Stop Antisemitism

Shiite Iraqi writer describes a Jewish plot to assassinate Mohammed before he was born (and how the Saudi royal family is Jewish)

Here's some insane and quite explicit antisemitism from columnist Ali Al-Khalidi in Iraq's Buraitha News(but not the same person as a popular TV host with that name):

The Jews entered the Arabian Peninsula coming from the West of the Levant, from the land of Jerusalem (now Palestine), after the birth of the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, seeking the impact of the final Prophet, whom Christ preached that after him the messages would be concluded with the Prophet Ahmed.

The Jews indirectly controlled a large part of the political decision-making in the Peninsula and its environs, and they also penetrated the religion since the time of pre-Islamic times, by creating early Israeli narratives and stories about Islam, which were contrary to what previous religions had said about the Muhammadan religion, which preceded the dawn of Muhammadan Islam. Their concern was to reveal the identity of the Final Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and to succeed in killing him in the cradle through a program of assassinations that they had prepared in advance, even though the Jews did not have an explicit military arm there, the Jewish money had a clear influence on the types of weapons used to kill the Prophet, in terms of the types of toxins imported from non-Arab regions.

The Jews continued their path of treachery and deception after the failure of their campaigns against the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, and they repeated this with Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and their secret interference in mobilizing the Arab tribes continued, until the year 1800 AD, when the Jewish Al Saud family was planted with an Arab name to officially control the peninsula.The Arabs, and after the Jewish Sauds tightened their grip on new parts of the Islamic countries, after destroying them in wars using oil money, Hajj and Umrah, began declaring explicit loyalty to the Jews (normalization) through which obedience and subordination were given to the infidels, contrary to what Islam commanded, as God Almighty says in Surat Al-Ma’idah, verse 51: “Do not take the Jews and Christians as allies, allies of one another. And whoever of you befriends them is indeed one of them. Indeed, God does not guide an unjust people.”

The aforementioned noble verse made it clear that whoever takes the Jews as a friend has disbelieved and left the religion of Islam and is no longer his religion....
The final end of the Jews’ guardianship over the necks of the oppressed will be at the hands of the Awaited Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him, as he will purify the earth of their filth and fill it with equity and justice.

Buraitha News might be a second-tier news site but often these types of media reveal what people think far more accurately than the professionally edited major news sites.

Canada’s disgraceful history of covering for and even feting Nazi war criminals is finally receiving the attention it deserves. Yet some mainstream figures are still parroting far-right nationalist propaganda under the guise of resisting “disinformation.”

(full article online)

Firas al-Najim, one of Canada’s most prominent peddlers of anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda, both on social media and in-person, has had his channel removed from TikTok following a series of alerts and complaints lodged by HonestReporting Canada.

Al-Najim is no stranger to controversy; he has been the subject of multiple HonestReporting Canada alerts bringing attention to his activities, as well as that of his colleagues at Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR). Al-Najim has harassed and accosted members of Canada’s Jewish community, picketing community events and screaming at attendees, and has used his social media to disseminate vile disinformation and antisemitic hate.

Al-Najim’s first TikTokaccount, @firasalnajim, was previously removed from TikTok in 2022 following multiple alerts by HonestReporting Canada, but soon re-emerged, having created a new account named: @mahdistreammedia, to spread his vile hatred and disinformation.

Across social media recently and on his new TikTok account, al-Najim used his platform to repeatedly label Jews as Christ-killers, accuse Canada’s Jewish community of manufacturing incidents of antisemitism, ominously called Israel a “cancerous entity,” and filmed himself stomping on an Israeli flag and chanting “Zionism is terrorism. Zionism is racism.” In another recent video, uploaded in September, al-Najim called the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) “the inheritors of the killers of the prophets,” an antisemitic trope he has frequently used and defended Hezbollah and Hamas, calling them “righteous resistance groups.”

Following an HonestReporting Canada alert published in early January, 2023, sent to our 55,000 subscribers across Canada, many of whom reported al-Najim’s content as hateful, his Twitter account, @Islamic_HR was removed less than 10 days later.

For al-Najim, social media was just a reflection of his real-life activities.

One of the first incidents where he came to light was in 2019, when he showed up in a U-Haul cube van and harassed attendees at Toronto’s Walk With Israel event.

Before long, he was regularly seen hounding members of Toronto’s Jewish community at various events and programs.

In September 2022, al-Najim – dressed crudely as an Orthodox Jew – entered an event hosted by UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, where he verbally accosted a Holocaust survivor. “If you’re a Holocaust survivor, why do you support oppression? Why do you support people who are killing,” al-Najim yelled at the woman.

Once inside, al-Najim veered from anti-Israel propaganda into unabashed antisemitism, screaming at attendees, “You think you’re God’s chosen people, you think you’re above the law.”

On Canada Day 2022, al-Najim and a group of supporters descended on an Israeli grocery store in Thornhill, a heavily Jewish suburb of Toronto, harassing shoppers with bullhorns and Palestinian flags, revisiting a location where he had previously called for a boycott in 2019.

According to Thornhill Member of Parliament (MP) and Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Melissa Lantsman, al-Najim’s group yelled “Free Palestine” and shouted antisemitic epithets at Jewish shoppers.

Some of al-Najim’s antics constitute more than harassment.

(full article online)

The J7 statement noted that there had been a “500 percent increase in documented antisemitic incidents” in the United Kingdom since Oct. 7. An analysis published on Monday by the Community Security Trust (CST), the UK Jewish community’s voluntary security organization, said that “at least 320 antisemitic incidents across the UK” had been recorded compared with “47 antisemitic incidents over the same 10 days in 2022.”

“This means that we have seen an increase of 581 percent this year compared to the same period last year,” the CST underlined.

The statement also noted that in “the United States, there have been 107 antisemitic incidents since October 7. In France, the Minister of Interior reported 189 antisemitic incidents, which led to 65 arrests. In Berlin, Germany, Stars of David were painted on the homes of Jews.”

“We expect such worrying reports from other Jewish communities across the globe in the days and weeks ahead,” the J7 warned.

The statement urged governments to continue their denunciations of antisemitism, demanding the prosecution of “perpetrators of antisemitic incidents to the full extent of the law.”

Formed in July on the initiative of the US-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the J7 task force includes Crif, the representative body of Jews in France; DAIA, the umbrella body representing Argentinian Jews; the Central Council of Jews in Germany; the Centre for Jewish and Israel Affairs (CIJA) in Canada; the Board of Deputies of British Jews; and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ).

The J7 is loosely modeled on the G7 intergovernmental forum, which brings together the world’s advanced democracies and specifies a country’s population size as one condition of membership. All the countries represented in the J7 are home to Jewish communities of 100,000 or more.

(full article online)


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