stone Found Guilty On All 7 Counts

"So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. Well, what about Crooked Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Shifty Schiff, Ohr & Nellie, Steele & all of the others, including even Mueller himself? Didn’t they lie? A double standard like never seen before in the history of our Country!" - President Trump just now on twitter
LOL! He'll be on twitter all fucking weekend long.
Good thing Trump fired him in Aug. of 2015 .
He only worked for the campaign for 2 months.
Not bad Trump, for not being a politician and not knowing who is and who is not good people in the rotten to the core political gamers.
I'm glad that he got what he deserved.
the Great Douche has fat thumbed on the Stone Trial.

Get them in front of a real Jury, let's see what happens.

You First Great Douche!

When will the Great Douche say he does not know him?
But issues the pardon before he goes to jail?
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Decision by the jury to find Roger Stone GUILTY on all counts shows no one is above the law, including all the President's Men.

Also shows that prosecutors take very seriously the crimes of: \
Lying to Congress
Witness Tampering
Sure seems like a double standard when certain people like Hillary Clinton, John Brennan ,James Clapper and James Comey get away with lying under oath to Congress.

I wonder why that is.
Decision by the jury to find Roger Stone GUILTY on all counts shows no one is above the law, including all the President's Men.

Also shows that prosecutors take very seriously the crimes of: \
Lying to Congress
Witness Tampering
Especially Obama and Clinton appointed prosecutors and judges.
I recall raygoon was involved in illegal thangs.
Now he worked for the Great Douche to keep the crimes going.
Trump Campaign Bought Truckloads Of Donald Jr.’s Book To Make It A Bestseller.
Using campaign funds to enrich one's family?
Sound's like another campaign finance violation to me

How many Dopers are buying Douche Jr's book?
Oh my!!!! Found guilty of 7 PROCESS CRIMES....TRUMPS FAULT!!!! ROTFLMFAO

No rush to pardon. Stone will appeal and stay out of jail in the meantime. On the night of Trumo’s re-election, he should sign a multi-party pardon on the podium after giving his victory speech, for maximum liberal triggering/mass suicides....Manafort, Stone and whoever else the bullshitter got convicted!!

Blow Job Clinton lied to Congress and bribes witnesses to lie on his behalf.....WHAT HAPPENED THERE????
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Decision by the jury to find Roger Stone GUILTY on all counts shows no one is above the law, including all the President's Men.

Also shows that prosecutors take very seriously the crimes of: \
Lying to Congress
Witness Tampering

Oh really! In that case then lets start discussing Hillary Clinton and the many other democtatic stooges right on up to and including Obummer not forgetting some of the other criminal proceedings now underway.
He's still a standup guy. Give Trump his due. The mob can't find guys who stay loyal like him and Manafort.

I don't know much about the guy. I do know he just loves nixon and I think he worked for nixon.

From what I've seen of him he's a lying sack of garbage. He faces up to 50 years but he won't get sentenced to anything near that.

He will appeal and lose, trump will pardon him.
Fifty years for lying to congress JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON DID.

Same exact crime

You're not comparing lying about a blow job to a creating a breach in national security to aid the Russians, are you? Seriously?

Are Russians going to attack us? OMG!!!!! OMG!!!!!
Are they going to come through Canada or Mexico? OMG!!!!!!!

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