Stop Antisemitism

[ Where are the threats against Russians? Or Iranians? Or Chinese? Or Turks ? ]


Committing horrible atrocities and murdering, raping, and beheading women and children does mot equal retaliating and removing a terrorist threat from your borders.

Firing deadly rockets into civilian populations with the hopes of killing as many Jews as possible does not equal bombing terrorist infrastructure while dropping pamphlets letting innocent civilians know that they need to evacuate.

Deliberately killing children does not equal children dying because their government used them as human shields.

Innocent hostages being held in inhumane conditions does not equal murderers and terrorists in prison where they get food and all their needs met.

A country that offers equal rights to all religions and is a free democratic state does not equal a barbaric terrorist organization that has one goal and one goal only, to annihilate the Jews.

This one shouldn’t even have to be said (none of them should have to be said, but this one especially.) but a country trying to defend itself from a savage group of terrorists does not equal a political movement that gained popularity by scapegoating the Jews and then exterminating them in concentration camps and gas chambers.

A child who is tragically murdered and beheaded in his bed does not equal a child who tragically died in a war started by his people and often times, with his own family’s participation.

Thank you for joining today’s math lesson. Next lesson is history, which you pro Palestinian folks desperately need a lesson in; maybe even more than math.

Did any of you even go to school?Other subjects in the curriculum include statistics, specifically what happens statistically when people mess with the Jews, geography, and specifically what is real (Israel) and what is made up (Palestine), political science, specifically the story of a people who were completely made up out of thin air and who the world is considering giving a state to despite their open support of terror, and of course, how can we forget, Bible studies in which you’ll learn how the Old Testament, the New Testament, and even the Quran speak about Israel belonging to the Jews.

At the end of your studies, you will receive a diploma celebrating your graduation from being a total ignoramus who doesn’t know better to a Jew hater who knows better, but doesn’t care about the truth.

Third, he waited TWO WEEKS, rented a getaway U-Haul van, and showed up to Dr. Harouni’s office.

This wasn’t a crime of passion from a disgruntled former patient.



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