Stop Antisemitism

The average monthly incomes in this region:
  • PA: $790
  • Jordan: $500
  • Egypt: $300
  • Lebanon: $150
[ Islam's antisemitism is borrowed from Christian antisemitism. The need to punish the Jews for not converting to Christianity or Islam and keep them as a second class citizen without a chance to sovereignty over their own homeland. Keep attacking them, keep expelling them ]

[Part 1]

I've spent years reading various antisemitic accusations by Muslims in Arabic media. The things blamed on Jews are extensive and wide-ranging. I've mentioned them in this site literally hundreds of times.

I just looked at Martin Luther's infamous 1543 work ,"On the Jews and Their Lies." The style and substance of Luther's crazed polemic resembles today's Arab antisemitism in many ways.

Some examples:

They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hope of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther. … O how they love that book Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope! The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen.

They are condemned because they have God’s Commandment and do not keep it, but act against it without ceasing. …

Be on your guard against the Jews and know that where they have their schools there is nothing but the Devil’s nest in which self-praise, vanity, lies, blasphemy, disgracing God and man, are practiced in the bitterest and most poisonous way as the Devils do themselves.

Even now they cannot give up their insane raving boast that they are the chosen people of God, after they have been dispersed and rejected for 1500 years! Still they hope to get back there because of their own merits. There is no promise for that on which they could lean for comfort, except what they smear into the Scriptures according to their own imagination …

Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen, since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they (the Jews) as can be noticed in their cursed usury.

Since childhood they have devoured such poisonous hatred against the Goyim from their parents and Rabbis, and still devour such without ceasing, that according to Psalm 109, it has gone over into their flesh and blood, bone and marrow, and has become their life and being.

Therefore know, my dear Christian, that next to the Devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. ...In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weiszensee, etc. Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the full, ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. Know this for a certainty and act accordingly!

Should they at times do something good, however, know full well that it is not done out of love for you, nor for your good. In order to have space to live among us they must of necessity do something. But their heart is and remains as I have said.

A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their mugs (mouth) open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are in exile.

Do not their Talmud and Rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is sin if he kills a brother in Israel! It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their usury) from a heathen, is a divine service.

Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us. Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1400 years ago and during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. For nearly 300 years (as stated above) we might well complain that during that time they captured and killed the Christians, which is the clear truth. On top of that, we do not know to this day which Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem!

On top of all that, no one is holding them now. Land and highways are open to them; they may move to their country whenever they care to do so! We would like to add a present in order to get rid of them. They are a heavy burden to us in our country, like a plague, pestilence, and nothing but misfortune.

Whenever you see or think about a Jew, say to yourself as follows: Behold, the mouth which I see there has every Saturday cursed, execrated, and spit upon my dear Lord, Jesus Christ who has redeemed me with His precious blood; and also prayed and cursed before God that I, my wife and children, and all Christians should be stabbed and perish in the most miserable manner—would like to do so himself if he could that he might come into possession of our goods.

Those Jews professing to be surgeons or doctors deprive the Christians who make use of their medicaments, of health and prosperity, for such Jewish doctors believe they find especial favour with their God if they torment and furtively kill Christians.

Part 2

The similarities with how Muslims write about Jews today are uncanny. Claiming that Jews had all the rights they needed in diaspora and are ungrateful; that Jews are oppressing non-Jews, the blood libel, projection that Jews teach hate in these very treatises filled with bile.

Although Muslims always showed disdain for Jews, their hate did not have this kind of intellectual underpinning for antisemitism until they were exposed to Christian missionaries and the schools they built in the Levant in the 19th century. There are a number of articles on Christian influence on building Arab nationalism and spreading other Western concepts, but the Christians of the time were virulently and doctrinally antisemitic, and it seems highly likely that their antisemitic ideas gave an pseudo-intellectual rigor to the Muslims who already disliked Jews.

Being given justification for one's pre-existing hate is a very seductive idea. It is the only explanation for the enthusiasm, huge turnouts and party atmosphere seen in the current anti-Israel protests.

Today, the cross-pollination of antisemitism is coming from all directions - from the Arabs to the Western world, from Russia and Iran and the neo-Nazis. The previous paradigms of pretending that they were only "anti-Zionist" and only against the "occupation" and that they found terrorism abhorrent have been supplanted; the support for antisemitism and even terrorist attacks are now explicit and justified after the fact. The Internet allows ideas from the Soviet Union to easily travel to the far-Right, from the anti-religious Marxists to the devoutly religious Muslims. Arguments no longer take centuries to morph from being used by one type of antisemite to another - it now takes hours.

Luther's short book ended up with a series of actions he recommended all right-thinking Christians should take to counter the pernicious Jews. These included
To burn down Jewish synagogues and schools and warn people against them
To refuse to let Jews own houses among Christians
To burn and censor Jewish religious writings
To forbid rabbis from preaching
To offer no protection to Jews on highways
For all Jews' silver and gold to be removed, put aside for safekeeping, and given back only to Jews who truly convert

Then as now, intellectual antisemitism leads to actions. We are seeing arson and other attacks on Jewish establishments. we are seeing Jews excluded from public spaces, we are seeing attempts to ban any pro-Israel events, we are being told that terrorism is a human right and Jews do not have a similar right to defend themselves. Like Luther, terrorist-supporting media are convinced of the righteousness of their demands. While the progressive protesters are claim they are against violence, their Arab co-protesters have no problem with attacking Jews and the progressives are justifying rather than denouncing their violent cadres.

Maybe we aren't yet at 1939, but it sure sounds a lot like 1543.


I am so sick of Jews apologizing for existing.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for defending themselves.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for the optics of doing what’s right.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for coming back to their eternal homeland.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for fighting back and defeating a cruel terrorist organization.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for winning wars.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for the (tragic but inevitable) innocent people who die in a war that Israel didn’t start and didn’t want.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for speaking up against antisemitism.

I am so sick of Jews apologizing for stating the hard, but sometimes unpopular fact that Israel is fighting a society that is deeply indoctrinated and rotten to the core.

I am so done apologizing.

I am NOT sorry for existing, for defending myself, for the optics of this war, for coming home to my homeland, for waging a war against a cruel terrorist organization, for winning wars, for the innocent people that Hamas is using as human shields in order to maximize civilian deaths (I am sad about it, I truly am, but every one of those people is on Hamas, not Israel.), for speaking up against antisemitism, and for unequivocally stating that Gaza and the general Palestinian society is deeply indoctrinated and rotten to the core (of course there are some innocent people but those innocent people are silent and therefore irrelevant. Besides, thousands of those so-called innocent people took part in October 7th, gave out candies to celebrate Jewish deaths, and/or voted for Hamas. That’s not what I call innocent.)

Israel, contrary to what you were told, has the most moral army in the world. The lengths that the IDF goes to in order to minimize civilian deaths in Gaza are unprecedented and unparalleled.

The ratio between terrorist and “innocent” Gazan killed by Israel is unprecedented and unparalleled.

Dropping pamphlets to let the enemy know where the IDF will attack and when is unprecedented and unparalleled.

Israel and the Jewish people have nothing to apologize for. The Jewish people have been nothing but a source of light in this world.

Between the Nobel prizes won by Jews, Israel’s position as a leading technology superpower (look down at whatever device you are reading this on, and chances are at least part of it was developed in Israel), breakthroughs in medicine, cutting edge cancer treatments and research, rescue efforts across the world, and countless other achievements, the Jewish people have always been a source of bright light.

Sometimes when a light is too bright, if not prepared, it can blind you.

The Jews are done apologizing for their light, and if you don’t like it, either get sunglasses or be prepared to be blinded.

Our light will never go out, no matter how much darkness our enemies bring.

The era of the apologetic Jew who is led to the gas chambers with shaking knees, are over.

Sorry, but we are no longer sorry!
The leader of the two anti-Zionist Harvard University groups which posted an antisemitic cartoon on social media has resigned from his positions, according to an announcement first reported by The Harvard Crimson on Tuesday.

Walter Johnson, who teaches African and African American Studies at, left his role as faculty adviser of the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Committee (PSC) and ended his membership in Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine (HFSJP), of which he was the first founding member.

The announcement follows a controversy prompted by PSC’s and HFSJP’s sharing an antisemitic image depicting a left-hand tattooed with a Star of David, and containing a dollar sign at its center, dangling a Black man and an Arab man from a noose.

PSC told the Crimson that Johnson already planned to resign. HFSJP issued no comment before publication.

“Conversations about Professor Johnson’s stepping down from the position were ongoing,” PSC said. “His term was up in the spring and he had let us know he was not going to renew. This was a personal decision and he remains supportive of our goals as an organization. We are grateful for his time and support and wish him all the best.”

Under Johnson’s leadership, PSC — while scenes of Hamas terrorists abducting children and desecrating dead bodies circulated worldwide — issued a statementblaming Israel for the attack and accusing the Jewish state of operating an “open air prison” in Gaza, despite that the Israeli military withdrew from the territory in 2005. In the weeks that followed, the group stormed the campus screaming “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “globalize the intifada,” terrorizing Jewish students and preventing some from attending class.

Their activities, and the reluctance of the university to stop them, have led to a series of antisemitism scandals and prompted a federal investigation, which is being conducted the US House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce. Other incidents have blighted the reputation of Harvard University, America’s oldest and, arguably, most prestigious institution of higher education. Since the October 7 massacre by Hamas, Harvard has been accused of fostering a culture of racial grievance and antisemitism. Important donors have suspended funding for programs. Its first Black president, Claudine Gay, resigned in disgrace last month after being outed as a serial plagiarist. Her tenure was the shortest in the school’s history.

The Harvard University community has roundly condemned the political cartoon posted by PSC and HFJP.

The Harvard Crimson, which only a year-and-a-half ago endorsed the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, said in an editorial published by its board on Wednesday that it exemplified that “campus discourse has gone toxic.”

PSC apologized, chastising itself for showing “ignorance and inadequate oversight.” Interim Alan Garber, even suggested that the parties involved in sharing the image will be disciplined. The Harvard Crimson noted that it “certainly passed through many hands” before “someone, in the end, pressed post.”

“The members of the [Harvard Corporation] join me in unequivocally condemning the posting and sharing of the cartoon in question,” interim president Garber said in a statement. “The university will review the situation to better understand who was responsible for this posting and to determine what further steps are warranted.”


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