Still Pissed About Jeb

As a liberal, I have to admit that it's frankly a bit scary to imagine if Jeb Bush would have won the nomination, and were president now.
Imagine how much better shape the GOP would be in?
Imagine how much worse the shape of the country would be. You would hardly notice the difference between him and Hillary.

In what way? Didn't Bush want to repeal O'care? Didn't Bush want a big GOP style tax plan?
Bush lied about wanting to repeal Obamacare. He also supported amnesty, just like Hillary. I don't recall him having any major tax proposals. I can't recall a single issue where Jeb and his ilk differed from Hillary's position on it.
H. W. really shows his colors here. From him through Obama was an unfortunate series of globalist presidents. Let's not do that again.

Trump Is a ‘Blowhard,’ ‘I Don’t Like Him’ and I Voted for Hillary, George Bush Says in New Book
Oh shame on him for having the decency, intelligence and care for his country not to want a narcissistic, mentally ill, deranged, incompetent, racist, perverted blowhard as US president. Shame, shame, shame.

But enough about Hillary!
As a liberal, I have to admit that it's frankly a bit scary to imagine if Jeb Bush would have won the nomination, and were president now.
Imagine how much better shape the GOP would be in?

Had Jeb! won the nomination, Hillary would be president and Merrick would be a Supreme Court Justice instead of I suspect you are correct...things would be MUCH better for liberals if Jeb! had received the nomination...just like it was better for liberals when McCain and Romney were the nominees.

Jeb Bush would have beaten Clinton. If you take Romney's totals from 2012 and applied them in 2016, that would have been around 262 EV.

How many electoral votes does it take to win? (Hint: it is more than 262!)

Why are libs so intent on flaunting their ignorance?
I think most 'politicians' are upset trump won.

Breaks up the monopoly they had on the office

Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.

If anyone is tacky it is Trump. He is just re-stocking the swamp. When big business tells him to jump he just asks how high. He is putting lobbyists in to oversee the areas they lobby in.

I had a lot of differences when they were President but they have 1 thing Trump will never have. Class. A majority of voters agree with the Bush family.

Nicely recited Democratic talking points but I don't believe a word of it. I will concede that he will never be the poll tested, scripted, polished politician that so many think he has to be in order to be acceptable. (Though the left wing would trash him no matter what his style.)

But it was because he is not that poll tested, scripted, polished politician who plays by the permanent political class rules that got him elected by 60+ million people who didn't want a poll tested, scripted, polished politician as a leader.
He wants the SWAMP to stay in business.
Certainly the permanent political class, of which Presidents Bush 41 and 43, both of whom I like personally a great deal, are a part of, are going to try to undermine and/or destroy somebody who dares to shake up a status quo that has so greatly benefited THEM. The permanent political class has long been interested only in promoting their personal power, prestige, influence, wealth. The only difference between the parties is the constituencies they represent and they throw those constituencies just enough bones to keep us voting them into their very lucrative positions.

And add in the fact that Candidate Trump said something uncomplimentary about their family member, and it becomes even more personal.

Tacky of them to attack a sitting President.

But typical in a book written exactly for the purpose of doing that.
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trump isn't a globalist. He uses foreigners at his resorts. The number of requests for foreign workers at Mar-a-Largo this year is around 70, up from 64 last year.
All of his stuff is made overseas. He is very much a globalist. He is laughing all the way to the bank at the twerp state.

No, he is not a globalist. He is an America first guy, something that Obama absolutely was not. And yes, as a business man he took every advantage the law would allow him. As a business owner, so did I.

However, he is now personally lobbying for better laws, rules, and regs that would make those advantages much less attractive and buying and hiring American and doing business in America much more attractive.

And it is THAT kind of thinking that got him elected President.
Bush was an establishment republican and it was no secret and everyone knew it. The left should have loved him for his globalist agenda and typical reluctance to promote the (conservative) ideals of the republican party but the crazies in the democrat party drifted too far to the left to have a coherent opinion about anything
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Oh, far more than that. It's a personal vendetta. No authentic Republican would vote for Hillary Clinton. She is the antithesis of classical liberalism.

No such thing as classical liberalism
Only views held by liberals long ago

I am about as pure a classical liberal as it gets There very much is such a thing. Just too few people educated in the wisdom of it.
Do you believe women should vote?

Sure, if they are citizens, of legal age, of sound mind, and informed. However, that has nothing to do with classical liberalism. The Founders didn't give anybody the ability to vote. They left who voted within the various states strictly up to the various states. That's what most identifies classical liberalism, i.e. the ability to decide what sort of society you want and allow the people to govern themselves.
Our classical liberal founders only provided the vote to landowners. Women, blacks, Indians did not have full rights as citizens.

Are you cherry picking what their views were?
They are abandoning lifelong party loyalties to make it clear

Trump is not suited to be President

Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trump isn't a globalist. He uses foreigners at his resorts. The number of requests for foreign workers at Mar-a-Largo this year is around 70, up from 64 last year.
All of his stuff is made overseas. He is very much a globalist. He is laughing all the way to the bank at the twerp state.

No, he is not a globalist. He is an America first guy, something that Obama absolutely was not. And yes, as a business man he took every advantage the law would allow him. As a business owner, so did I.

However, he is now personally lobbying for better laws, rules, and regs that would make those advantages much less attractive and buying and hiring American and doing business in America much more attractive.

And it is THAT kind of thinking that got him elected President.
Trump is
America must operate in a global economy. We must cooperate with our allies to lessen our global burden. Our economy depends on other economies

Trumps simplistic global views have destroyed our standing in the world
As a liberal, I have to admit that it's frankly a bit scary to imagine if Jeb Bush would have won the nomination, and were president now.
Imagine how much better shape the GOP would be in?
Imagine how much worse the shape of the country would be. You would hardly notice the difference between him and Hillary.

In what way? Didn't Bush want to repeal O'care? Didn't Bush want a big GOP style tax plan?
Bush lied about wanting to repeal Obamacare. He also supported amnesty, just like Hillary. I don't recall him having any major tax proposals. I can't recall a single issue where Jeb and his ilk differed from Hillary's position on it.
----------------------------------------------- jeb / jebito bush might as well be 'mexican' , his entire family and kids from peasant derived mexican wife 'columba' to his kids identify as being 'mexican' . 'gwb' on guns , he woulda signed the extension of the assault weapons ban which would have limited Semi Auto rifles to Americans and 'gwb' supported Amnesty . Amnesty would help the 'bush's' because it legalizes 'mexicans' to VOTE for the 'jeb bush's' . jeb/ jebito bush and all bush's should be scorned and marginalized . Spanish speaking 'jeb' has a son named 'jorge prescott bush' that is 'land commissioner in Texas due to dumb Texans so the enemy 'bushs' continue their dynasty .
Oh, far more than that. It's a personal vendetta. No authentic Republican would vote for Hillary Clinton. She is the antithesis of classical liberalism.

No such thing as classical liberalism
Only views held by liberals long ago

I am about as pure a classical liberal as it gets There very much is such a thing. Just too few people educated in the wisdom of it.
Do you believe women should vote?

Sure, if they are citizens, of legal age, of sound mind, and informed. However, that has nothing to do with classical liberalism. The Founders didn't give anybody the ability to vote. They left who voted within the various states strictly up to the various states. That's what most identifies classical liberalism, i.e. the ability to decide what sort of society you want and allow the people to govern themselves.
Our classical liberal founders only provided the vote to landowners. Women, blacks, Indians did not have full rights as citizens.

Are you cherry picking what their views were?

The founders didn't view voting as a right, and nowhere did the Constitution say it was a right until the 26th Amendment was passed.
Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trump isn't a globalist. He uses foreigners at his resorts. The number of requests for foreign workers at Mar-a-Largo this year is around 70, up from 64 last year.
All of his stuff is made overseas. He is very much a globalist. He is laughing all the way to the bank at the twerp state.

No, he is not a globalist. He is an America first guy, something that Obama absolutely was not. And yes, as a business man he took every advantage the law would allow him. As a business owner, so did I.

However, he is now personally lobbying for better laws, rules, and regs that would make those advantages much less attractive and buying and hiring American and doing business in America much more attractive.

And it is THAT kind of thinking that got him elected President.
Trump is
America must operate in a global economy. We must cooperate with our allies to lessen our global burden. Our economy depends on other economies

Trumps simplistic global views have destroyed our standing in the world

The United States does not need to get fucked up the ass by global trade deals that don't benefit us in any way.
Something I don't think either would have done had Jeb not been part of the equation.

Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trump isn't a globalist. He uses foreigners at his resorts. The number of requests for foreign workers at Mar-a-Largo this year is around 70, up from 64 last year.
All of his stuff is made overseas. He is very much a globalist. He is laughing all the way to the bank at the twerp state.

No, he is not a globalist. He is an America first guy, something that Obama absolutely was not. And yes, as a business man he took every advantage the law would allow him. As a business owner, so did I.

However, he is now personally lobbying for better laws, rules, and regs that would make those advantages much less attractive and buying and hiring American and doing business in America much more attractive.

And it is THAT kind of thinking that got him elected President.
Trump is
America must operate in a global economy. We must cooperate with our allies to lessen our global burden. Our economy depends on other economies

Trumps simplistic global views have destroyed our standing in the world
------------------------------------------------ GOOD as the USA practices independance and Sovereignty RWinger !!
No such thing as classical liberalism
Only views held by liberals long ago

I am about as pure a classical liberal as it gets There very much is such a thing. Just too few people educated in the wisdom of it.
Do you believe women should vote?

Sure, if they are citizens, of legal age, of sound mind, and informed. However, that has nothing to do with classical liberalism. The Founders didn't give anybody the ability to vote. They left who voted within the various states strictly up to the various states. That's what most identifies classical liberalism, i.e. the ability to decide what sort of society you want and allow the people to govern themselves.
Our classical liberal founders only provided the vote to landowners. Women, blacks, Indians did not have full rights as citizens.

Are you cherry picking what their views were?

The founders didn't view voting as a right, and nowhere did the Constitution say it was a right until the 26th Amendment was passed.
Classical liberals?
Jen or no Jeb

All former Presidents agree Trump is not suited to be President

Of course not. Trump is no globalist. He's not playing their game.

Trump isn't a globalist. He uses foreigners at his resorts. The number of requests for foreign workers at Mar-a-Largo this year is around 70, up from 64 last year.
All of his stuff is made overseas. He is very much a globalist. He is laughing all the way to the bank at the twerp state.

No, he is not a globalist. He is an America first guy, something that Obama absolutely was not. And yes, as a business man he took every advantage the law would allow him. As a business owner, so did I.

However, he is now personally lobbying for better laws, rules, and regs that would make those advantages much less attractive and buying and hiring American and doing business in America much more attractive.

And it is THAT kind of thinking that got him elected President.
Trump is
America must operate in a global economy. We must cooperate with our allies to lessen our global burden. Our economy depends on other economies

Trumps simplistic global views have destroyed our standing in the world
------------------------------------------------ GOOD as the USA practices independance and Sovereignty RWinger !!
Let's see how America first does in Asia

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