Still Pissed About Jeb

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trumps game is isolating us internationally

More than Hillary and Kerry did?
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trumps game is isolating us internationally

More than Hillary and Kerry did?

Both strengthened our global alliances

Trump has destroyed them
It is Trump who is destroying long held alliances and surrendering American leadership around the world

Long-held alliances usurped by global socialist nonsense. Sometimes you just need to say no.

And if you're paying attention, it's quite clear Europe is turning in Trump's direction.
Europe will not follow an America led by a despot

Indeed, they will not. :lmao:
Germany and France have filled the void left from Trumps lack of leadership

They are overrun with refugees, and have an angry populace. A matter of time.

Catalonia has inspired other breakaway factions throughout Europe. A matter of time.

Poland has basically told the EU to pound sand on the refugee issue. Austria quite possibly will ship all theirs out.

Etc ...
It just kills me when you people make pronouncements about what it is like in Europe when you have probably never even been there and certainly haven't lived there. You don't understand anything about Catalonia, or Poland, Austria, France, Germany, etc. You are just full of shit. They look at Trump and know their countries are now, without a doubt, superior to the US because they have not been stupid enough to elect a baboon like Trump.
Long-held alliances usurped by global socialist nonsense. Sometimes you just need to say no.

And if you're paying attention, it's quite clear Europe is turning in Trump's direction.
Europe will not follow an America led by a despot

Indeed, they will not. :lmao:
Germany and France have filled the void left from Trumps lack of leadership

They are overrun with refugees, and have an angry populace. A matter of time.

Catalonia has inspired other breakaway factions throughout Europe. A matter of time.

Poland has basically told the EU to pound sand on the refugee issue. Austria quite possibly will ship all theirs out.

Etc ...
It just kills me when you people make pronouncements about what it is like in Europe when you have probably never even been there and certainly haven't lived there. You don't understand anything about Catalonia, or Poland, Austria, France, Germany, etc. You are just full of shit. They look at Trump and know their countries are now, without a doubt, superior to the US because they have not been stupid enough to elect a baboon like Trump.

You have no clue what I have done or where I have been, and I talk to Europeans every day.

It is you whose eyes are distinctively the color of poo. :laugh:
Conservatives complained about Hillary and Bill being too liberal and we got Obama. Liberals complained about Bush Sr. and Jr. being too conservative and we got Trump. I don't think Trump is that Conservative but he is the first President since Andrew Jackson to run against a Washington and win. Perot was anti Washington but did not win.

Democrats had better get someone far more Center of Obama if they want to beet Trump in '20. Biden could be it. We'll see.
Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trumps game is isolating us internationally

More than Hillary and Kerry did?

Both strengthened our global alliances

Trump has destroyed them

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Oh, far more than that. It's a personal vendetta. No authentic Republican would vote for Hillary Clinton. She is the antithesis of classical liberalism.

No such thing as classical liberalism
Only views held by liberals long ago

I am about as pure a classical liberal as it gets There very much is such a thing. Just too few people educated in the wisdom of it.
Do you believe women should vote?

Sure, if they are citizens, of legal age, of sound mind, and informed. However, that has nothing to do with classical liberalism. The Founders didn't give anybody the ability to vote. They left who voted within the various states strictly up to the various states. That's what most identifies classical liberalism, i.e. the ability to decide what sort of society you want and allow the people to govern themselves.
don't know or care about most euro countries but think that you are mistaken about Poland and a few other Eastern EURO countries that are building Walls to exclude muslims Esmerelda .
As a liberal, I have to admit that it's frankly a bit scary to imagine if Jeb Bush would have won the nomination, and were president now.
Imagine how much better shape the GOP would be in?
Imagine how much worse the shape of the country would be. You would hardly notice the difference between him and Hillary.
don't know or care about most euro countries but think that you are mistaken about Poland and a few other Eastern EURO countries that are building Walls to exclude muslims Esmerelda .
Austria built a fence and reported a 99% reduction in Muslim immigration.
just more info , its war between the 'bush's' and President Trump and i am happy to see it !! --- ---
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.


for the last 40 years, dems have claimed neither Bush had class,

now all of a sudden they do?
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trump isn't a globalist. He uses foreigners at his resorts. The number of requests for foreign workers at Mar-a-Largo this year is around 70, up from 64 last year.
All of his stuff is made overseas. He is very much a globalist. He is laughing all the way to the bank at the twerp state.
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.


for the last 40 years, dems have claimed neither Bush had class,

now all of a sudden they do?

Shut up. To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat. I reluctantly voted for the Bushes in the general but I never doubted their character. I would take them over Trump.
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.


for the last 40 years, dems have claimed neither Bush had class,

now all of a sudden they do?

Shut up. To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat. I reluctantly voted for the Bushes in the general but I never doubted their character. I would take them over Trump.
To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat.
boy, do YOU have a wrong number.
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.


for the last 40 years, dems have claimed neither Bush had class,

now all of a sudden they do?

Shut up. To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat. I reluctantly voted for the Bushes in the general but I never doubted their character. I would take them over Trump.
To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat.
boy, do YOU have a wrong number.

Actually I have the right number. It is Trump supporters who have the wrong number and no class to boot.
Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.


for the last 40 years, dems have claimed neither Bush had class,

now all of a sudden they do?

Shut up. To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat. I reluctantly voted for the Bushes in the general but I never doubted their character. I would take them over Trump.
To you anyone who does not genuflect to Trump is a liberal or Democrat.
boy, do YOU have a wrong number.

Actually I have the right number. It is Trump supporters who have the wrong number and no class to boot.

Bud, you haven't been paying attention..

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary...

Neither have any reason to be in the WH

Trump gets impeached?

Don't care.

Pence goes with him?

Care even less.

Ryan takes over n the WH,

will be counting the days til he leaves
As a liberal, I have to admit that it's frankly a bit scary to imagine if Jeb Bush would have won the nomination, and were president now.
Imagine how much better shape the GOP would be in?
Imagine how much worse the shape of the country would be. You would hardly notice the difference between him and Hillary.

In what way? Didn't Bush want to repeal O'care? Didn't Bush want a big GOP style tax plan?

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