Stock Market set to tank upon opening.

Seems to me that I have read several posters here that were predicting that by now the Dow would be somewhere around 6000, rather than the 10,500 that we are seeing.

6,000 was where Republican policies left it. It's doing better now under reasonable people.

As of today, it's 10497.88.
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Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, my retirement is half oil stock and half index. That and trading has gotten me rich, at least compared to my modest middle-class start. Zander you cracked on me first, I don't mind cracking back and think the whining about it is funny. Keep telling folks cutting people doesn't increase profit. And maybe only accountants like me will laugh.
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, my retirement is half oil stock and half index. That and trading has gotten me rich, at least compared to my modest middle-class start. Zander you cracked on me first, I don't mind cracking back and think the whining about it is funny. Keep telling folks cutting people doesn't increase profit. And maybe only accountants like me will laugh.

That is not what I said, so if you want to continue to live in a fantasy land. go right ahead. I said this:
Zander said:
The stock market has been going sideways for the last 5 months. The reason is simple - corporations have laid off millions of employees, closed thousands of facilities, and this is creating the illusion that they have "earnings".
then I clarified so that you would better understand me, and said:
Zander said:
In the short term, yes, cutting employees does raise earnings. But after you've cut all you can cut and consumers are still not buying, where will the earning come from then topspin?
of course you ignored the meat of the issue and instead chose to go with a puerile insult. Classy. :cuckoo:
say's the childish grandpaw who had a dozen insults ready and tossed out before he got his head shoved up his ass on People cuts don't raise profits.
Yeah, you did clarify after you were called out and corrected.
Now that's childish, dad I wasn't really running in the hall.
In the short term, yes, cutting employees does raise earnings. But after you've cut all you can cut and consumers are still not buying, where will the earning come from then topspin?

If you are bullish on stocks - by all means buy stocks! Buy on margin. Personally, I think we are headed lower, much lower....

Like, Dow 1000?
Buy stocks if you are bullish. They are not right for me in this current economic climate. As I have stated to you several dozen times, I have no reason to take risks with my money. I value preservation of capital far more than returns at this stage of my life.

But please, by all means do continue to bring strawmen to the discussion. :lol:

PS- Best of luck beating the indexes...of course you'll need it since passive indexing beats 80% of advisers like you year in and year out. Over ten or twenty year periods it gets even worse!! Is it possible to beat index funds? Yes. It’s definitely possible! Of course, it’s also possible to go to a casino, play blackjack for 8 hours and come out ahead. Doesn’t mean we should bet on it. It must suck knowing that a novice with ZERO experience can buy a Vanguard mutual fund with an expense ratio of 0.09% and beat the pants off of so-called "professionals" like you. :lol:

Why are you being an asshat? I asked a question with no malice intended. I simply wanted to know if you think the Dow is going to 1000.

For the record, if it gets to 3000, I'll consider it a win for Prechter. But if it doesn't, then he's just like the guys predicting Dow 36,000 or Dow 100,000 in 1999.

As for passive investing, I agree with you, most professionals destroy value. Mine is the most overpaid profession in the world. I'm up 380% since 1999 whereas the market is flat, and 18% year to date. But that's because I do things vastly different than most professionals. So it doesn't bother me that novices beat the pros. That's what I recommend most novices do.
You know......considering that the dipshits from Jersey Shore rang the opening bell this week, I'm surprised we're still over 10,000.
The point is that Zander hates looking stupid.

The problem is that Zander is stupid.

He proves it almost every time he posts.

Sorry, Zandy, troof is troof.
Massive cuts in social programs for Greece and now the UK....those people can barely survive on their pensions....

Obama sent Giethner and Hillary to China to BEG FOR MORE MONEY!!!!!! Now Obama is trying to get another 300 billion in spending pushed through before his Congress goes on break and it incudes an OFF THE BOOKS WAR SPENDING PACKAGE!!!!!JUST LIKE BUSH

Which they passed, and tacked Domestic Spending on to.


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