Stop Antisemitism


From "Little Palestine", New Jersey: Islamofacists attack Jewish family, ‘You’re a whore --shout racist-Arabs-- your mother is a whore’.

A Jewish family of four, including a 12-year-old & a 16-year-old, faced verbal and physical assault at the American Dream Mall.
[ All over the world, the world learned nothing but to continue to do what it has always done when it comes to the Jewish people ]

Breslau police received a report of vandalism on the façade of the White Stork synagogue, likely related to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Fakt reported on Tuesday.

Breslau, a city on the Oder River in western Poland, is known for its Market Square which is lined with elegant townhouses and features a modern fountain. The earliest evidence of Jews living in Breslau is a tombstone from 1203. Beginning in September 1941, Breslau’s Jews were driven from their homes and crowded into a ghetto, to be deported a few months later to the death camps.

In 1960 about 1,200 Jewish families were living in Breslau, having returned after the war. After the Six-Day War, most of the Jews who lived in the city immigrated to Israel. About 70 remained in 1990 (Jewish Virtual Library).

The report regarding the devastation of the façade of the White Stork synagogue was received on Sunday, December 31, 2023. It was a graffiti slogan that said, “Israel, criminals and murderers.”

A spokesperson for the local police confirmed that a security employee discovered the act of vandalism. Police suspect it was done by a single individual. Nevertheless, Sebastian Lorenc, the vice-president of Breslau, among other positions, commented on his Facebook page:​

“Unfortunately, the antisemitic rabble has raised its head again in Breslau. Brown cowards have stained the façade of the synagogue. It is pathetic that they are taking revenge on a place that has nothing to do with Israeli policy, but is an important monument on the city map. I will repeat: in our Breslau, there is no place for xenophobia and antisemitism. I hope that the perpetrators will be found by the police.”​

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

So now that the zionist false flag is being revealed , one is considered a racist for questioning it

How is that 'hate speech'?


Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Dr. Sally Kornbluth testifies during a US House Education and Workforce Committee hearing at the US Capitol, in Washington, DC, Dec. 5, 2023. Photo: Graeme Sloan/Sipa USA via Reuters Connect

A computer science lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) resigned from his position on Wednesday because of the campus community’s response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel.

“The past few months, since Oct. 7, have been deeply disappointing to me,” Mauricio Karchmer wrote in a LinkedIn post. “During a time when the Jewish and Israeli students, staff, and faculty were particularly vulnerable, instead of offering the support they needed, the broader MIT community exhibited open hostility towards them. Like many other college campuses nationwide, the institute clearly failed this test.”

Karchmer, who described his last five years at MIT as “very rewarding,” also cited the fact that, in his view, several departments have jettisoned critical thinking in favor of political ideology.

“Some areas of study at MIT seem to prioritize promoting a specific worldview over teaching critical thinking skills. This seems to have been institutionalized in many of MIT’s departments and programs,” he wrote. “MIT has some work to do if it wants to continue in its mission ‘to educate students in areas of scholarship to best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.'”

Like many other US college campuses, MIT has come under fire for the response by students, faculty, and administrators to the Hamas onslaught on Oct. 7, when Palestinian terrorists led by Hamas invaded Israel, murdered 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapped 240 others as hostages. Mounting evidence of atrocities committed during the attack — including systematic torture, rape, and other sexual violence — has shocked the world.

Shortly after the massacre, the MIT Coalition Against Apartheid and Palestine released a joint statement that seemingly rationalized Hamas’ violence. “We affirm the right of all occupied peoples to resist oppression and colonization,” the statement read, adding that the campus groups were “committed to supporting decolonization efforts in Palestine.”

Faculty member Michel DeGraff later lauded the Coalition Against Apartheid’s “moral clarity” and advocacy for Palestinians, which, he wrote in the MIT Faculty Newsletter, “inspires us to honor the humanity of us all — from the river to the sea, from Gaza to MIT.”

The slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — popular among anti-Israel activists, especially in the wake of the Oct. 7 massacre — has been widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of the Jewish state, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

The MIT Coalition Against Apartheid has promoted at least 15 protests since Oct. 7. During one such demonstration, students were arrested after occupying a building for a “die-in.” Jewish and Israeli students decried the protest, reporting that the coalition “physically prevented” them from attending class by forming a “blockade” of bodies in Lobby 7, a space inside the main entrance of the university.

“Instead of dispersing the mob or de-escalating the situation by rerouting all students from Lobby 7, Jewish students specifically were warned not to enter MIT’s front entrance due to a risk to their physical safety,” the MIT Israel Alliance wrote in an open letter to MIT President Sally Kornbluth. “The onus to protect Jewish students should not be on the students themselves.”

In the letter, the students warned that radical anti-Zionism and intimidation of Jewish students on campus has become intolerable and even reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the eve of the Holocaust.

Despite such hostility on campus, Kornbluth said of Oct. 7 shortly after the onslaught that “such a deliberate attack on civilians can never be justified.”

Kornbluth later made national headlines — along with the presidents of Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) — after she was unable to answer whether calling for the genocide of Jews violated MIT’s code of conduct. She said such genocidal calls would only constitute harassment or bullying if they were “targeted at individuals.”

The other two presidents have since resigned, but Kornbluth has received the support of the university board and the deans. Faculty leaders also wrote an open letter to argue that “as educators, we seek to open minds rather than to close mouths. The approach of MIT’s leadership has not been to make lists of what can’t be said, but to talk directly with our students — both in public and in private — about the meaning and consequences of what they say.”

(full article online)

Jews have often noted that conspiracy theories about us openly contradict each other: at one moment, we’ll be accused of being communists; in another, they’ll hate us for being capitalists. But social media today means we live in the era of what I’d call Kitchen Sink Anti-Semitism: Like the movie that cleaned up at the 2022 Oscars, it’s everything everywhere all at once.

A month I ago I wrote about how Israel’s haters love to accuse the Jewish state of genocide because it’s the ultimate way to universalize the Holocaust and deny the particular destructive animus toward the Jews. Since then, such discourse has become ubiquitous: just yesterday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby had to field a question about it at a White House briefing, and there’s even been a lawsuit filed against President Biden for his supposed complicity in the “genocide.”

But then there’s the fact that Princeton University just concluded a semester in which a Near Eastern history course assigned the book by Rutgers professor Jasbir Puar featuring the classic blood libel of Israeli organ-harvesting. As Jonathan Marks noted in COMMENTARY in 2016, Puar herself rejected the “genocide” accusation, saying: “The Jewish Israeli population cannot afford to hand over genocide to another population. They need the Palestinians alive in order to keep the kind of rationalization for their victimhood and their militarized economy.”

And so it is that the Jews are simultaneously guilty of genocide and of perpetuating a multi-generational campaign of evil that precludes genocide. Both of these allegations coexist within the same cohort—academic anti-Semites—in psychopathic harmony.

Much has been made this week of infamous “antiracist” activist Saira Rao communing with the spirit of Joseph Stalin, tweeting: “Realizing how many American doctors and nurses are Zionists and genuinely terrified for Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, South Asian and Black patients — even more than usual. And usually it’s bad.”

This is Stalin’s “doctor’s plot” updated for the DEI generation. After the 1948 death of Andrei Zhdanov, at one time considered a likely successor to Stalin, the dictator began crafting a narrative in which subversive Jewish doctors posed a threat to Soviet leadership, with the requisite arrests and torture that followed such accusations.

Popular progressive activist Bree Newsome defended Rao before coming upon a conspiracy theory Newsome found more exciting. Palestinian-American filmmaker Lexi Alexander posted her reaction to the unsealing of names and documents involved in the sex-trafficking case of the late, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein: “I don’t think the Epstein list is a distraction from the genocide, it (and whatever else Israel has on powerful people) is the reason this genocide was allowed to happen.”

To which Newsome added, “It’s all connected!!”

Yes, we’re just skipping through time here, from the doctor’s plot to the “international pedophile ring” theory. Right-wing influencer Morgan Ariel reached across the aisle to echo the same allegation, though with a Protocols of the Elders of Zion twist: “The Zionist Jews controlling our planet are all pedophiles.” She also added some scholarly gloss: “Read the Talmud and it will all make more sense.”

Far be it from me to suggest Ariel, a self-described “Lioness for Jesus Christ,” may have missed something in all her Talmud study, but we’ll have to agree to disagree.

The Jewish people have been accused of pretty much everything under the sun over the course of human history. And if you scroll through an afternoon or two of political punditry, you’ll see absolutely all of it.

[ If Jews cannot defend themselves in the countries they have lived in, they might as well go to their ancient homeland and help defend it and continue to be the Israel which will not go anywhere, no matter how many times Muslims and Christians try to destroy it. Jews move out, Muslims move in. How good is that for Europe? ]

Freddo Pachter says that in his 17 years coordinating the immigration of French speakers to Israel for the Aliyah and Integration Ministry, he has never seen such high demand — and that includes after events such as the Hyper Cacher supermarket terror attack, the jihadist murders by Mohammed Merah, and the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

The number of requests he is receiving from French Jews has continued to rise since October 7, reflecting the climate of fear, he says.

“Some people tell me that they are afraid of being in France because they are Jewish, and they took down their mezuzahs,” Pachter says, referring to the parchment scrolls affixed to the doorposts of many Jewish homes. “It’s unbearable to live like that, to hide any sign of Judaism when no one is ashamed to say that they are Christian or Muslim.”

Pachter’s observation is more than just a hunch — the Aliyah and Integration Ministry has recorded a 430 percent increase in the number of applications from France since the October 7 onslaught. A number of French Jews confirmed to The Times of Israel that they no longer feel safe in France and feel compelled to hide their kippah or other outward signs of Judaism for fear of being targeted.

“I can no longer see myself living in France with everything that is happening. I am afraid every day for my children, it is no longer a life,” says one mother who lives in Paris and requested to remain anonymous for her own safety.

“October 7 changed everything. I would never have imagined thinking of leaving France for Israel. It may seem paradoxical given the situation in Israel, but at least there we will not have to hide,” says another anonymous French Jewish woman who is seriously considering leaving France in the coming months.

(full article online)

The tactics were out of any anarchist’s handbook. A 33-page manual is circulating with the anti-Zionist crowd outlining tactical manouevres for protests and potential confrontations.

Very concerned with our touching their cars — “personal property” — they were much less concerned with surrounding and shoving and slugging.

A young woman full force slugged my husband on the side of his face, and then ran away. We were outnumbered. But you know, and I know, sometimes you just have to say No.

Enough is enough.

And where were the police while all this was going on? They had to know this group’s plan — they certainly knew mine! They were nowhere to be seen.

When I spoke with the constable that afternoon, I had assured her that I appreciated their concerns and potential for protection.

However, I told her, and I do not stand alone here — the police must not continue to allow these illegal blockades of our streets.

Jews in Victoria are frightened. The father of one of the women with me that night was a survivor of the Shoah. She looked at me and said this feels like 1939.

When you watch the cavalcades of cars blocking airports, or marches of thousands of threatening and yelling pro-Hamas demonstrators, think of what happens if Israel does not fight back.

And as we have watched even our local politicians deny reports of the rape and massacre of Israeli woman — even after an 80-day delay in confirmation by the Israel-hating UN — as Jewish women we feel particularly vulnerable.

We know where hatred, anti-Semitism (a Jew-washing phrase coined by Wilhelm Marr to identify and victimize German Jews) leads. To our rape and murder.

So yes, enough is enough. We want our politicians to also say enough. No more hate-fests on the grounds of the legislature. No more taking over our streets. No more hate-filled cavalcades. No more attacks.

No more screaming and chanting instead of dialogue.

Enough. Enough.

I will attend all upcoming demonstrations. I will hold posters of the Israeli hostages, still illegally held in some dank tunnel in Gaza. We have no idea who is alive and who is dead.

But this Jew is standing up in the face of hate, and saying every week: Enough is enough.

(full article online)

This was flagrant and foul.

A high school girls’ basketball game in Yonkers was canceled this week when players on the home team shot antisemitic slurs at their Jewish opponents, who needed security guards to escort them off the court to safety.

The girl’s varsity teams from The Leffell School, a private Jewish school in Hartsdale, and Roosevelt High School, a public school in Yonkers, faced off in the non-league game Thursday evening.

“I support Hamas, you f–king Jew,” a Roosevelt player snarled at a Leffell opponent, according to The New York City Public Schools Alliance, a group of parents and teachers fighting antisemitism.

From the outset, there was hostility and aggression with “substantially more jabs and comments thrown at the players on our team than what I have experienced in the past,” senior player Robin Bosworth wrote in an op-ed for Leffell’s student-run newspaper, The Lion’s Roar.

At the end of the third quarter, her teammates were getting injured by the rough plays, and “players on the opposing team started shouting ‘Free Palestine’ and other antisemitic slurs and curses at us,” wrote Bosworth, also editor-in-chief of the school paper.

“I have played a sport every athletic season throughout my high school career, and I have never experienced this kind of hatred directed at one of my teams before,” Bosworth said.

“Instead of responding to hatred with more of the same, we chose to separate ourselves from the situation and leave with dignity and pride in who we are and what we believe in,” she continued.

Lion’s head coach John Tessitore consulted with his squad and decided to end the game, according to Michael Kay, Leffell’s head of school.

“Our team was playing on the road, and during the course of the game, a small number of players on the opposing team directed hurtful, antisemitic comments toward members of our team,” Kay wrote in a letter to the school community.

About an hour into the game, a timeout was called, livestream footage shows, though no audio is heard. The Leffell players and Tessitore appear exasperated and he consults with the referees and the other team’s coach.

The Roosevelt players are seen gathering and appear to exchange words from afar with the Leffell players. Security steps in between both teams and the refs make an announcement before both teams suddenly exchange handshakes and security escorts them off the court.

Roosevelt High School agreed to a voluntary forfeit, according to a spokesman for the Yonkers district.

Students at the $ 45,000-a-year private day school were shocked by the on-court hate.

“This is my school and it’s just unacceptable and some of the things they said to my teammates are very disgusting,” one student wrote on the NYCPS Alliance post.

Kay said that Roosevelt’s athletic director Kyle Calabro has since apologized and said “the follow-up would be swift and appropriate.”

On Friday, Roosevelt principal Edward DeChent also apologized to Kay and described the “investigative steps” that had been taken and “outlined a number of disciplinary consequences and educational responses” including the possibility of an in-person meeting between both teams.


Antisemitism roundup, Jan. 3-5​

The Jewish Community of Chile said that Daniel Jadue, the mayor of Recoleta, earned his spot on the Wiesenthal Center’s 2020 top 10 list of antisemitism. Jadue recently referred to Judaism as a “supremacist” religion.

A group of boys reportedly assaulted a Jewish student in London after he refused their demand that he say “free Palestine.”

The BBC is being criticized for failing to include the word “Jew” in a promotion of a film about the Kindertransport.

Bomb threats were directed at six San Diego synagogues and one in Davidson, N.C.

Baltimore police arrested three people—ages 17, 18 and 19—who allegedly robbed and carjacked congregants at gunpoint in the parking lot of Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion, an Orthodox synagogue. The crimes occurred at about 6 a.m. on Thursday, just before morning services.

In Sacramento, Calif., protesters demanded a ceasefire at the state Capitol.

Of the 50 antisemitic incidents in Kentucky last year, the majority took place after Oct. 7, according to a report of the Kentucky Jewish Council to lawmakers.

The Chicago Police Department is investigating the distribution of antisemitic fliers.

Vandals drew swastikas at schools in Alabama and Massachusetts.

While shopping at a mall, a New Jersey family received vulgar antisemitic abuse. One family member was wearing an Israel Defense Forces sweatshirt.

In Newburyport, Mass., residents received antisemitic postcards.

Anti-Israel activists harassed the mayor of Bristol, England, after he expressed solidarity with victims of Hamas terror attacks. In London, two neo-Nazi podcasters received sentences of a combined 15 years in prison for calling for Prince Harry and his son Archie to be murdered.

McMaster University, a public school in Ontario, contains an antisemitic environment, according to a $77 million class-action lawsuit that the Lawfare Project filed on behalf of Jewish students.

Professors resigned at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and MIT in Cambridge, Mass., both citing inadequate responses to Jew-hatred.

Germany fined a teacher about $3,300 for comparing the COVID-19 vaccine to the Holocaust. France fined a soccer player, who reposted antisemitic materials online, about $49,000 and gave him an eight-month suspended prison sentence.

Rev. Al Sharpton led his National Action Network in a protest outside the New York City office of billionaire financier Bill Ackman, who is Jewish and who had said it was an “insult” that Claudine Gay, the recently resigned president of Harvard University, skipped a screening on campus of raw footage from the Hamas terror attacks. (Sharpton infamously helped provoke a pogrom in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., in August 1991.)

The NYPD reported 31 hate crimes in December, an increase of more than 50% from the same time last year but a decrease of about the same amount since the prior month.

Mcdonald’s reported that sales were down in the Middle East and elsewhere due to its perceived support of Israel and those affiliated with the BDS movement.

An Israeli student pursuing a masters degree at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) filed a lawsuit after claiming she faced severe anti-Semitic harassment by peers and a faculty member who targeted her for several weeks.

The plaintiff, Shiran, accuses assistant professor Chun-Shan (Sandie) Yi of issuing a new final assignment in a “Materials and Media In Art Therapy” course just 10 days before it was due, an apparent retaliation for her for filing an anti-Semitic harassment complaint.

“The new assignment required Shiran and her classmates to respond to a collection of images allegedly drawn by Palestinian children that depicted Israeli soldiers engaged in brutal violence,” a press release by Much, the law firm representing Shiran stated.

The prompt for the assignment questioned if students could deal with their own “complicated feelings, internalized racism/ableism/homophobia/supremacy and countertransference” and remain professional while working with clients.

Lawyers for Shiran, who The Daily Wire is referring to only by her first name due to concerns for her safety, say the mother of two is the only student in the course from either Israel or territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority, indicating that the prompt was clearly aimed at her.

“In other words, she is the only student for whom the images could be described as ‘too close to home,’ the statement reads. “The other students did not receive a corresponding assignment asking them to respond to images that might ‘upset’ or ‘trigger’ them.”


An image shared in the lawsuit that Shiran was asked to reflect on during her final assignment. It is from the A Child’s View from Gaza exhibit.ld’

After Shiran reported the assignment, Yi allegedly continued her targeted harassment of Shiran through class-wide emails and changing grading standards, according to the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on December 22.

The lawsuit accuses the school of violating Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and is seeking injunctive relief to prevent further discriminating against Jews and Israelis and money for damages and lawyers fees.

(full article online)

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus said in a statement the legislation sent a clear message there was no place in Australia for those who glorify the Holocaust or terrorist acts.

"This is the first legislation of its kind and will ensure no one in Australia will be allowed to glorify or profit from acts and symbols that celebrate the Nazis and their evil ideology."

Introduced in June and passed in December, the law has taken on new significance amid a surge in antisemitism and Islamophobia following the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, where some 1,200 were killed and 240 taken hostage, according to Israeli officials.

(full article online)

The Quad: "I am an Arab Zionist"
This week, the Quad interviews Rawan Osman - peace activist and the founder of Arabs Ask - a new forum that seeks to debunk antisemitic anti-Israel stereotypes prevalent in the Arab world. Osman details her journey from a Hezbollah admirer who hated Jews to an Arab Zionist who loves the Jewish State.

In addition, the Quad delves into the perseverance and resilience that the Israeli people have demonstrated since Oct. 7th. From farmers in the South to the soldiers in the North; from the women who are making do without their husbands to the hostage families that hold on hope for the deliverance of their family members, Israel's society has shown incredible strength.


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