Stop Antisemitism

NYC (W. 72nd)- a man caught tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis charges at an elderly Jewish man and then spits on him!

He yells "Free Palestine" before finally leaving.
June 17, 2024.

Elderly Jewish man spat on in New York by antisemitic vandal.
The incident, which was captured on video and posted to social media by the StopAntisemitism movement, involved a vandal tearing down posters of hostages held by Hamas while shouting "Free Palestine."

i24NEWS, June 18, 2024 at 04:07 PM.


AJC - American Jewish Committee:

We are horrified and outraged by the recent antisemitic incident in France in which a 12-year-old Jewish girl was beaten and raped by three boys in what they say was an act of revenge for reportedly hiding her Jewish identity.

We call on French authorities to swiftly investigate this incident and prosecute the perpetrators to the full extent of the law.

Three French teens suspected of antisemitic rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl
18 June, 2024, 7:59 pm
...They accused the girl’s ex-boyfriend, 12, and two other boys, aged 13 and 14, of leading her into a shed where they beat her and raped her, all while threatening to kill her and insulting her for her religion.

Prosecutors confirmed the incident to the paper. The three suspects are currently under arrest. A gynecological examination confirmed the girl was raped.

French police probe gang rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl in 'antisemitic crime' - report.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. Published: June 18, 2024.

One of the suspected perpetrators of the crime was an ex-boyfriend of the victim who reportedly said he was moved by vengeance after the victim hid from him her Jewish identity.
A 12-year-old Jewish girl reported to the police last week that she had been gang raped by three teenagers aged between 12-14 in what has been characterized an antisemitic crime, according to Le Parisien on Tuesday.

The crime occurred in the Parisian suburb of Courbevoie.

Le Parisien added that the three suspects are set to be brought to court on Tuesday.

Suspect moved by vengeance .

One of the suspected perpetrators of the crime was an ex-boyfriend of the victim who reportedly said he was moved by vengeance after the victim hid from him her Jewish identity.

Furthermore, Le Parisien noted that investigators found in the suspect's phone antisemitic remarks and images, among which were a burned Israeli flag.

An additional suspect told the police, according to Le Parisen, that he hit the victim because she had made negative[sic] comments on Palestine.
Disclosure: The driver who attacked in Bnei Brak: supports terrorists, including a senior Hamas official. [Emran Attoun - Islamist racist-Arab]

Negligence and turning a blind eye: The bus driver who attacked a Jew supports terrorists, the chairman of the KAVIM Workers' Committee was previously suspected of being involved in lynching Jews and lied in court this evening.

Elhanan Gruner, Hakol haYehudi. 7 Sivan 5784 - 19:55 06/13/2024


Emran Attoun's congratulatory message to the imprisoned terrorists, including Ahmed Attoun, a Hamas official.

The serious assault incident in Bnei Brak last week in which an Arab bus driver severely assaulted a Jewish passenger, illustrates the exhaustion of the police, the lack of professionalism, and the deliberate disregard for nationalist suspicions.

Last week, a document was published in which a bus driver was seen severely beating a passenger on the route of the KAVIM Company in Bnei Brak. The footage caused an uproar online and the driver was arrested.

However, despite the Jewish passenger's description that the driver beat him and shouted nationalist and Islamic slogans at him, the police did not investigate the suspicion that this was a nationalist incident. According to the suspicion, the incident started after a passenger accidentally rang the bell, the driver cursed and another passenger who understands Arabic answered him in Arabic. As a result, the driver attacked him with punches, chokes and severe blows.

Support for terrorists..

The driver, according to the HakolHayehudi research, is Emran Attoun, a member of a clan from Tsur in Achar, which is largely identified with Hamas. Checking his Instagram account shows that he himself also expresses support for terrorists. In one post he shared the funeral of Islamic Jihad terrorists who were killed by the IDF.


In another post, he shared photos of terrorists belonging to the clan, led by senior Hamas official Ahmed Attoun, a member of the Hamas parliament who has been arrested by Israel many times and his residency was revoked and he was deported from Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority. Emran Attoun wishes in the post for their release from prison and congratulates them.

Despite this, as mentioned, nationalistic background was not examined. On Friday, the driver was brought to a hearing at the Magistrate's Court where the police asked to extend his detention. The judge requested he was arrested, but the driver's lawyer appealed to the district court where he was released to house arrest.

However, from examining the guarantors who signed the driver's bond and to whom he was released to house arrest, some interesting things emerge.

The Arabs lie in court.
The main guarantor to which Emran Attoun was released to house arrest, is his uncle Saber Attoun. To the questions of the police representative Rector Maimon before the court and after being warned to tell the truth, he claimed that he had no convictions and no criminal record, and therefore it was confirmed that the driver would be under house arrest.

However, the investigation of the HakolHayehudi revealed that about two years ago the same Saber Attoun was convicted of assaulting a Jewish driver on the road in a severe manner and had another criminal record. In addition, in December 2023 during the war, Saber Attoun was arrested in the Jerusalem area for assaulting police officers who wanted to check his vehicle at the checkpoint.

Another guarantor of Emran Attoun, the bus driver, is Mehdi Attoun, his cousin and according to his statement, the chairman of the bus drivers' union at Kavim.

The investigation of the HakolHayehudi revealed that he himself was arrested in 2017 on suspicion of taking part in a mass lynching of Jews who accidentally entered the Sur Baher and attacking policemen.

Kavim company.
It should be noted that this is not the first case of attacks and nationalist events in the company Lines.

About a year ago, we published in the Hakol an investigation about the bus driver Adnan Afifi [עדנאן עוויווי - عدنان عفيفي], who works for the Kavim company in Beitar Elit. In the investigation we showed that Afifi, who seriously injured two Jews who were riding a motorcycle while guarding the walls, is the brother of a terrorist who carried out a stampede attack that was initially silenced as an accident. In addition, he publishes support for terrorists. Despite this, they kept him at work at the Kavim company.

The motorcycle of Haim Segal, a motorcyclist who was injured in a collision with the bus driver Adnan Afifi Abu Razi (courtesy of the photographer)

In the past, the chairman of the previous Kavim workers committee was arrested and questioned along with two other drivers on suspicion of security offenses.

In another case, we revealed that a line driver was convicted of participating in the 2021 riots in Ramla and throwing stones at a policeman and spraying tear gas at another policeman.

Attacks on buses are also not new. In an incident at Modi'in Elit, an Arab driver of the Kavim company attacked a Jewish passenger about a year ago. In an additional euro, an Arab driver on the route of the Kavim company drove against the direction of traffic and hit many cars.

Similarly, we published about Bilal Hamad, an Egged driver from the north who expressed support for suicide terrorists, and Hussam Abu Shahidim, a Shuafat resident and the brother of Hamas terrorist Fadi Abu Shkhaydem who murdered Eliyahu Kay hy"d in a shooting attack in Jerusalem. Abu Shkhaydem served as an Egged traffic driver in the settlements of Binyamin and the Valley.

Following the publications in the HakolHayehudi, the drivers were fired and at Egged even announced that they would consider conducting a background check for the drivers. We note that Hussam Abu Shkhaydem, who was fired from Egged following the publication, moved to work at the "Tnufa" company, and after we contacted the company, we were told that his work there had also been terminated.

Another driver is Muhammad Kraki, who worked for the Superbus company and was accused of humiliating and abused a Jewish boy in Beit Shemesh. The driver ordered him to repeat sentences like "I love Arabs and hate Jews" and created a performance as if he was documenting it. In this case too, the driver was fired after a complaint filed by the Honenu organization.

🚨🚨Update: Weill Cornell Medicine issued a statement condemning Jew hatred, indicating that they are fully cooperating with the NYPD investigation regarding Anas Saleh and conducting their own internal review.

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