Stop Antisemitism

[ Why expect less from Christians, the inventors of superiority over the Jews?]

Since 2007, we've jeered at the absurd Palestinian accusation that Israeli Jewish settlers are raising (quite unkosher) wild boars just to have them attack Palestinian farmland and people.

Mahmoud Abbas himself has made this accusation. A number of academic papers have discussed this supposed phenomenon of settler-raised wild pigs.

Of course, in reality the wild boars are a problem for everyone in the region. During COVID, they ran wild in the streets of Israeli cities as well.

You can't train wild boars to attack, let alone to distinguish between Palestinian and Jewish-owned crops. As with most antisemitism, it is a conspiracy theory.

Only an idiot or an antisemite would believe these stories.

From Steven Erlanger in The New York Times:
The Palestinians who live in the villages under Homesh and who own most of its land say the settlers are aggressive and violent. Sometimes armed with rifles, the settlers intermittently engage in housebreaking, sheep stealing and vandalism. They chop down olive trees, roll flaming tires down the hills to burn crops and even send boars to dig up Palestinian seedlings and fruit trees, the locals say.

Salah Qararia, 54, showed visitors the broken windows and doors of his house, on his own land perhaps 200 yards down the hill from Homesh. ...[He] has bought some dogs to try to keep the boars away.
There you go. As with anything Palestinians accuse Israel of, the New York Times applies no sanity check.

Surprisingly, wild boars have been a nuisance in Lebanon in recent years as well. No one there is blaming "settlers."

Responding to the scenes at the festival, Israel’s Ambassador in Germany, Ron Prosor, declared in a post on X/Twitter that the lessons from the 2022 Documenta art festival, where a series of antisemitic artworks were on display, had not been absorbed.

“Once again, the German cultural scene showcases its bias by rolling out the red carpet exclusively for artists who promote the delegitimization of Israel,” Prosor wrote.

In a separate statement, the Central Council of German Jews expressed regret that the festival — one of the most prestigious international events in the film world alongside the Venice and Cannes film festivals — was being “misused for ideological agitation against Israel and Jews.

“Hatred against Israel and Jews at German cultural events has become a terrifying regularity,” the council said.

German politicians who condemned the festival included Berlin’s Mayor Kai Wegner, who stated that “what happened yesterday at the Berlinale was an unacceptable relativization. There is no place for antisemitism in Berlin, and that also applies to the arts.” Meanwhile, the German capital’s minister for culture, Joe Chialo, said that the awards ceremony at the festival was “characterized by self-righteous anti-Israeli propaganda.”

(full article online)


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