Stop Antisemitism

Days after a council member pulled her discretionary funding for the City University of New York’s law school in response to its faculty endorsing a boycott of Israel, the NY City council announced a committee hearing next week to examine a pattern of anti-Semitism on CUNY campuses.

The Council’s Higher Education Committee, led by the council’s Jewish Caucus chair Eric Dinowitz, will hold an oversight hearing called “Examining Anti-Semitism on College Campuses” on June 8.

“The embracement and normalization of BDS by both CUNY students and faculty have fostered an extremely hostile campus environment that has resulted in the more blatant forms of anti-Semitism that are becoming all too common in our city,” said Dinowitz.

(full article online)

Students at Stanford University in California are working to “turn the tables” and foster the narrative of “Palestinian apartheid,” Stanford MBA student Jonathan Rozenberg told i24NEWS.

“College campuses are not a very friendly place for people who are Israeli or Jewish,” Rozenberg said.

“It’s not just during ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ that college campuses are so hostile toward Israel. But it is sort of the climax. They throw around the word ‘apartheid’ to bully anyone who walks around with a kippa or who openly supports Israel. It’s pretty nasty.”

(full article online)

The Charity Commission has confirmed that it has opened an investigation into the National Union of Students’ (NUS) charitable arm, following a letter calling on the regulator to do so from Robert Halfon MP and Campaign Against Antisemitism.

In his letter, Mr Halfon, who is the Chair of the Education Select Committee, wrote to “voice my dismay at the actions and behaviour of the National Union of Students and its trustees, in regards to their treatment of Jewish students and the Jewish community’s concerns regarding antisemitism. Together with Campaign Against Antisemitism…I politely request that the Commission launch a Section 46 inquiry, pursuant to the 2011 Charities Act into the NUS and look forward to receiving your response.”

Mr Halfon enclosed a dossier of evidence by Campaign Against Antisemitism detailing how NUS has failed Jewish students. He wrote that he is “particularly concerned about the enclosed dossier of antisemitic events that have taken place within the NUS over the past several years — and which come following decades of concerning trends — which was prepared by CAA.”

Mr Halfon made particular reference in his letter to the recent scandal involving the rapper Kareem Dennis, known as Lowkey, who was due to headline NUS’s centenary conference last month. After initially dismissing the concerns of Jewish students, who pointed out the rapper’s inflammatory record, the union came under media scrutiny and eventually Mr Dennis withdrew from the event.

As the scandal erupted, Mr Halfon excoriated NUS for failing to send a representative to attend a hearing held by his committee.

This scandal was immediately followed by the election of Shaima Dallali as NUS’s new President, despite her history of antisemitic tweets and other inflammatory social media posts. Prior to the election, she apologised for one such tweet.

As the dossier produced by Campaign Against Antisemitism observes, “Despite [its] ostensible and much-vaunted commitment to anti-racism, NUS has a long record of controversy in relation to Jewish students and antisemitism, dating back decades.

The dossier notes that antisemitism on campus has surged to record levels, with CST recording a 191% increase in antisemitic incidents on campus in 2021, and that Campaign Against Antisemitism’s latest Antisemitism Barometer found that an overwhelming 92% of British Jews believe that antisemitism in universities is a problem.

(full article online)

We are pleased to report that with the help of the entire HonestReporting Canada community, the original account from Firas al-Najim, which had a following of over 8,000 people, and which hosted multiple antisemitic videos, no longer exists on TikTok.

Just days after International Holocaust Remembrance Day, HonestReporting Canada is alarmed to see that a Canadian anti-Israel detractor, Firas al-Najim, used his TikTok account comprised of 8,281 followers, to spew antisemitism and to intimate Jews.

In a video entitled: #StopPalestinianHolocaust, al-Najim says that: “On the Holocaust Remembrance Day, we want to talk about the Palestinian Holocaust that is happening every minute and every hour inside the holy occupied land of Palestine that they call Israel.”

He went on to say that : “Jewish Rabbis… say that Zionists are using the Holocaust Remembrance Day to play a victim role so they can occupy Palestine and hurt the Palestinians…

The description of his video says that: “Antisemitism is a fraudulent card being used & abused by Zionists to justify occupation.”

Al-Najim spread this antisemitic conspiracy theory on TikTok asserting that antisemitism is a fraud that “Zionists” use to justify occupation and that “Zionists” use Holocaust Remembrance Day to “play a victim role” to occupy Palestine.

As it stands, comparing Israeli policies to the Nazis (claiming that Israel is carrying out a “Palestinian Holocaust” I.E. a genocide) meets the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism.

(full article online)

2/3 of anti Semitism is caused by the very own actions of Jews
They can be grating , insufferable, rapacious and crude

I said it
The UK Charity Commission ordered the dissolution of an Arab charity group for spending the bulk of its multi-million pound income on antisemitic and terror-inciting videos, the Jewish Chroniclereported last week.

The commission’s decision ended a two-year investigation of the Dubai-based Peace-TV one of the largest Muslim TV broadcasting networks in the world. The Charity Commission began probing Peace TV when Ofcom, Britain’s media regulator, fined Peace TV £300,000 for airing hate speech and incitement to murder in 2020.

The Peace TV and Peace TV Urdu channels offer programs in Arabic, Urdu, Albanian, Chinese, English and other languages.

(full article online)


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