Still waiting for those China tariffs

I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding :clap::clap::clap:

Now for all you left losers, keep up. it's called strategy. look up the definition. I know after eight years of never seeing what a leader actually does, we give you a break to soak it all in.
Trump didn't promise to use tariffs as a bargaining chip. He promised to impose tariffs. Has it happened?

It is better to be rigid and get nothing done, or be flexible and accomplish things? Hmm?
in fact, theres waaaaay more shit that was supposed to but didn't ..


As of Tuesday, April 25, Trump has kept six of his 103 promises, including nominating Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court and once-and-for-all stoppingthe Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. In all six cases, Trump was able to act unilaterally.

Who knew there was checks and balances in US government? :dunno:

Who knew that the greatest deal maker that ever lived would be soooo bad at dealing.

Eh, he made a deal. Do you realize how much US coal exports have expanded since?

Do you realize that N. Korea is sanctioned?
Don't keep typing the increased-coal-exports claim. Tell us where you got the statistic. Show proof.

I watched a special last week conducted in a Kentucky coal town... more than a few said they wished they could vote again and vote for Clinton ..a few die hard Trump suckers, not many.

same shit different day in the coal mines.

gee, who knew.
I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding :clap::clap::clap:

Now for all you left losers, keep up. it's called strategy. look up the definition. I know after eight years of never seeing what a leader actually does, we give you a break to soak it all in.
Trump didn't promise to use tariffs as a bargaining chip. He promised to impose tariffs. Has it happened?

It is better to be rigid and get nothing done, or be flexible and accomplish things? Hmm?
If Hillary was President and had broken any promises due to bargaining, you would have highlighted her failure to keep such promise. And don't deny you would have done that or I'll cocksmack your lying ass.
I'd like to know when Donald Trump will impose tariffs against China. Unless, of course, Trumpw as full of shit when he made that promise during the campaign in order to get votes.
Give me an approximate anticipated date for these tariffs, Trump supporters. Please.

Almost everything he said was full of shit. "Lock her up" and then he came out and basically said "I'm not doing you idiots" to his supporters, and they still back him.
I'd like to know when Donald Trump will impose tariffs against China. Unless, of course, Trumpw as full of shit when he made that promise during the campaign in order to get votes.
Give me an approximate anticipated date for these tariffs, Trump supporters. Please.

Almost everything he said was full of shit. "Lock her up" and then he came out and basically said "I'm not doing you idiots" to his supporters, and they still back him.

give him a break .... he didnt know the hardest job in the world would be so hard.

I'd like to know when Donald Trump will impose tariffs against China. Unless, of course, Trumpw as full of shit when he made that promise during the campaign in order to get votes.
Give me an approximate anticipated date for these tariffs, Trump supporters. Please.

Here's a suggestion: Hold your breath until he does, k?
I'd like to know when Donald Trump will impose tariffs against China. Unless, of course, Trumpw as full of shit when he made that promise during the campaign in order to get votes.
Give me an approximate anticipated date for these tariffs, Trump supporters. Please.
You mean like tariffs on Ivanka's products?
Trump signs aluminum and steel tariff order that will take effect this month – but EVERY country on earth will be invited to negotiate exemptions from 'flexible' policy
  • New tariffs of 25 per cent on imported steel and 10 per cent on aluminum will go into effect in 15 days, but Canada and Mexico will be spared from the start
  • Every other nation that has a 'security relationship' with the U.S. will be able to petition for exemptions
  • Senior official said earlier in the day that talk of retail price hikes because of raw material costs is just 'fake news'
  • Confusion reigned overnight in Washington with competing news outlets reporting that Thursday tariff signing was on, then off – or perhaps a maybe
  • Trump tweeted cryptically about a 'meeting' on Thursday, not a signing event, but the White House held the ceremony on schedule
  • Republicans in Congress had warned the president about economic consequences of a trade war, leaving him

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I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding :clap::clap::clap:

Now for all you left losers, keep up. it's called strategy. look up the definition. I know after eight years of never seeing what a leader actually does, we give you a break to soak it all in.
Trump didn't promise to use tariffs as a bargaining chip. He promised to impose tariffs. Has it happened?

It is better to be rigid and get nothing done, or be flexible and accomplish things? Hmm?
If Hillary was President and had broken any promises due to bargaining, you would have highlighted her failure to keep such promise. And don't deny you would have done that or I'll cocksmack your lying ass.

EVERYTHING is about bargaining you dumbasses.
I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding :clap::clap::clap:

Now for all you left losers, keep up. it's called strategy. look up the definition. I know after eight years of never seeing what a leader actually does, we give you a break to soak it all in.
Trump didn't promise to use tariffs as a bargaining chip. He promised to impose tariffs. Has it happened?
just did.
I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding :clap::clap::clap:

Now for all you left losers, keep up. it's called strategy. look up the definition. I know after eight years of never seeing what a leader actually does, we give you a break to soak it all in.
Trump didn't promise to use tariffs as a bargaining chip. He promised to impose tariffs. Has it happened?
just did.
My tariffs aren't against Gina. They are mostly against Canada and our other friends. I hate Canucks. Who doesn't hate Canucks? Canucks sued me, you know. Then the Canuck Supreme Court turned down my appeal a few months ago. Can you believe that? They turned down my appeal. This tariff will teach them not to mess with John Miller David Dennison. MAGA!
I'd like to know when Donald Trump will impose tariffs against China. Unless, of course, Trumpw as full of shit when he made that promise during the campaign in order to get votes.
Give me an approximate anticipated date for these tariffs, Trump supporters. Please.
He's imposed them some time ago, not on everything we import, but, about 37% of what import, as we negotiate a more beneficial trade agreement with them.
China In The Weaker Negotiating Position “It is vulnerable because it is a much poorer country with more fragile political institutions.”

To see why the full picture is more complicated, let’s say the U.S. slaps tariffs on the industrial inputs (whether materials or labor) it is buying from China. It is easy to see the immediate chain of higher costs for the U.S. businesses translating into higher prices for U.S. consumers, and that is what the afore-mentioned studies are picking up. But keep in mind China won’t be supplying those inputs forever, especially if the tariffs remain. Within a few years, a country such as Vietnam will provide the same products, perhaps at cheaper prices, because Vietnam has lower wages. So the costs to U.S. consumers are temporary, but the lost business in China will be permanent. Furthermore, the medium-term adjustment will have the effect of making China’s main competitors better exporters.

Obviously, no final long-run estimates are possible right now. But it is quite plausible that China will bear the larger costs here, not the U.S.

Another risk for China is this: As its access to U.S. markets becomes more difficult, China may be tempted to look to Europe. It remains to be seen whether the European Union will adopt additional protectionist measures, but China must consider that the possibility is more than zero.​

Beijing has been enjoying the benefits of free trade with the West and the domestic political fruits of an increasingly anti-Western foreign policy. It’s time they were made to pick one.
I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)

Nealy all of U.S. coal imports in 2018 were from five countries. The top five source countries of U.S. coal imports, the amount imported, and their percent shares of total U.S. coal imports in 2018 were

  • Colombia—4.06 MMst—68%
  • Indonesia—0.92 MMst—15%
  • Canada—0.77 MMst—13%
  • Russia—0.08 MMst—1%
  • South Africa—0.05 MMst—1%
see China in there anywhere Mari ?


thats because youre AN IDIOT.
I know why, it has to do with Korea and coal.

U.S. coal exports are ramping up. ;)

Nealy all of U.S. coal imports in 2018 were from five countries. The top five source countries of U.S. coal imports, the amount imported, and their percent shares of total U.S. coal imports in 2018 were

  • Colombia—4.06 MMst—68%
  • Indonesia—0.92 MMst—15%
  • Canada—0.77 MMst—13%
  • Russia—0.08 MMst—1%
  • South Africa—0.05 MMst—1%
see China in there anywhere Mari ?


thats because youre AN IDIOT.
Can't make this shit up....

He said fking export you imbecile, not imports. fk I hate stupid.
Trump's tariffs were poorly done, like by someone who has no idea what they're doing, and doesn't even care about the goals he sets.

If he really wanted to shift away from China, and turn to other countries like Vietnam, as he himself has said, he would have announced the tariffs at least a year in advance so the US businesses would have had time to shift and lessen the impact of the tariffs, by developing business contacts that eventually lead to deals with other countries.

But no, he has to run the economy like his businesses.
Trump's tariffs were poorly done, like by someone who has no idea what they're doing, and doesn't even care about the goals he sets.

If he really wanted to shift away from China, and turn to other countries like Vietnam, as he himself has said, he would have announced the tariffs at least a year in advance so the US businesses would have had time to shift and lessen the impact of the tariffs, by developing business contacts that eventually lead to deals with other countries.

But no, he has to run the economy like his businesses.
The economy just posted 3.2% real growth, the first quarter trade deficit with China shrunk by 13% and inflation is so tame that it's well under the Fed's 2% target, job openings far exceed applicants, unemployment is below 4%, wages and manufacturing are growing. Nobody predicted that Trump would pull off these amazing economic feats in the midst of these difficult trade negotiations with China.
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