Stop Antisemitism

[ Some Muslims are totally out of control now. In the name of Allah, Jews must kill themselves ]

Don't tell Surada----she has lived all her life amongst muslims and christians and NEVER HEARD or EVEN READ a single antisemitic word
[ If all of these attacks on Jews and Christian events are not stopped by Governments, they will make the same mistake Israel made by letting things go, and letting them go until.....10/7. It must be nipped in the bud, against Jews, Christians and all others ]

The October 7th attacks in Israel spurned Jew-hatred, anti-Semitic hate crimes, the
normalization of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish attacks and hate speech not seen since the end of World War II.

This year’s 2023 annual Simon Wiesenthal Center Top Ten List of Worst Anti-Semitic Incidents highlights the worst offenders who propagate hate against the Jewish people, including elected officials, UN diplomats, and cultural and academic elite who often legitimize hate.

A newly formed group calling itself “Doctors Against Genocide” has canceled an anti-Zionist protest it planned to hold on Thursday at the US National Holocaust Memorial Museum to call for a ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas, claiming that “parties with ill intentions” mistook the event for an antisemitic demonstration.

“The goal of our event was to visit the Holocaust Museum to express our empathy for the horrors of that genocide. Additionally, we wanted to bring awareness to the ongoing genocide in Gaza,” the group said in a statement on Monday.

“Our initial communication did not sufficiently convey this, leading to misinterpretations and unfounded accusations,” it continued. “As DAG we stand against all hate of vulnerable people, whether that hate comes in the form of antisemitism, anti-Palestinianism, anti-Black hate, anti-White hate, or any other prejudice. Never again for all.”

In a later statement, the group apologized for a “lack of clarity” but continued to imply that the Holocaust is comparable to Israel’s military operations against Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that launched the war with its Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is antisemitic, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which has been adopted by dozens of governments and hundreds of civic institutions around the world. The definition includes examples of anti-Israel bias, such as “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” “denying the Jewish people their right to self determination,” and “applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”

(full article online )

A newly formed group calling itself “Doctors Against Genocide” has canceled an anti-Zionist protest it planned to hold on Thursday at the US National Holocaust Memorial Museum to call for a ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas, claiming that “parties with ill intentions” mistook the event for an antisemitic demonstration.

“The goal of our event was to visit the Holocaust Museum to express our empathy for the horrors of that genocide. Additionally, we wanted to bring awareness to the ongoing genocide in Gaza,” the group said in a statement on Monday.

“Our initial communication did not sufficiently convey this, leading to misinterpretations and unfounded accusations,” it continued. “As DAG we stand against all hate of vulnerable people, whether that hate comes in the form of antisemitism, anti-Palestinianism, anti-Black hate, anti-White hate, or any other prejudice. Never again for all.”

In a later statement, the group apologized for a “lack of clarity” but continued to imply that the Holocaust is comparable to Israel’s military operations against Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that launched the war with its Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is antisemitic, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which has been adopted by dozens of governments and hundreds of civic institutions around the world. The definition includes examples of anti-Israel bias, such as “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor,” “denying the Jewish people their right to self determination,” and “applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”

(full article online )

It's was cancelled two days ago.

A delegation of pro-Israel student leaders from top US universities arrived in Israel last week to discuss growing antisemitism on college campuses. Their testimonies, shared at the Israel Knesset, exposed graphic, and at times violent, experiences of Jew-hatred.

After visiting the southern Israeli communities and speaking with survivors of Hamas’s October 7 attacks and Israeli activists and leaders, including Isaac Herzog and Noa Tishby, the American students met with former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Likud MK Danny Danon.Speaking to The Jerusalem Post, Danon said that one of the biggest challenges student advocates have is that they are often “not facing hate and antisemitism from Palestinian groups. Sometimes they have to challenge the institutions themselves. That’s very hard. And the greatest tool they have is courage. [Speaking] from my experience in the past, be courageous about fighting for Israel, for the Jewish cause. It’s not easy, but it will serve them [students] also in the future when they become leaders in their hometowns.”

(full article online)

Ohio State University has suspended a far left group that calls itself the “Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists” (CORS) for repeatedly violating school rules and using the logo of a Palestinian terrorist organization.

“There is reasonable cause to believe your organization’s activities pose a significant risk of substantial harm to the safety or security of your organization’s members, other members of the university community, or to university property,” a school official told CORS, according to excerpts of the university notice shared by the group. The official also noted that CORS has posted unauthorized flyers, reserved campus space without permission, and ignored their adviser’s several entreaties for a meeting to discuss their conduct.

The story was first reported by The Lantern, an Ohio State campus newspaper.

Ohio State spokesperson Dave Isaacs said among CORS’s several violations, the group disseminated materials that included a logo associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is designated as a terrorist organization by the US and several other countries.

CORS, which in its recent response did not address the university’s accusation that it used the PFLP’s logo and declined to speak on the record about it to The Lantern, charged that pro-Palestinian activism is being squelched and said an event it hosted, titled “Intifada Revolution and the Path to a Free Palestine,” prompted the suspension. The group did not mention that it used the PFLP’s logo in flyers promoting the event.

The word “intifada” has been used as a call for violence against Israel and those who support the Jewish state.

(full article online)

The letter was initiated by the chairman of the lobby, MK Ariel Kallner, (Likud) after an exclusive Israel Hayom report debunked claims of an uptick in settler violence, showing that instead there has been a 50% drop in recent months compared to the equivalent period in 2022.

“The data at our disposal indicates that the scope of these incidents is limited to a very small number of isolated events, which pales in contrast with the vastly larger scope of violent incidents perpetrated by Palestinian Arabs against the residents of these same Jewish communities,” the MKs write. “In fact, the quantity and quality of violent incidents emanating from the Jewish sector in Judea and Samaria is not only minuscule in comparison to Palestinian violence but is also similarly dwarfed when compared to the rate of violent crime in any other community or society,” the letter continues.

Kallner told Israel Hayom that “‘settler violence’ is a modern blood libel that is nurtured and carried out by delegitimizing organizations like B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence, with foreign state funding amounting to millions.” He added that “we all condemn violence, but here we are talking about a combination of blatant lies, data manipulation and false accusations from nothing, all for the purpose of smearing the settler public in order to pave the way for a Palestinian state, as has already been exposed in documents from the New Israel Fund.”

He lamented what he said was a disproportionate focus on settlers that all but ignores the innate Jew hatred across PA Arab society: “This blood libel needs to be cut off at the root. The Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria have for years been subject to violent attacks by an Arab society that largely also supports the Oct. 7 events,” he said. “In addition, these pioneers are today also on the front lines of the Gaza war and even in the north, which is sadly also reflected in the high number of KIAs… from Judea and Samaria communities.

“At this time, we must stand by these residents and not allow delegitimizing entities that also make false accusations against IDF soldiers to defame them. We would welcome a response from the U.S. president and hope that the data on which he relied will be scrutinized thoroughly.”

The letter also asks that the administration make more responsible statements, based on the actual figures, while noting that Israel should be allowed to view the information on which the United States made the accusations.

“Battling violence is an objective that we share—but our efforts must not stray from the facts and the truth. With this in mind, and to be more efficient partners in the battle against violence and vigilantism, we hope that you will kindly share your source material with us,” the letter concludes.

(full article online)

McDonald’s Malaysia is suing the local BDS movement for $1.3 million over its call for a boycott of the fast-food chain due to its supposed support for Israel in its war with the Hamas terror organization in Gaza, Reuters reported Saturday.

The news agency said that according to court papers dated December 19, parent company Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn Bhd alleged that the anti-Israel group incited the public through social media to boycott their eateries by falsely claiming that McDonald’s is somehow tied to Israel’s “”genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza.”

These “false and defamatory statements” has led not only to a loss of income, but even job loss due to closures of some restaurants or shortened hours at others, Gerbang Alaf claimed.

Although identified with the iconic American brand due to its name, McDonalds Malaysia is wholly owned by Lionhorn Company Pte Ltd of Saudi Arabia

(full article online)

Since antisemitism in the Arab world is hitting record levels, one can expect that the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" myth would be widely referred to again.

Sure enough, it is. Here are some mentions in Arabic media in the past month alone.

Popular Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm published a summary of a book in which the Protocols are assumed to be legitimate:

We have reached a stage of weakness and humiliation that is not hidden from anyone. But we are facing the most dangerous people, and even the most hostile, the Jews, who have opposed God Almighty. The Zionist Jews worked to establish a law and a charter of their own, which they called the Protocols, in which they laid out their approach to controlling the world.. which is what the thinker Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud reveals to us in his book. Nazi Israel and the Language of the Holocaust, in which he talks about the Zionists and some of their issues.
Guess what "Zionists" means?

Another popular Egyptian news site, Youm7, shares a recent video where one of their writer describes the "Protocols" in five minutes.

The same site reviews another book, called "International Zionism," which is summarizes this way:

The book International Zionism includes 25 sections: As follows: Zionism before Christ, Zionism from birth to the nineteenth century, Zionism since the Balfour Declaration, International Zionism, International Zionism...their crime against themselves, International Zionism...the claim of persecution, International Zionism and genius, International Zionism and its fifth columns in the fields of politics and economics. , International Zionism and its fifth columns in the fields of culture, International Zionism and its fifth columns in the parliaments, International Zionism and its fifth columns in Eastern politics, International Zionism... its methods in the present era (1), International Zionism... its methods in the present era (2), Zionism Internationalism... its methods in the present era (3), the fanaticism of Zionism in the field of culture and politics, the fate of international Zionism and international causes, the fate of global Zionism and its threatening influence, the fate of global Zionism and its contradictory structure, international Zionism... their fate in their eyes, the fate of international Zionism in the eyes of their friends The fate of global Zionism and the boycott of the Arabs, Zionist colonialism, Zionism and the future, global Zionism.In conclusion, a commentary on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
See? He has nothing against Jews, just Zionists who have been around for 3000 years.

The forgery is also mentioned as fact in this Oman op-ed,

This Lebanese newspaper admits that the Protocols might be fake, but that doesn't really matter:

Regardless of whether the book "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is a real or a fake document promoted by opponents of the Jews to distort them and justify their persecution in Europe, it is certain that some religious leaders and even politicians in Israel are repeating a speech surprisingly similar to what was contained in that book..
Apologists for Arab antisemitism love to say that they didn't treat Jews as badly as Europeans did. This is generally true. But the Arab world really embraced the worst components of European antisemitism, and today they are the main purveyors of the "Protocols."

[ Turkey being antisemitic? The ex Ottoman Empire? No, not possible. But yes, it has always been antisemitic and will not change with the current dictator ]

With a nod from leadership, Shop owners ban Jewish customers, politicians propose bills to freez assets from Turkish citizens with Israeli citizenship and in Northern Cyprus, campaign launched to prohibit sale of land to Jews and Israelis​

(full article online)


Arab celebrities may be even dumber than Western celebrities

We've seen plenty of idiotic anti-Israel Western celebrities like Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon and Cynthia Nixon.

But Arab celebrities may be even dumber.

A Kuwaiti singer known as "Shams" gave an interview on an Egyptian TV channel.

She said, “We are in a time that repeats itself every 2,000 years, and we are currently living in the Age of Aquarius, and these are astronomical and scientific calculations. Over the next 2,000 years, which will begin in 2024, there will be frightening scientific and technological development and high-level achievements, but they will be years of fraud, falsity, lies and deception."

Shams added, “I see that starting in 2024 the world will be divided into slaves and masters based on the dualities of good and evil, male and female, and black and white.”

Shams continued "The reality is that 7 million Jews rule humanity, which numbers 7 billion people, because they control medicine, the media, banks, science, and all the oxygen of life."

Well, there you have it.

How does one stop Antisemitism? Which is another word for Jew hatred .
First it was Judeophobia, and then a German Jew-hater changed the expression to Antisemitism in the 19th century. Nothing changes, It is all the same.

Many groups like to say that Jews are against Israel or against Judaism.

This one seems to be one of them. And there probably are many others, which I will post in the future.

Jew hatred may morph, but the intent is always the same.

Let us try to stop it.

Stop Anti-Europeanism! Whites (and specifically white, straight, Christian white males) are the most hated folks on earth. When are the mainstream lemmings going to fight for us?

Palestinians and Jordanians selling vegetables to Israel, upsetting some

Jordanian newspaperSarrah Newsreports that a "blacklist" has been created of five brokers who are selling tomatoes and cucumbers from Jordan to Israel.

The Jordanian Agriculture Ministry has no tools to stop anyone from selling or reselling those vegetables to anyone who wants them, and according to the article, Israel has suffered a shortage of the vegetables since the Gaza war - both because of no imports from Gaza and the reduction of shipping through the Red Sea. There is also a looming shortage of locally produced vegetables because of fewer foreign workers on farms.

Among the five names on the blacklist are two Palestinian brokers who are linked to a former senior security commander in the Palestinian Authority.

The Minister of Agriculture, Khaled Hanifat, told the brokers that they should be ashamed of themselves. But the law does not allow him to interfere in exports of tomatoes and cucumbers.

The free market always finds a way.

[ Christians and Muslims displaying 2000 years of learned superiority over the Jewish people. It never changes. ]

In mid-November 2023, an alarming uptick in both antisemitism and Islamophobia was observed in New Zealand, as reported by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) and The Disinformation Project. This surge followed the October 7 Hamas massacre, with instances of antisemitic content proliferating on various platforms, including social media and gaming platforms.

Disinformation Project researcher Kate Hannah highlighted the alarming trend of conflating New Zealand Jews with all Israelis and the Israeli government, characterizing these attitudes as not only antisemitic but also xenophobic, fostering division within New Zealand society.

Juliet Moses, the spokesperson for the New Zealand Jewish Council, echoed these concerns, revealing a notable increase in antisemitic threats, including violence, death threats, and extreme abuse, both online and offline since October 7.

One parent commented that their child did not feel safe to claim their Jewish identity at school.

Lisa Ben Haim, a parent of one of the affected Jewish students, said her son had been followed home by a group of children, yelling “Free Palestine – six million Jews were killed by Hitler. Why don’t you die?” He was later barricaded into a room with students on the outside yelling, “Free Palestine” and when the door was opened, one student attempted to assault him with a broom. Lisa says, “I have been distraught about the ongoing episodes and I’m now pretty angry that the school seems unable to provide a safe environment for my 13-year-old son.”

On December 14, 2023, a survey conducted by the Holocaust Center of New Zealand revealed a distressing surge in antisemitic abuse, intimidation, and bullying targeting Jewish children in the country. The findings included instances of physical assault and the defacement of a school shirt with a juxtaposition of a swastika and a Star of David. Traditionally handling approximately two formal antisemitic complaints annually, the Holocaust Center noted a fivefold increase in complaints over the past two months since October 7, 2023.

50% of the parents who completed the survey said their children had been subjected to antisemitism in schools since October 7, 2023. The age range of children affected was 9 – 18 years of age. Only 40% of parents reported those incidents to schools, as one parent commented that the school in question had handled similar incidents badly in the past. Other respondents reported that they prefer to go directly to the parents of the bullying child, their school was ill-equipped to deal with antisemitism.

According to the survey, 40% of the reported incidents involved dehumanizing and demonizing allegations directed at Jews. Such offenses ranged from peers offering Nazi salutes and hurling derogatory slurs like “dirty Jews,” to asserting false claims such as “Jews control the world.” Furthermore, the incidents encompassed disturbing jokes about Jews in gas chambers and perpetuated blood libel accusations that Jews were guilty of “chopping off baby’s heads.”

“Not all incidents involved students,” according to the survey. “On one occasion, a teacher was stood down and has since resigned over their display of antisemitism.”


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