-only DUIs were also a small fraction of the DUIs I saw, in a state with a very high rate of DUIs relative to the national average. In my personal and professional experience, people using marijuana tend not to be motivated to beat the shit out of other people or murder them, or to rape women/children, or to go on reckless road trips.

I don't condone or encourage regular or habitual use of marijuana by young people whose brains are still developing; personally I only used marijuana about 4-5 dozen times between age 14-20. I knew people who used it a lot more and still turned out fine, but I'm aware that some studies have shown a link between early use of marijuana and mental illness. However, I'm also aware that those studies aren't clear as to whether the use causes the development of mental illness, or if incipient mental illness causes the subjects to self-medicate with marijuana.

Marijuana should be legal, regulated, taxed, and available to all 21 years of age and older. The biggest opponents of legalization are Big Pharma and the alcohol lobby, because the market share of both would be significantly reduced by the legalization of marijuana; and the majority of law enforcement officials and the private prison industry, because SO much funding is predicated on the continued loss of the War on Drugs.

1 in 8 Americans are already admitted marijuana users, there are likely more, and many more who WOULD use it if prohibition ended. Some of those people use for the pure pleasure of getting buzzed, some use because they can replace Big Pharma meds (with all their ugly side effects) by use of marijuana, whether for anxiety, depression, pain, wasting syndrome, etc. Marijuana can be safely ingested via edibles and vaporizing, and legalizing marijuana will allow the user to access product that is reliable in quality and potency.

For a number of years as a prosecutor I endured a self-imposed prohibition, because I was forced to enforce prohibition on defendants and would not engage in the hypocrisy of using myself. FYI, there are MANY lawyers & judges who use marijuana - there are also many professionals in other fields who are high-functioning recreational marijuana users. It makes me very, very angry that these people generally get away with their illegal use of marijuana, while so many others have their lives ruined by prohibition.

A couple of years ago, no longer a prosecutor, I began using marijuana again to treat the pain associated with a chronic, incurable illness. I found it to be far more effective than any Big Pharma options offered to me, and with far fewer ill effects on my body. I enjoyed the ability to obtain it from a licensed and regulated dispensary, always getting a high quality product and having the ability to choose specific strains to address specific aspects of my illness - some work better for pain, others for assisting with sleep, others for addressing anxiety. None of it was ditch weed, and I didn't have to worry about anything bad befalling me in the process of obtaining that medicine.

Anybody 21+ should have that same privilege, whether sick, or just needing to mellow out now and then in a screwed up world - life is hard. For the life of me I can't understand how anybody could argue that marijuana should be illegal while millions upon millions of Americans drink themselves stupid, violent and/or dead on a regular basis. It's illogical. There has never been a single documented case of overdose leading to death due to marijuana; it happens ALL THE TIME with alcohol and other drugs.

That's a really long post, I'm sorry to bore, but this is a subject about which I am very passionate.

Now watch this interview with a LEAP member:

And go smoke a fattie!
YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
What is the level of cognitive impairment? There is with alcohol, but the drunk can sober up. There is less hope for drug addicts.
YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
What is the level of cognitive impairment? There is with alcohol, but the drunk can sober up. There is less hope for drug addicts.
Marijuana isn't addictive, alcohol is. You can't die while sobering up from marijuana; it's very easy to die while sobering up from alcohol.

Go read a book: Understanding Marijuana
YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
What is the level of cognitive impairment? There is with alcohol, but the drunk can sober up. There is less hope for drug addicts.
Marijuana isn't addictive, alcohol is. You can't die while sobering up from marijuana; it's very easy to die while sobering up from alcohol.

Go read a book: Understanding Marijuana
Everyone dies while sobering up from a beer after work? No.

Everyone that uses pot does so with the intent of getting high. They are addicts. You are a drug addict trying to justify and explain away your addiction. It's not really happening. You neeedddd it. Just go be an addict. You have plenty of company. Just stop explaining. It's unbecoming.
You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
What is the level of cognitive impairment? There is with alcohol, but the drunk can sober up. There is less hope for drug addicts.
Marijuana isn't addictive, alcohol is. You can't die while sobering up from marijuana; it's very easy to die while sobering up from alcohol.

Go read a book: Understanding Marijuana
Everyone dies while sobering up from a beer after work? No.

Everyone that uses pot does so with the intent of getting high. They are addicts. You are a drug addict trying to justify and explain away your addiction. It's not really happening. You neeedddd it. Just go be an addict. You have plenty of company. Just stop explaining. It's unbecoming.
You're willfully ignorant or just plain stupid. Again, marijuana is not physically addictive. Addiction is a specific physiological process in the human body. Do you know science at all, or does it hurt your puny brain too much to try to grasp it? Whichever, you can lie and lie over and over, but it won't ever make your lie true.

You were talking about addiction; marijuana isn't addictive, but alcohol is. A person who is alcohol dependent, addicted, has to detox from alcohol under medical supervision or death can easily occur. This is science, too. This information is readily available to a curious mind with a little bit of Google use or a visit to the library.

Or you can just keep lying to yourself and to everyone else. You seem to be pathological, so I'm expecting that you will.
You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
What is the level of cognitive impairment? There is with alcohol, but the drunk can sober up. There is less hope for drug addicts.
Marijuana isn't addictive, alcohol is. You can't die while sobering up from marijuana; it's very easy to die while sobering up from alcohol.

Go read a book: Understanding Marijuana
Everyone dies while sobering up from a beer after work? No.

Everyone that uses pot does so with the intent of getting high. They are addicts. You are a drug addict trying to justify and explain away your addiction. It's not really happening. You neeedddd it. Just go be an addict. You have plenty of company. Just stop explaining. It's unbecoming.
And by the way, everyone who uses alcohol does so with the intent of enjoying a buzz. It's not just "I love the taste of beer" or "I love the taste of wine"; if that were true, then the sales of higher quality beer/wine would be a whole lot higher than the sales of utter swill that millions of Americans consume to get loaded, and for no other reason.
And finally, I don't give a shit if people want to get loaded. Life's a fucking bitch much of the time and there's no reason adults shouldn't be able to get loaded on the substance of their choice. Addiction is a public health issue, not a law enforcement issue. We could spend a fraction of what we are spending on the failed War on Drugs and successfully intervene with treatment of the subset of substance users who become substance abusers/addicts. It's fucking stupid to go after all the people who are able to use drugs in moderation - whether the drug is alcohol or marijuana - when most are able to do so without any problems whatsoever. The only law enforcement should be to prosecute idiots who drive impaired, or commit violent crimes impaired. But if you're not harming others, or committing crimes to feed your drug habit, then what the fuck you do to your body if none of my fucking business - and it's none of yours what I do with mine.

Go watch the video I posted, then tell me what that law enforcement officer had to say that you would refute. But don't refute with stupidity; let's hear some substance out of you.
I haven't smoked pot in over 25 years, but while I would not want to be in a car with a drunk driver, I would not hesitate to be in a car with a stoned driver.
Even my idiot stoner step brother would think you are nuts for saying this.
YOU have refuted nothing

You PARROTED a "study" claiming marijuana badly affects those who smoke it when they get old....

The Rolling Stones are old. They are not badly affected, and Mick Jagger's ability to dance and sing in his 70s is DATA that REFUTES the bogus biased "study" your BIRDBRAIN PARROTED.

It is a highly respected National Health Organization. It encompasses a large number of subjects, so as to have more valid results. Your simpleton approach to science is laughable. I understand you have no real proof and attempting to belittle people is your only defense. Pretty pathetic actually.

Should junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes be illegal? After all those 3 things will kill you a lot faster than marijuana would.
What is the level of cognitive impairment? There is with alcohol, but the drunk can sober up. There is less hope for drug addicts.
Marijuana isn't addictive, alcohol is. You can't die while sobering up from marijuana; it's very easy to die while sobering up from alcohol.

Go read a book: Understanding Marijuana
I understand it is does Trump....
there's no argument for meth either

Pushing "substances" underground has brought us crack, meth, LSD, Xtasy and more.

Had weed been left legal, meth would never have gotten to where it is....

Stop enriching and empowering criminals. Legalize. Put the modern day Al Capones out of business.
Drug laws brought us meth and crack? Your thinking process is why drugs are illegal. Your mind is gone.
Put the bong down, you're toasted.

I see. When busted for having no evidence, you hurl insults... at the pothead who made you look stupid... because you are stupid.
OK, you asked for it...

George Washington Grew Hemp
Although George Washington’s initial interest in hemp was to determine if it could be a viable cash crop, he proceeded to cultivate it just to meet the needs of his own plantation. Hemp was used at Mount Vernon for rope, thread for sewing sacks, canvas, and for repairing the seine nets used at the fisheries.

Washington’s diaries and farm reports indicate that hemp was cultivated at all his 5 farms, (Mansion House, River Farm, Dogue Run Farm, Muddy Hole Farm & Union Farm.) In February 1794, Washington wrote to his farm manager, William Pearce, “…I am very glad to hear that the Gardener has saved so much of the St Foin seed, and that of the India Hemp…Let the ground be well prepared and the Seed (St. Foin) be sown in April. The Hemp may be sown anywhere.

Cannabis sativa vs. Cannabis sativa indica

It must be noted that industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa, -- the kind that Washington grew -- is not the same strain of the plant as Cannabis sativa indica which is used as a drug (marijuana). Cannibis sativa (industrial use hemp) contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and therefore has no physical or psychological effects. Cannabis sativa indica grown for marijuana can contain 6% to 20% THC.

Therefore, there is no truth to the statement that George Washington was growing marijuana. His hemp crop was strictly the industrial strain needed for the production of rope, thread, canvas, and other industrial applications.


Let's ask George... ooops, he's dead.

Did George Washington Really Smoke Cannabis?

"The story goes that Washington's old-timey dentures (made of hippo ivory, gold springs and brass screws) caused so much pain that he turned to cannabis for relief. "

but that cannot possibly be true, because if it was true, then your BEAKED BIRDBRAIN would be wrong... or, more precisely, it parroted another falsehood.

Marijuana has a long history in the US. The reasons for making it illegal were 100% government sponsored lies starting with "Reefer Madness.":

If the reasons were lies.... why do you keep parroting them?
From your source:

"So the first president certainly grew hemp, but there's no proof that he smoked it. Of course that doesn't mean he didn't. It's just that history hasn't provided us with a smoking gun - or pipe - to make that conclusion.

And without that evidence, we might as well speculate that General Washington crossed the Delaware mainly because he got the munchies and the only cure was a slice of tomato pie from Trenton, New Jersey."
Bill O'Reilly hates pot.
He rails against it all the time
Bill works for FOX....
Trump loves FOX and watches all the time...
Trump uses whatever he sees on FOX and makes decisions based on what FOX puts out there.

I'm pissed because I just started investing in companies that are "pot" companies.

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