Stop Antisemitism

That being said, if after October 7th you donā€™t stand with Israel in its war on Hamas, thereā€™s something I have to tell you and Iā€™m sorry to be the one to say it, so maybe sit down for this.

You. Are. An. Antisemite.

Thatā€™s right. There is no scenario in which you side with Hamas after what it did and what it wants to do over and over and you can claim you donā€™t hate Jews.

Not possible.

Itā€™s really pretty simple.

Hamas wants all Jews dead. They donā€™t hide it. They are proud of it.

If you support them, you support another Holocaust. That makes you an antisemite.

Oh, and while on the topic, if you donā€™t think Israel has a right to exist, that means you donā€™t think the Jewish people deserve to come home to their homeland where they are indigenous.

So let me get this straight. Christian countries? Sure. Muslim countries? No problem.

One tiny little Jewish state? Nope. Thatā€™s too much.

So again, no one else will say it. You cannot oppose the existence of Israel and claim you arenā€™t an antisemite.

You support Hamas? Youā€™re an antisemite.

You oppose the state of Israel? Antisemite.

Now that we got that out of the way, you donā€™t want to be just a mediocre antisemite. If youā€™re gonna do it, do it right.

Here are some speaking points and tips for you to take your Jew hatred to the next level. Youā€™re welcome.

1- Read Mein Kampf. Youā€™ll find it to be a fascinating read from one of your role models.

2- Allocate some time on a daily basis to harass random Jews on the streets. Just make sure not to differentiate between Jews who are actual Zionists and love Israel and Jews who have never been to Israel and have zero opinion on the matter. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

3- Make sure to check the Hamas website or social media channels at least 5 times a day for speaking points. Make sure to quote Hamasā€™ casualty numbers as often as possible. Reminder that Israel has killed zero terrorists and every single casualty in Gaza is a woman, a child, a doctor, or a journalist. If you really want to gain some points amongst your peers, head over to your local toy store, buy a doll, color it with a red marker and snap a photo. Share that photo on your social media with the caption ā€œIsrael killed this baby.ā€

4- Go find all the reports about sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas and replace the word Hamas with IDF then tell everyone about it.

5- While youā€™re at the toy store, ask them if they have a mask. Buy it. Cover your face with it. Find an anti Jewish protest in your city and join, while yelling things you donā€™t understand and chanting things that contradict each other (ā€˜Globalize the Intifadaā€™ and ā€˜Ceasefire now.ā€™)

6- Join the BDS movement and boycott all Israeli products. Before you do that though, make sure to throw out your phone, not use the internet, and sell all your computers. You canā€™t use any of thatā€¦

7- Speak to some of your fellow antisemites and come up with some new creative blood libels. Reminder to stay away from ā€œThe Jews control the media and the weatherā€, ā€œThe Jews drink Christian blood and killed Jesus.ā€, ā€œThe Jews are killing Gazans indiscriminately.ā€ Those have already been used. Go crazy. No one will think twice no matter how much you lie, as long as itā€™s a lie about Jews being evil.

8- Tell everyone that Israel is harvesting Palestinian organs and attacking random Gazans trying to find food. That should illicit some good hatred of the Jews.

9- Make sure to accuse Israel of genocide in Gaza but when Hamas rejects yet another ceasefire, make sure youā€™re too busy that day to say a word on social media. Start yelling ceasefire now on the next day. Everyone will forget that Hamas is the one preventing a ceasefire.

10- Make sure to continuously change and deny history as often as you can. Remember; the Holocaust never happened. Neither did October 7th. The Palestinian people are thousands of years old and all they want is a state of their own. Please make sure to ignore any and all facts that you see in a history book. The Jews control those too.

11- One bonus point. Make sure to ignore all conflicts around the world and their casualty numbers. Then keep repeating how the Gaza casualty numbers are unprecedented, even though the truth is, theyā€™re microscopic compared to other wars, even the one in Syria, which is right on Israelā€™s border.

Congratulations. You are now a well trained and highly equipped antisemite. Go buy yourself a drink on me (but Iā€™m a Jew so it might be poisoned.)

"Yes, you can march and protest with passionā€¦

You can demand the protection of civilian lifeā€¦ā€¦but no, you cannot call for violent Jihad.

There is no ā€œcontextā€ in which it can be acceptable to beam antisemitic tropes onto Big Ben in the middle of a vote on Israel/Gaza.

And there can be no cause you can use to justify the support of a proscribed terrorist group, like Hamas.

Yes, you can freely criticise the actions of this government, or indeed any government: that is a fundamental democratic right.

But no, you cannot use that as an excuse to call for the eradication of a State ā€“ or any kind of hatred or antisemitism."

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