Stop Antisemitism

Hezbollah MP tells EU delegation: "You expelled your Jews to protect your societies, we want to do the same!"

The head of Hezbollah's political party in Lebanon claims that he tried to appeal to European antisemitism for gaining sympathy for his party's positions.

Chief of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, MP Muhammad Raad, gave a threatening speech to Israel on Monday, saying that Hezbollah is not afraid of war, but then revealed what he has told European delegations to Lebanon.

“You expelled the Jews from your countries in order to protect your society, and we have the right to protect our society as well,” Raad says he told the delegations.

In case anyone was wondering whether Hezbollah adheres to a Nazi philosophy, this should clear that up.

This statement was widely reported in Arabic media.

Raad met with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in Lebanon on Saturday, which is presumably when he made this statement.

If Borrell truly cared about peace, he would have publicized Raad's bigotry and said that this is unacceptable under any circumstances. The EU claims to care about antisemitism but when confronted with the Arab and Islamic flavors of Jew-hatred, too many European leaders close their eyes and ears and give it a pass.


The people who block bridges and highways and the Houthis have a lot in common

Tim Black wrote on Spiked:

The Houthis’ attacks might not have had a significant military impact so far, but they have severely disrupted global trade. More strikingly, they have slowly started to thrill some Western leftists. After news broke that the Houthis had seized an Israeli-linked ship in early December, socialist magazine Jacobin painted the Houthis as an honourable anti-imperialist resistance movement. ‘They felt obliged to act’, it opined, ‘because of the strong, historically rooted support for Palestinians among the Yemeni people’.

Since then, the Houthi cheerleading among the left has only become louder. Self-styled ‘progressives’ have taken to expressing pro-Houthi sentiments on social media (Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King even managed to have his X account taken down for doing so). And on New Year’s Eve, pro-Palestine protesters decided to fill the New York City air with a new pro-Houthi chant: ‘Yemen, Yemen, make us proud! Turn another ship around!’

Isn't it wonderful that the socialists who support Hamas also support another woman-hating, gay-hating, Jew-hating Islamist group? A group that has, incidentally, been responsible for the deaths of some 150,000 people?

Sounds like genocide!

But the parallels between the far-Leftist antisemites and the Houthi antisemites don't end there. After all, they share the exact same methods.

The socialists disrupt normal travel in America and Europe, including an attempt to block all traffic to the city with the most Jews in the world. The Houthis disrupt normal commercial traffic in the southern Red Sea. As one news report says, "their targets have increasingly tenuous — or no — relationship with Israel and imperil one of the world's crucial trade routes linking Asia and the Middle East to Europe."
And both of them claim to do it "for Palestine."
We are reaching the point where anyone can do anything they want and they can expect to be supported by the significant number of Jew-haters as long as they claim to be doing it "for Palestine." There doesn't have to be any relationship whatsoever between their actions and helping Palestinians, but the claim is enough to warm the hearts of leftist antisemites.

We have reached a point where the socialists can explicitly support a group whose very slogan says "Curse the Jews."

We are not too far from this. As long as they say it is "for Palestine."

Antisemitic incidents in the US rose by an eye-watering 360 percent in the period since the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in southern Israel reignited the conflict in the Middle East, according to new data released on Wednesday by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

A total of 3,283 antisemitic incidents were recorded across the country by the Jewish civil rights group, compared with 712 in the same period the previous year.

“Since Oct. 7, there was an average of nearly 34 antisemitic incidents per day, putting 2023 on track to be the highest year for antisemitic acts against Jews since ADL started tracking this data in the late 1970s,” the ADL noted in an accompanying statement.

Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL’s CEO, emphasized that the present situation was previously unknown among American Jews.

“The American Jewish community is facing a threat level that’s now unprecedented in modern history,” Greenblatt warned. “It’s shocking that we’ve recorded more antisemitic acts in three months than we usually would in an entire year.”

The breakdown of incidents includes 60 episodes of physical assault and 553 acts of vandalism. More than 1,000 pro-Hamas rallies featured antisemitic rhetoric.

“In this difficult moment, antisemitism is spreading and mutating in alarming ways,” Greenblatt said. “This onslaught of hate includes a dramatic increase in fake bomb threats that disrupt services at synagogues and put communities on edge across the country.”

Many of the incidents recorded by the ADL took place in environments such as schools and shopping malls. Earlier this week, a high school basketball game in Yonkers, NY was canceled after the home team showered their Jewish opponents with antisemitic insults, while a teenager wearing an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sweatshirt was physically assaulted at a mall in East Rutherford, NJ.

Of the total, at least 505 incidents took place on college campuses, and another 246 were reported in K-12 schools. At least 628 incidents were reported against Jewish institutions such as synagogues and community centers. About two-thirds of the total incidents could be directly related to the Israel-Hamas war, the ADL said.

A 44-year-old mother of four children broke down in a French court on Tuesday after she was convicted of daubing antisemitic graffiti on a kosher grocery store in the Paris suburb of Nanterre.

The unnamed woman was arrested on Nov. 21 after she painted antisemitic slogans on the store, among them the word “Jew” accompanied by a Star of David, along with “Gaza” and “Stop Genocide.” The court heard that the defendant had gone out to spray the graffiti on three separate nights during November before she was caught.

Apologizing to the store managers and tearfully denying that her actions were antisemitic, the defendant justified her behavior by claiming that she had felt an awakening within herself after viewing what she said were images of “disemboweled children” in Gaza.

“I wanted to wake up consciences while we are all witnessing a live massacre,” she told the court.

Unimpressed with this line of defense, the court passed a ten month suspended sentence on the woman as well as a total fine of 14,500 euros to cover both the material damage to the store and compensate the management for their distress.

A lawyer representing the store welcomed Tuesday’s verdict.

“My clients and I are extremely pleased and relieved by this decision, both criminally and civilly,” Avner Doukhan told the news outlet Le Parisien. “The judiciary has sent a strong signal to the perpetrators of antisemitic acts.”

The aftermath of the Hamas pogrom in southern Israel on Oct. 7 saw a wave of renewed antisemitism in France and other European countries, with more than 1,500 incidents recorded in France in the seven weeks following the atrocities.

Last month, the Jewish Agency — which coordinates the “aliyah,” or immigration, of Jews to Israel — announced that the number of applications had risen by 450 percent in the weeks following the pogrom. The total number of immigrants heading to Israel from France is 1,200, compared with 220 at the same point last year. Additionally, 1,300 families participated in information evenings organized by the Jewish Agency across France during the month of December.

[ All over the world, the world learned nothing but to continue to do what it has always done when it comes to the Jewish people ]

Breslau police received a report of vandalism on the façade of the White Stork synagogue, likely related to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Fakt reported on Tuesday.

Breslau, a city on the Oder River in western Poland, is known for its Market Square which is lined with elegant townhouses and features a modern fountain. The earliest evidence of Jews living in Breslau is a tombstone from 1203. Beginning in September 1941, Breslau’s Jews were driven from their homes and crowded into a ghetto, to be deported a few months later to the death camps.

In 1960 about 1,200 Jewish families were living in Breslau, having returned after the war. After the Six-Day War, most of the Jews who lived in the city immigrated to Israel. About 70 remained in 1990 (Jewish Virtual Library).

The report regarding the devastation of the façade of the White Stork synagogue was received on Sunday, December 31, 2023. It was a graffiti slogan that said, “Israel, criminals and murderers.”

A spokesperson for the local police confirmed that a security employee discovered the act of vandalism. Police suspect it was done by a single individual. Nevertheless, Sebastian Lorenc, the vice-president of Breslau, among other positions, commented on his Facebook page:​

How sad.
How does one stop Antisemitism? Which is another word for Jew hatred .
First it was Judeophobia, and then a German Jew-hater changed the expression to Antisemitism in the 19th century. Nothing changes, It is all the same.

Many groups like to say that Jews are against Israel or against Judaism.

This one seems to be one of them. And there probably are many others, which I will post in the future.

Jew hatred may morph, but the intent is always the same.

Let us try to stop it.

yes, lets stop it!
Now that Belgium has taken over the Presidency of the European Union, we can observe a very dangerous evolution in Europe for the Jewish people.

Some Belgian Flemish leftist politicians, who do not have a legal majority but are in power, want the Jewish state, Israel, to fall under an international investigation for genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation Caroline Gennez has called on the Belgian government to support the South African submission before the ICJ. She is a member of Vooruit, the Flemish Socialist Party, and has been well-known as an Israel-hater since 2002 (at the 2002 Eurovision song festival, she wantedpublicly to give zero points to Israel.

Gennez is also known for having released several million euro to Palestinian NGOs with clear links to terror groups. Today she compared the war Israel conducts against Hamas to the horrors committed by Nazi Germany, perhaps a mental heritage from what some Flemish Nazi collaborators did in 1942 against the Jews. But Germany is much wiser than Gennez or her ancestors.

Should there be one political party in Europe that should keep a low profile on genocide, it would be the Flemish Socialist Party. The scandalous comparison of Israel's war in Gaza with the Nazi genocide is in itself pure Holocaust denial, and it should shame her even more! It was Flemish Socialist Minister of Foreign Affairs, Willy Claes, in charge during the genocide of around one million Tutsis in Rwanda, who knew what was about to happen and enforced the withdrawal of first the Belgian UN blue-helmet paratroopers and later of all UN troops; it allowed the genocide without any disturbance. It was his Cabinet that, according to declassified U.S. documents, did hide the importance of the ongoing genocide.

Becoming NATO Secretary General, Willy Claes ended up being the only one in the history of NATO to resign, given the corruption accusations. However, he was the first to criticize the Jews and explained that their Holocaust moral credit (6 million deaths) was decreasing because of the 2014 Gaza conflict. He was, despite the corruption and his responsibility in the genocide of the Tutsi, despite his Jew-hatred, reinstated as a candidate for his political party. Maybe is their moral credit not worth a euro cent anymore?

Also worrying with the Belgian Presidency are facts related to NGOs in Belgium, fully supported by the Belgian public press or MSM and subsidized by Belgian federal or other governmental authorities. OXFAM Belgium cooperates with the agricultural affiliate of the terror group PFLP, UAWC, and whose Belgian R.V.H. was deeply involved in the sex scandals in Haiti and elsewhere. But also communist NGOs, such as Vrede or Intal, are supportive of the criminal actions of Assad in Syria or Putin in Ukraine and are dependent on public funds and distribute hate documentation against Israel and even against the Jewish community to schools.

Worse in this Gaza crisis are organizations qualifying as human rights organizations: the Red Cross, as was the case in WWII when it pretended not to know about the 6 million murdered Jews, states now that it does not have information about the Jewish hostages taken by Hamas or by other Gazan organizations, despite the facts that hostages were in hospitals with a heavy Red Cross presence.

Another interesting case in Belgium is Doctors without Borders. Their general manager, Ms Meinie Nicolai, already accepted in 2019 to participate in the "extra festive event" to get a peace price in Caserne Dossin, where more than 25,000 Jews and several Romas were deported to Auschwitz and murdered. Very "well-chosen" location for an "extra festive event." She also promoted on the VRT the "panic cries" of Norwegian activist physician Mads Gilbert in his fauxtographs from a Gazan hospital … in Cairo. About the October 7 cruel and criminal pogrom by Hamas and the Jewish hostages? No word… “un detail sans doute."

One has the right to strongly disagree with Israel's war response against Hamas in Gaza. But it is difficult to understand their position when NGOs do not see Jewish victims for what they are and when governments, such as the one taking over the European Council Presidency, have no consideration for them. Israel is on its own, but at least it is not the same situation when the Jews had no means to defend themselves, not anymore. Now that in that same Europe, Hamas supporters can claim and call for the destruction of the Jewish state, but also for the destruction of all its citizens. Where are those in power who should denounce this hate speech? Caroline Gennez? The Red Cross? Doctors without Borders? Alexander De Croo? Everybody? Somebody? Anybody? Nobody!

Undoubtedly, the Belgian government's behavior has shown it crystal clear: Hamas praised Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo for his November speech while he was at the Rafah border in Israël The scene is perfectly prepared for the anti-Israel and also antisemitic Belgian Presidency of the European Union!
A new study released on Thursday by campus antisemitism watchdog group AMCHA Initiative, titled, “Anti-Zionist Advocacy and Activism of the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Department at University of California Santa Cruz,” provides extensive evidence that UCSC faculty are using their department’s name and University resources to promote propaganda and activism to undermine and ultimately dismantle the Jewish state – in violation of University policy and California law.

UCSC is considered ground zero for the highly politicized, “critical” version of the ethnic studies discipline at the University of California and for efforts to push the discipline into K-12 classrooms

(full article online )

Raised in a radical Muslim household in England, Kasim Hafeez faced an upbringing where his father openly praised Adolf Hitler, instilling in him a deep-seated hatred for Jews and Israel. At one point, Kasim contemplated joining an Islamic terror group in Pakistan.

However, a turning point occurred when he stumbled upon Alan Dershowitz’s book, “The Case for Israel,” initially intending to debunk its contents. As he delved into the book, his perspective gradually shifted, leading to a change of heart.

Now a converted Christian, Kasim advocates for harmony and love towards Israel. He is actively involved in Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a group dedicated to fostering closer ties between Christians and Israel.

(full article online)

South African Jews reacted with outrage on Friday after the country’s governing body for the sport of cricket stripped the Jewish captain of the U-19 national team of his role, citing the “risk of conflict or even violence” as the reason.

Cricket South Africa (CSA) announced that David Teeger, who is Jewish, would no longer captain the side just one week before the opening of the U-19 Cricket World Cup, when teams from 16 nations will compete in South Africa for the sport’s top prize.

In a statement released on Friday, CSA said that its security team had advised “that protests related to the war in Gaza can be anticipated at the venues for the tournament.”

It added that such protests would likely focus on Teeger — an observant Jew and resident of Johannesburg who made his professional cricket debut in 2023, scoring an impressive 51 runs for the South Africa Emerging Players side against North Cape. Teeger was only appointed to the captaincy of the U-19 team last month.

The targeting of Teeger could result “in conflict or even violence between rival groups of protestors,” CSA said. Invoking its “duty to safeguard the interests and safety of all those involved in the World Cup,” it said that Teeger had been “relieved of the captaincy … in the best interests of the players, the U-19 team, and David himself.” Teeger would “remain an important and active member of the team and we wish him and the team every success in the tournament,” CSA concluded.

CSA’s decision — against the background of rising antisemitism in South Africa, widespread support for Hamas in the wake of its Oct. 7 pogrom in Israel, and thecharge of “genocide” brought by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) — provoked fury in South Africa’s Jewish community.

Prof. Karen Milner, chair of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD), told The Algemeiner that CSA’s decision was “an outrageous act of antisemitism.”

“There is no basis for this decision, other than the fact that Teeger is Jewish,” Milner said. “It is shameful that CSA is embarking on a path that is dangerously reminiscent of Nazi Germany, when Jews were actively discriminated against, including among sporting clubs.” She stressed that the SAJBD “would do everything in its power to fight against this vicious prejudice.”

In a separate statement, the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) said it would be calling on the International Cricket Council (ICC), the sport’s global governing body, “to investigate the CSA’s blatant act of discrimination.”

“The ANC [ruling African National Congress] government’s political hostility to Israel and its friendship with Hamas has created a climate in which it is entirely acceptable to target a sportsman because he is proudly Jewish,” the SAZF stated.

Among those expressing sympathy for Teeger on social media was three-time MLB All-Star Kevin Youkilis. “Heart goes out to this young Jewish man,” Youkilis posted on X/Twitter. “The ‘security risk’ excuse is bullshit.”

Former Boston Red Sox star Youkilis also referred to a speech that Teeger made just weeks after the Hamas pogrom, delivered after he received the “Rising Star” Award at a Jewish community ceremony. Teeger paid tribute to the Israeli military, saying, “Yes, I’ve been [given] this award, and yes, I’m now the Rising Star, but the true rising stars are the young soldiers in Israel.” He went on to dedicate the award to “the State of Israel and every single soldier fighting so that we can live and thrive in the diaspora.”

Teeger was being “punished for showing gratitude to the State of Israel,” Youkilis commented.

(full article online)

[ Ignorance which leads to Jew hatred, leads to nothing more than wasted lives ]

The US Department of Justice is seeking the death sentence against Buffalo supermarket shooter Payton Gendron, ABC News reported on Friday after seeing the court filing.

The “United States believes the circumstances in Counts 11-20 of the Indictment are such that, in the event of a conviction, a sentence of death is justified,” the documents read.

The 19-year-old white supremacist pleaded guilty to 15 charges, including domestic terrorism motivated by hate, murder, and attempted murder after conducting a racially-motivated shooting at a supermarket chain in May of 2022. He is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.


Hezbollah MP tells EU delegation: "You expelled your Jews to protect your societies, we want to do the same!"

The head of Hezbollah's political party in Lebanon claims that he tried to appeal to European antisemitism for gaining sympathy for his party's positions.

Chief of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, MP Muhammad Raad, gave a threatening speech to Israel on Monday, saying that Hezbollah is not afraid of war, but then revealed what he has told European delegations to Lebanon.

“You expelled the Jews from your countries in order to protect your society, and we have the right to protect our society as well,” Raad says he told the delegations.

In case anyone was wondering whether Hezbollah adheres to a Nazi philosophy, this should clear that up.

This statement was widely reported in Arabic media.

Raad met with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in Lebanon on Saturday, which is presumably when he made this statement.

If Borrell truly cared about peace, he would have publicized Raad's bigotry and said that this is unacceptable under any circumstances. The EU claims to care about antisemitism but when confronted with the Arab and Islamic flavors of Jew-hatred, too many European leaders close their eyes and ears and give it a pass.

Jews were repeatedly expelled from many countries long before Hitler was born.
Raised in a radical Muslim household in England, Kasim Hafeez faced an upbringing where his father openly praised Adolf Hitler, instilling in him a deep-seated hatred for Jews and Israel. At one point, Kasim contemplated joining an Islamic terror group in Pakistan.

However, a turning point occurred when he stumbled upon Alan Dershowitz’s book, “The Case for Israel,” initially intending to debunk its contents. As he delved into the book, his perspective gradually shifted, leading to a change of heart.

Now a converted Christian, Kasim advocates for harmony and love towards Israel. He is actively involved in Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a group dedicated to fostering closer ties between Christians and Israel.

(full article online)

In Palestine no family is untouched by the Zionists. They have lost homes or farms or friends and loved ones to israeli ambitions. I wish it weren't so.

The Palestinians are becoming as damaged as the European Jews.
The US Department of Education has opened an investigation into a New Jersey school district that has come under fire for what Jewish parents allege is an antisemitic climate since October 7.

The case at Teaneck Public Schools, a diverse district in a heavily Jewish suburb of New York City, adds to a growing slate of federal Title VI civil rights investigations involving alleged discrimination in the months since Hamas launched a bloody onslaught on Israel, brutally murdering 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and abducting roughly 240 more to the Gaza Strip, where many are still being held. Other investigations have been opened at universities and K-12 school districts across the country.

The education department does not say why it has opened an investigation, and the district superintendent’s office did not return Jewish Telegraphic Agency requests for comment.

(full article online)


Calling to murder Jews at London rally

Harry's Place posted a flyer being handed out at the pro-Hamas London rally on Saturday:

This is as explicit a call of support for murdering Jews as "progressives" will say out loud.

Mohammed El Kurd also explicitly called for massacres.

He now claims he meant to say "not normalize massacres."

But right before that he said that "to stand on the right side of history, you must engage with tangible actions, not mere words." What kind of actions is he calling for, if not violence?

He also claimed that "Zionism is a death cult." Well, no Zionists are saying that "we love death like you love life." Those would be the "anti-Zionists."


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