Stop Calling It Marriage Equality

You pervs toss the term around.

Sex is not the end all be all of marriage because you can have sex without marriage.
Katzndogz thinks marriage is about sexuality rather than the love of two people that bind them together.

It is not the sex, it is the love, katzndogz.
Right------that's why the word "sexual preference" gets thrown about. Who are you kidding ? Marriage has everything to do with sex.

It may have something to do with sex, that's up to the married couple. It has nothing to do with procreation.

I guess you never heard that a couple can put a penny in a jar for every time they have sex before marriage and take one out every time they have sex after marriage. The jar lasts the entire marriage. :lol:
A look at history and the whole "traditional marriage" argument falls apart.

Not to mention that government has no place in our private lives.

Then why are you advocating for the government to force people into homos' private lives?
Geez, democrats are so stupid. They should not be allowed to vote.
So, telling you that you do not get to mandate who a gay person does, and does not marry is "forcing government into homos' lives"?

So, I guess, if were able to get a ban on "dinner table prayer", then you would be against any court trying to overturn that, because you wouldn't want to "force government" into the private lives of Christians, right?

Do you see how stupid your logic sounds?
Are you being obtuse or are you that dense?
I said nothing about preventing anyone from doing anyone. I don't want the government forcing me to acknowledge a homo doing a homo. There are no ramifications that can impact me or anyone else so there is no need for the government to force that. With heteros the creation of another human is the ramification that can affect others so the coercion is relevant. But not with homos.
That is very clear. Now re-read and when you actually get it then respond.
A look at history and the whole "traditional marriage" argument falls apart.

Not to mention that government has no place in our private lives.

Then why are you advocating for the government to force people into homos' private lives?
Geez, democrats are so stupid. They should not be allowed to vote.

Whose homosexual life into which you are being forced, Rosh?
Any homos who are legally married in the name of their homosexuality. Legal marriage forces recognition, subsidization and concessions in the name of homo buttfucking/muffdiving. Why must we all be forced into that activity?
Why does this offend you so much? What effect does this have on your marriage?
Another disjointed, dense response. I said nothing about my marriage. Where did you get that?
Anytime anyone is forced upon you by the government in the name of an absolutely personal and irrelevant behavior everyone should be offended. That is fascism. OK? Get it?
A look at history and the whole "traditional marriage" argument falls apart.

Not to mention that government has no place in our private lives.

Then why are you advocating for the government to force people into homos' private lives?
Geez, democrats are so stupid. They should not be allowed to vote.
So, telling you that you do not get to mandate who a gay person does, and does not marry is "forcing government into homos' lives"?

So, I guess, if were able to get a ban on "dinner table prayer", then you would be against any court trying to overturn that, because you wouldn't want to "force government" into the private lives of Christians, right?

Do you see how stupid your logic sounds?
I don't want the government forcing me to acknowledge a homo doing a homo.
Okay...before I can hope to respond to this, you're gonna need to clarify your meaning of this statement, preferably without the sophomoric characterizations.
A look at history and the whole "traditional marriage" argument falls apart.

Not to mention that government has no place in our private lives.

Then why are you advocating for the government to force people into homos' private lives?
Geez, democrats are so stupid. They should not be allowed to vote.

Whose homosexual life into which you are being forced, Rosh?
Any homos who are legally married in the name of their homosexuality. Legal marriage forces recognition, subsidization and concessions in the name of homo buttfucking/muffdiving. Why must we all be forced into that activity?
Why does this offend you so much? What effect does this have on your marriage?
Another disjointed, dense response. I said nothing about my marriage. Where did you get that?
Anytime anyone is forced upon you by the government in the name of an absolutely personal and irrelevant behavior everyone should be offended. That is fascism. OK? Get it?
See? It's the highlighted part that doesn't make any sense. How, exactly, are they being "forced' on you? They want to marry each other. How, precisely, is that "forcing" them on you?
There is no written intent in the Constitution that restricts marriage to that of opposite sex. Show me where it does if I have missed it, Marty.

Doesn't have to be in there, if its not referred as a federal power, or left to the people, it is the realm of the State Legislatures, pure and simple.
And yet state legislators cannot make laws that take away rights without a compelling reason.
Katzndogz thinks marriage is about sexuality rather than the love of two people that bind them together.

It is not the sex, it is the love, katzndogz.
Right------that's why the word "sexual preference" gets thrown about. Who are you kidding ? Marriage has everything to do with sex.

It may have something to do with sex, that's up to the married couple. It has nothing to do with procreation.

I guess you never heard that a couple can put a penny in a jar for every time they have sex before marriage and take one out every time they have sex after marriage. The jar lasts the entire marriage. :lol:

Well that was just cute as hell-------it MAY have something to do with sex ? Thanks for the confirmation
The queer brigade won't like these NEW poll findings!

Insistent media messages claim surging and overwhelming public support for redefinition of marriage but recent numbers from major surveys and the Census Bureau tell a very different story.

In late September, a Pew Center poll found less than half of respondents – 49% to be exact – saying that they “favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally” – a sharp five point drop since February. Without the biased wording of the question, gay marriage might have received even weaker public backing: if a survey asks you if you want to “allow” other people to do something they say they ardently desire, you’d have to be deeply committed to traditional matrimony to say no. Had Pew asked “Do you want your government to redefine marriage so that male-male and female-female couples are treated identically to traditional marriages?” the response to sweeping change could have been still less favorable.

That’s particularly obvious in light of another surprising result in the poll: a full 50% of respondents agreed with the statement that “homosexual behavior is a sin,” including 77% of black Protestants and a crushing 82% of white Evangelicals. Moreover, the overall percentage of those viewing homosexuality as “sinful” has been soaring, not declining: it’s up from 45% in May of 2013.

Considering the demographics in the 31 states that have so far resisted the nationwide push for gay marriage, it’s tough to imagine that these electorates, with their heavy concentration of Evangelicals and blacks, will endorse government sponsorship of same sex couples at any time in the near future.

New Figures Show Gay Marriage Tidal Wave Is Only a Trickle Truth Revolt

You cannot copy and paste and entire article, only an excerpt. Thanks
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Katzndogz thinks marriage is about sexuality rather than the love of two people that bind them together.

It is not the sex, it is the love, katzndogz.
Right------that's why the word "sexual preference" gets thrown about. Who are you kidding ? Marriage has everything to do with sex.

It may have something to do with sex, that's up to the married couple. It has nothing to do with procreation.

I guess you never heard that a couple can put a penny in a jar for every time they have sex before marriage and take one out every time they have sex after marriage. The jar lasts the entire marriage. :lol:

Well that was just cute as hell-------it MAY have something to do with sex ? Thanks for the confirmation

Yes, may. There is nothing in civil marriage code that says a civil marriage must be consummated...that's religion's thing.
Sexuality and procreative ability and intention are not requirements for marriage.
Katzndogz thinks marriage is about sexuality rather than the love of two people that bind them together.

It is not the sex, it is the love, katzndogz.
Right------that's why the word "sexual preference" gets thrown about. Who are you kidding ? Marriage has everything to do with sex.

It may have something to do with sex, that's up to the married couple. It has nothing to do with procreation.

I guess you never heard that a couple can put a penny in a jar for every time they have sex before marriage and take one out every time they have sex after marriage. The jar lasts the entire marriage. :lol:

Well that was just cute as hell-------it MAY have something to do with sex ? Thanks for the confirmation
Surely your response is not to suggest that sex is about procreation? You don't really believe that is the only reason that people have sex, do you?
Sexuality and procreative ability and intention are not requirements for marriage.

I didn't claim that sex was a requirement. I said sex had something to do with real marriages. You can stop the strawman stuff anytime.
No one...well..few of us, are denying that sex has anything to do with marriage - only procreation. I'm still waiting to hear you acknowledge that there is a difference between the two.
Why in the hell would homosexuals bother with sex if it was only about procreation. Now they can have sex for pleasure within the sanction of marriage.If their spouse cheats on them they also have grounds to sue the hell out of them for divorce. It's very romantic.
It's life, you goof. Get over it.

Oh, and you want to have a laugh? Read vigi's posting above: completely twisted the numbers out of shape.

The issue of marriage equality will have very little effect on the elections.

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