Stop Calling Leftists ‘Liberals’

Conservatives fear change and diversity.

left-wingers make idiotic charges they cant back up
But when we talk about conservatives, "let him die", "feed the poor and they will breed", "anti gay", "anti science", "anti women's rights", "anti education" and so on, we can back it up. The reason we can back it us is video and audio. See how that works? We don't need to make it up, only report it. Two thirds of what the GOP says I couldn't invent. Those thoughts don't occur to me.

NO you CANT back up any of that leftard

that's why NOBODY takes you seriously here

and even the other LWNJs squirm in their seats when you post
Conservatives fear change and diversity.

Liberals embrace complete state control of all human activity
That's one of the more retarded comments from your pie hole. In such an ignorant statement, where do gay rights, women's rights, and other minority rights fit in? It's not liberals who gays fought for the right to marry. It's your kind.

you idiots spew hatred at any gay, or black person, or anybody of color even, if they dare step off the liberal plantation. no dummy no matter how you lool at it libs are still more intolerant. it's very well documented for instance the hatred the Left spews at conservative Black people. at the end of the day the Left seeks to control even the gay mind

idiots and hypocrites
Why do these labels matter so hard? Every few months you hear like...glenn beck say "dont call them liberals theyre progressives!"

Dont call them liberals theyre leftists...

Dont call them leftists theyre socialists..

Commies. .

Etc etc *falls off chair*
Conservatives' hostility toward immigrants, same-sex couples marrying, and transgender Americans are but a few examples of the right's unwarranted fear of change, diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

Hostility towards illegal alien invasions, forced acceptance of (to some) abhorrent sexual practices and the elevation of mental illness to Hollywood stardom is a rather normal reaction among humans.

What you see as change others view as an attack on civilization.
Jones thinks crime and sin should be embraced and admired.
It starts talking about a Bill O'Reilly of FoxNews comment and, in effect, puts the record straight. Here's an excerpt:

Classically, liberalism stands for economic freedom, freedom of expression, civil rights of individuals, and limited government under the rule of law. In fact, in much of the world outside of the U.S., in Europe and Australia and even Canada, it still means that, and is considered “right wing.” But there is nothing “liberal” about the modern American left, or the Democrats’ leadership or base, and there hasn’t been for decades.

I am definitely going to change my definition of liberalism and make darned sure I don't get it mixed up with the Left's socialism and “progressive” outlook.

Read the story @ The left hijacks the word liberal to serve their agenda PJ Media

If you want to go with the scholastic definition of "liberal", that works for me.

But conversely, you shouldn't call yourself a "Conservative".
“Conservatives embrace tradition”

That's being kind.

The fact is conservatives cling to the past, as is typical of reactionaries; indeed, most on the right seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with – an America that was in no way 'ideal' for women, African-Americans, gay Americans, Hispanic Americans, and other minorities.

The fearful, reactionary right and social conservatives are indeed the bane of the American Nation.
Conservatives' hostility toward immigrants, same-sex couples marrying, and transgender Americans are but a few examples of the right's unwarranted fear of change, diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
same sex couples marrying? mean like how California voted that down...twice?....i wonder what the liberals/democrats out here were scared of?...
Conservatives fear change and diversity.

left-wingers make idiotic charges they cant back up
But when we talk about conservatives, "let him die", "feed the poor and they will breed", "anti gay", "anti science", "anti women's rights", "anti education" and so on, we can back it up. The reason we can back it us is video and audio. See how that works? We don't need to make it up, only report it. Two thirds of what the GOP says I couldn't invent. Those thoughts don't occur to me.
what a crock of shit,more dean talk........this coming from a jerk who says shit about people and then does every dance he knows to keep from having to prove say something about someone you should be able to prove it.....see how that works?....dean,more bullshit with every post.....
“Conservatives embrace tradition”

That's being kind.

The fact is conservatives cling to the past, as is typical of reactionaries; indeed, most on the right seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with – an America that was in no way 'ideal' for women, African-Americans, gay Americans, Hispanic Americans, and other minorities.

The fearful, reactionary right and social conservatives are indeed the bane of the American Nation.
Or the poor, elderly, and unfortunate....Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". Lots of pictures for Pub dupes lol...
Conservatives fear change and diversity.

left-wingers make idiotic charges they cant back up
But when we talk about conservatives, "let him die", "feed the poor and they will breed", "anti gay", "anti science", "anti women's rights", "anti education" and so on, we can back it up. The reason we can back it us is video and audio. See how that works? We don't need to make it up, only report it. Two thirds of what the GOP says I couldn't invent. Those thoughts don't occur to me.
what a crock of shit,more dean talk........this coming from a jerk who says shit about people and then does every dance he knows to keep from having to prove say something about someone you should be able to prove it.....see how that works?....dean,more bullshit with every post.....
Example? lol
But when we talk about conservatives, "let him die", "feed the poor and they will breed", "anti gay", "anti science", "anti women's rights", "anti education" and so on, we can back it up. The reason we can back it us is video and audio. See how that works? We don't need to make it up, only report it. Two thirds of what the GOP says I couldn't invent. Those thoughts don't occur to me.

The problem is, as illustrated above, when you talk about conservatives, virtually nothing you claim is true.

You are just demagogues. Slander and libel are the only thing you have to offer.
Slander and libel are the only thing you have to offer
with can count on it....
Conservatives' hostility toward immigrants, same-sex couples marrying, and transgender Americans are but a few examples of the right's unwarranted fear of change, diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
same sex couples marrying? mean like how California voted that down...twice?....i wonder what the liberals/democrats out here were scared of?...
Mormon money scaring the dupes? That's why we have courts, the tyranny of the majority. DONE!
Conservatives fear change and diversity.

left-wingers make idiotic charges they cant back up
But when we talk about conservatives, "let him die", "feed the poor and they will breed", "anti gay", "anti science", "anti women's rights", "anti education" and so on, we can back it up. The reason we can back it us is video and audio. See how that works? We don't need to make it up, only report it. Two thirds of what the GOP says I couldn't invent. Those thoughts don't occur to me.
what a crock of shit,more dean talk........this coming from a jerk who says shit about people and then does every dance he knows to keep from having to prove say something about someone you should be able to prove it.....see how that works?....dean,more bullshit with every post.....
Example? lol
you were not in the thread frankie....dean was and he knows what im talking about.... expect more dancing if he replies to this...
Conservatives fear change and diversity.

left-wingers make idiotic charges they cant back up
But when we talk about conservatives, "let him die", "feed the poor and they will breed", "anti gay", "anti science", "anti women's rights", "anti education" and so on, we can back it up. The reason we can back it us is video and audio. See how that works? We don't need to make it up, only report it. Two thirds of what the GOP says I couldn't invent. Those thoughts don't occur to me.

NO you CANT back up any of that leftard

that's why NOBODY takes you seriously here

and even the other LWNJs squirm in their seats when you post
its all dean talk....will say something personal about you but just cant seem to come up with some proof...but the fucker can dance.....

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